Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 561: Return to the main body: bad luck

Chapter 561 Return to the original body: bad luck~

"Hey, little girl, how dare you rebel?"

Xiao Wu is not angry at all. After all, as an elder sister, you have to give way to your younger sister, right?

Gu Yuena still pointed her middle finger: = "=Protruding!

Before the word "well" appeared on Xiao Wu's forehead, Gu Yuena jumped back and jumped into the lake of life. Before entering the water, she sent a message to Xiao Wu: "I am going to return to my true body. Wait a minute." When I come out again, I will be in my heyday, and then I want to see if you, a damn rabbit, still dare to be arrogant in front of me."

"Tch, let's wait until you find a way to avoid the eyes of the gods." Xiao Wu put one hand on his hips and rolled his eyes.

However, Xiao Wu is not worried about whether Gu Yuena's body will be noticed by the gods after it appears. After all, he created and practiced the Silver Dragon based on Tang San's three-piece Xuantian Technique and the cyclic cosmology of energy, energy and spirit transformation. The Three Xi Jue can perfectly circulate the energy and spirit in the body, and even the divine power can be hidden.

After all, when the Silver Dragon King escaped from the God Realm, he did not turn into a human form, and the gods in the God Realm did not recognize him.

Just waiting for Gu Yuena to come out again, it will probably take a while...

"Sister Xiao Wu, how strong are you now?" The Titan Giant Ape glanced at Di Tian, ​​who had turned into a human form, and asked Xiao Wu quietly, but as a Titan Giant Ape, no matter how low his voice is, Even though it's low, it's as loud as a bell.

Di Tian and others naturally heard it clearly.

Correspondingly, they were also curious about how strong Xiao Wu was at the moment and how she reached such a state.

"It's not that powerful, it's just better than this black dragon~" Xiao Wu made a gesture, with an inch of distance between her index finger and thumb, "It's a little bit stronger than this."

Di Tianweng said angrily: "The Lord should wake up soon. Now, the Star Dou Forest is the strongest, so naturally you have the final say."

"Don't worry, I won't order you to do anything." Xiao Wu saw what the other party was thinking, "After all, I'm no longer a soul beast, so even if I order you, you won't be convinced."

"By the way, I'm sorry just now, but who told you to yell at me before?"

"Rabbit is quite vindictive."

Di Tian didn't look away, he could only suffer the loss of being dumb.

"Da Ming, Er Ming, why don't you turn into human forms and go out with Sister Xiao Wu, it will be good for you." Xiao Wu felt that staying in the Star Forest was not cultivation at all. There won't be any substantial growth between the two, so it would be better to go to Wuhun City with him.

As his little brother, he has to be smarter.

But to Xiao Wu's surprise, these two guys didn't agree immediately. Instead, they remained silent and even sought Ditian's advice.

In the past few years, Ditian has also been giving guidance to the two of them in their cultivation, especially Daming, who is also a member of the dragon clan's alien bloodline, and Ditian has taken special care of him.

If you transform into a human and practice cultivation again, you can't use the dragon blood as the basis, but you need to use the martial soul as the basis.

Although the most powerful beast soul masters among humans also pay attention to bloodline, after all, it is different from the bloodline of the soul beast itself, so Daming is not willing.

And what about Er Ming?

He likes fighting. Although he can't beat Di Tian, ​​he has Xiong Jun as his training partner. This guy also has a bad temper. The two often fight, which can stimulate the blood of the Titan ape and make him continue to grow, so he is not willing to leave. Star Forest.

"You two really... became human beings. Only with the guidance of Third Brother can you become stronger." Xiao Wu hated iron and even felt that Da Ming, Er Ming, Di Tian and others had become disobedient after staying around for too long. Now...could it be the so-called rebellious period?

Thinking of this, Xiao Wu felt that she shouldn't push too hard, and just said: "In that case, forget it, you can wait until Gu Yuena comes out again." When Xiao Wu left the core area of ​​the Star Dou Forest, all the murderers The beasts all looked thoughtful, but except for Di Tian and Bi Ji who thought for more than half an hour, most of the other ferocious beasts gave up thinking after three to ten minutes, especially Mr. Xiong. I wonder what kind of soul beast I will catch for dessert later.

"Everyone, please go back to your respective territories. The energy of heaven and earth in the Star Dou Forest is stronger than before. Pay attention when practicing. It will not be easy to survive the catastrophe." Di Tian felt inexplicable when he saw the other ferocious beasts in a daze and making small movements. A hint of irritation arose and they were asked to retreat.

"Di Tian, ​​what are you worried about?" After the other ferocious beasts retreated, Biji asked in confusion, "Is it what Xiao Wu said?"

"Do you really have to choose between soul beasts and humans?" Di Tian sighed and looked down at his ten human-shaped fingers. "Why can a hundred thousand year old soul beast turn into a human body? Why are we so cruel?" Can beasts transform into human form? Why can we instinctively transform into human form?"

"I had this question before I met you, but I never thought about it. But this time, when Xiao Wu put forward her opinion, I thought about it again and was confused."

"One thing we have to admit is that from the perspective of continuing the bloodline, the birth of wisdom is indeed dispensable for us soul beasts."

"Perhaps, human beings are the goal of all intelligent life."

Brigitte didn't quite understand, and just said: "Di Tian, ​​don't think too much, the Lord will definitely give us guidance."

"hope so."

Di Tian's tone was deep, and he turned around to look at the quiet Lake of Life... There was one thing that he did not tell Brigitte and the other beasts, and that was that the Lord just now was different from the one he first saw. Less of the majesty of the Dragon King, but more of the easy-going nature.

Can the human world be changed even by the Lord?

At this moment, Ditian truly felt fear and a trace of curiosity towards human beings...

"I hope it's my imagination."

As for Gu Yuena, who returned to her true form, her memories of living in the human world for many years were recorded like ink on that huge piece of white paper.

The richness of the human world awakened the consciousness of the Silver Dragon King and combined with Gu Yuena, but in the end it was Gu Yuena who took the lead.

In terms of time, Gu Yuena's age in the human world was only a drop in the ocean compared to that of the Silver Dragon King. Her memory should have dissipated quickly like a drop of ink dropped into a vat of clear water.

However, the Silver Dragon King has been seriously injured since his birth and has been in a deep sleep ever since. His personality is so simple that after Gu Yuena's drop of "ink" was dropped into it, it spread like a virus in an instant, turning a tank of The clear water was dyed black.

"Tang San, an interesting little guy, an interesting human being, and—"

The Silver Dragon King opened his eyes, showing a hint of shame, "That dead rabbit, wait for me, I will make you kneel down and call me sister from now on!"

"However, the Star Dou Forest doesn't seem to be as prosperous as the human world. It seems that for some time in the future, we won't be able to eat the candied hawsers bought by Tang San."


(End of this chapter)

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