Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 565: Documents required for navigation

Chapter 565: Documents required for navigation

With the opening of the maritime trade route, some of the soul masters in Tiandou, Xingluo, and Wuhun Palace, due to the development of soul guidance technology, and the continuous exploration of major areas in the mainland in the past eight years, have also begun to venture out to sea. plan.

In addition, Douluo Continent and Sun Moon Continent have entered the "honeymoon period", and many newly emerging families also plan to take a look at Sun Moon Continent, wondering whether they can use the resources there to develop their families.

After all, although the resources of Douluo Continent have not yet been fully developed, on a large scale, they have been divided up by the three giants of Tiandou, Xingluo and Wuhundian.

The competition within is fierce, so we have no choice but to look outside.

This is why some people call the current era the Age of Navigation. The soul-guided movie "One Piece" is a story adapted by a film director based on existing facts. The protagonist is named: Lu Fei. A man who vowed to become the King of One Piece went to sea in a small boat, collecting friends along the way, and went to an unknown country to help people there solve various conflicts.

Moreover, in this soul guide movie, there is also a "villain" named: Tianhun Navy!
This relates to the current reality in mainland China——

If Douluo people want to go to sea, they need to obtain a navigation certificate issued by Tiandou (Xingluo) and Wuhun Palace. If they don't have one, they go to sea without a certificate and need to be arrested and detained.

The protagonist of "One Piece", Lu Fei, went to sea without a license and was hunted down by the Tianhun Navy.

The director of this soul-guiding movie is connoting the Heaven Dou Empire and the Wuhun Palace!
However, Wuhun Palace and Tiandou Empire did not prevent this soul guide movie from being broadcast in the mainland. Instead, they launched a certain degree of publicity.

Xu Huang couldn’t understand it anyway.

Is that philanthropy?

"It's a pity that our Holy Son will not take us with him even if he goes to sea." Xiao Qing complained, "He seems to be a very lustful person, but he ignores our temptation."


Xu Huang pursed his lips.

As for why Xiaoqing and Xiaobai's seduction failed, Xu Huang just wanted to say: Tang San wasn't as lustful as he seemed, otherwise, he would have been completely eaten up by the other party in the past eight years, so there would be no need to talk to you two girls. Losers hanging out?

Of course, you still need to apply for a certificate, otherwise you will be wanted by the three parties on the mainland.

Why do you need to apply for a sea-going document?
The most basic reason is to prove their identity. After all, the relationship between Douluo Continent and Sun Moon Continent cannot be said to be a real "honeymoon".

"The sea is really magnificent." Xiaobai sighed, and at the same time she felt a little inferior. She had never really seen the sea in her previous life or in this life.

As the princess of the Sun and Moon Empire, she thought it was normal for a good man to have multiple wives. After all, his brother Xu Huang was like this.

However, Xu Huang would not let his wives do anything. In addition to practicing, they basically just traveled around and cultivated their sentiments. Like Tang San, he also asked his women to go out to work and even engage in research. Such things are simply unheard of.

After all, the vast ocean does need more aspiring soul masters to explore.

After watching the Soul Guidance movie, the three of them left the Soul Guidance Film and Television City, and met an acquaintance as soon as they went out.

"Who are you?" Xiao Qing didn't recognize the person in front of him at all, and frowned, "No trouble is allowed inside or outside Wuhun City, so please get out of the way."

"We have met before, my name is Hawke." The person who came was none other than Hawke, the heir to Poseidon who had returned from Poseidon Island and the leader of the Traveler Alliance.

"Hawke?" Xiao Qingzuo looked stunned, and then his eyes showed doubts.

"I just said, you still remember..."

"do not know."

Hawke was stunned for a while, shook his head and said with a smile: "Yes, after so many years, we have only met once. I was not alone at the time, and there was a guy named Tang Laoya who was taken to Hunwu Manor to find a job by you."

"Oh!" Xiaoqing remembered, and then became a little wary, "Although we are fellow villagers, I heard other people say that you are not good people."

"No, I'm a good person. Didn't your master personally entertain me and Tang Laoya in the first place?" Hawke couldn't laugh or cry, trying to explain, hoping that the two of them would take him to Hunwu Manor to find Tang San again.

At this time, Hawke has completed the seventh test of Poseidon, pulled out the Poseidon Trident, and his strength has reached the Contra level. The eighth test given to him by Poseidon is to complete the soul rings, soul bones, and soul. The bones need to be at least 50,000 years old. The second step is to retrieve or repair the Heart of Poseidon. The last step is to upgrade one's own cultivation level to level ninety-nine, and finally kill the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King.

Among the four conditions, the second condition is worth pondering.

The Poseidon's Heart, that is, the Vast Sea Universe Shield, needs him to retrieve or repair it... Does this mean that the Poseidon's Heart has fallen into the hands of others, or has even been damaged?

After thinking about it, Hawke felt that it was only possible for Tang San to get the Heart of Poseidon, but this was Wuhun City, he couldn't mess around, and the guards of Wuhun Manor wouldn't let him in - even though he had cooperated with Tang San , but others don’t know.

Therefore, he thought of Xiaoqing and Xiaobai, hoping that they would take him into Hunwu Manor again, and check with Tang San to see if there was any way to get the Poseidon's Heart.

Even if it had been damaged by Tang San, it didn't matter. If there were fragments, it would be easier to recast it, otherwise he wouldn't be able to challenge the Deep Sea Demon Whale King.

To be honest, Hawke has absolutely no confidence in defeating the Deep Sea Demon Whale King. In the original work, Tang San was able to defeat the Deep Sea Demon Whale King because of the power of the God of Killing Domain after it evolved into the Killing Domain. The Great Shura God It was probably at that time that Tang San was truly chosen.

But he doesn't have any realm of killing gods. Defeating the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King is as difficult as ascending to the sky!
You know, although the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King was blinded in one eye by Poseidon, it should have been done by Poseidon after he became a god. Before becoming a god, could Poseidon really have any way to do anything to the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King?
Hawke didn't believe it.

If he wanted to kill this deep-sea demon whale king before starting the final ninth test and use it as his ninth soul ring, it would be as difficult as climbing to the sky.

Of course, the conditions of the assessment only require him to kill the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King, but it does not say that he must regard it as the ninth soul ring. Hawke can definitely challenge it after reaching level ninety-nine.

But as a time traveler, and having also passed the Ninth Poseidon Exam, Hawke was always unwilling to give up if he didn't strive for a million-year-level soul ring, so he wanted the Heart of Poseidon.

"Okay, come with us. Anyway, even if we don't take you, you will probably follow secretly." Xiaobai spoke up and agreed to Hawke's request, "But whether the Holy Son will see you then will be another time. It’s over.”

"Don't worry, as long as I can enter Hunwu Manor, Tang San will definitely meet me." Hawke said confidently.

"I hope so."

(End of this chapter)

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