Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 564: Make the sun and moon stand? Start by sweeping the floor!

Chapter 564: Make the sun and moon stand? Start by sweeping the floor!
"I'm not good at this."

Tang San was helpless. He was engaged in research, so don't ask him about everything. The Sun and Moon Empire was just another Star Luo Empire without Xu Huang, and it was still far overseas. The best thing to do was to be on guard. .

As for the exchanges between the two continents——

"But if the Pope really wants to hear it, then I think you still need to agree and communicate with each other. It can also be regarded as communication and exchange between the two continents, which will help promote the development of our side."

"Secondly, they can come to us, and our people can come to theirs."

"Although cars can be built behind closed doors, times are developing and soul guidance technology is advancing. Cars built behind closed doors can run, but their running speed may not be as fast as others."

Bibi Dong nodded: "I have the same idea. I will send a letter to Xue Renxue when the time comes."

"Who is Xue Renxue?" Tang San frowned slightly and didn't react for a moment.

"That's Qian Renxue. Didn't she regain her daughter's body? Then she changed her name back, but her last name is still Xue, and I hope her last name will always be Xue."

Although Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue have resolved the knot between mother and daughter, she still doesn't have any good impressions of Qianjia, who is of the angel lineage, as long as her surname is not "Qian".

"It's not like you haven't seen the convenience of Blue Silver Network before."

After living in Wuhun City for eight years, Xu Huang truly realized the gap. He no longer had the heroic feats eight years ago, and even had the idea in his heart that "it would be good to live here for the second half of his life." "Even if Tang San Are you willing to let us go back? Without Tang San, how many years would it take to transform the Sun Moon Empire into a model similar to Wuhun City?"

"Princess, have you heard?"

"What's more, the Wuhun Palace is also full of human beings. Tang San's companions have all become Soul Douluo and Titled Douluo. The number and quality of powerful people are even greater than that of our Sun and Moon Empire."

Tang San wasn't very interested in this, although he sometimes thought about whether Bibi Dong's last name was "Bi" or "Bibi"...

"Also, there is a hundred-level strong man on this continent... Even though Haotian Sect and Wuhun Palace don't deal with it very much, in terms of justice, they will not choose to support us for the sake of revenge. Empire of the Sun and Moon.”

On the street of the People's Food Capital, Fu Hongchen, who was carrying a vegetable basket, whispered to Xu Huang, who was also carrying a vegetable basket beside him, "Today's Wuhun News reported that the Sun Moon Empire and the Tian Dou Empire have established a On the sea trade route, both sides can travel freely... The empire must also know the situation on our side."

As for her last name... Bibi Renxue?
This name sounds funny.

"So what if you know? The empire is too far behind here."

"Perhaps the only advantage is that there is a vast sea between the two continents, so the Sun and Moon Empire can remain stable for a longer period of time... But in fact, both Pope Bibi Dong and Tang San of Wuhun Palace can Relying on your own strength to cross the vast ocean and go to the Sun and Moon Continent, who can resist?"

"It is true that the empire still has two strong men at level ninety-eight, but which one of them can beat Tang San or Bibi Dong?"

As he spoke, Xu Huang's eyes gradually calmed down, and he was obviously ready to lie down completely. Anyway, he had food, drink and accommodation. He felt that being a princess in the Sun and Moon Empire was not as good as being a servant in Hunwu Manor. Fu Hongchen was stunned, and then sighed: The princess has already laid down, but he can't do it. As a talented child of the Hongchen family, he must work hard to make the empire strong!
At first, Xu Huang was the one who proposed learning the advanced systems and models of Wuhun City, while Fu Hongchen was a belated observer. But gradually, the princess gave up, while Fu Hongchen studied hard and pursued progress.

After all, before Xu Huang was captured, he was carefree, happy and innocent, and could see further than ordinary people, but when it came to actual action, his perseverance was not as good as ordinary people.

In addition, Tang San didn't do anything to her, he just kept her to work in the manor. Even if the other servants looked down on them, they wouldn't say anything nonsense, because anyone who dared to do so would be fired by Lan Yinzi.

Therefore, in Hunwu Manor, even if he did not have contact with the real big shots, Xu Huang could still be regarded as someone who talked and laughed with scholars and had no idle contacts. His life was actually more comfortable and comfortable than when he was the princess.

Fu Hongchen was different. Born into the Hongchen family, he had always been extremely loyal to the royal family, and his inner admiration for Xu Huang had never weakened even a little bit.

Therefore, in the past eight years, he has been studying everything here seriously, not just in external forms.

But the more he learns, the more Fu Hongchen becomes confused sometimes. After all, according to the Wuhun Palace's concept of governance, the empire's rule cannot rely on blood at all, and the rule of the family and the world will eventually decay.

Wuhun Palace has not announced such a governance model. After all, the two empires of Tiandou and Xingluo are the "family world", but it is undeniable that Wuhun Palace is gradually abandoning the family world.

Fu Hongchen also knew something about the history of Wuhun Palace. Before the current Pope Bibi Dong came to power, it was led by the angel lineage. It was not until the unexpected death of the previous Pope that Bibi Dong came to power, and Bibi Dong even accepted a The martial spirit is the disciple of a demon fox woman... It is obvious that she is a candidate for the next pope.

This has already separated from the "family world" and transformed into a "master-disciple inheritance system". It no longer relies on blood as the basis for inheritance, and is similar to the selection of talents.

In the past eight years, Fu Hongchen has also asked Tang San related questions, and the other party even bluntly said that he felt that the "master-disciple inheritance system" was not appropriate and that "ideas, dreams, and beliefs" should be used as the criteria for succession.

The basis is: no matter how close the blood relationship is, there will still be fights for interests. The "more children and more blessings" for the members of the "family world" of the royal family seems good, but in order to compete for the throne, there is no need to talk about any blood and family ties in the competition between them. .

Only those who have the same ideas, common dreams and firm will can be unswerving. Such people can betray everything, but they will never betray their own souls.

Regarding this, Fu Hongchen knew that Wuhun Palace had not yet reached this point. This concept was too advanced, but there was no doubt that if no one disturbed the development process of Wuhun Palace, Wuhun Palace might develop to what Tang San said. That level.

"The structure of the world is changing. If the Sun and Moon Empire does not catch up with the reform of Wuhun Palace, it will inevitably disappear into history. I never want to see this."

Fu Hongchen put aside his distracting thoughts and secretly vowed to make the Sun and Moon Empire strong again.


"By the way, Fu Hongchen, I'm cleaning the back garden today, can you help me?" Xu Huang showed her big watery eyes and begged, "I made an appointment with Xiaoqing and Xiaobai to go there this afternoon. Watch the new Soul Guidance movie: "One Piece" at the Soul Guidance Film and Television City."

"it is good."

Fu Hongchen sighed and agreed - in order for the Sun and Moon Empire to catch up with Wuhun Palace and stand firm in the world, he had to start by sweeping the floor...
(End of this chapter)

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