Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 571 The Role of the Traveler Alliance

Chapter 571 The Role of the Traveler Alliance
"It turns out that this is the basis for the transformation of martial souls into divine weapons."

Under the guidance of [Tiandao], after half a month of research, Tang San thoroughly studied the Poseidon Trident - this thing is essentially between matter and energy, but it can remain in the world for a long time.

In order for the spirit to stay in the world for a long time after leaving the spirit master, it needs energy supply, forming a cycle of its own.

Turn imaginary into reality...

In a sense, the materialization of the Poseidon Trident also came into contact with a trace of creative power.

The sea can also give birth to all things.

But the Poseidon Trident is just a weapon after all, not the ocean itself. If it wants to be preserved in the world for a long time, it needs energy to maintain it, and this energy is the power of faith.

The Poseidon Trident can absorb the power of faith of the entire sea creature. It can not only maintain the existence of this artifact, but also make this artifact more spiritual.

However, the Poseidon Trident lacks the core specifically designed to carry spirituality and transform faith: the Heart of Poseidon, so its efficiency in absorbing the power of faith is somewhat poor.

This is different from Tang San's Blue Silver Emperor. The materialization of the Blue Silver Emperor controls the power of creation, turning the void into reality, and each Blue Silver Emperor can independently absorb the power of the earth. The brilliance of the sun and moon maintains itself and forms an independent cycle with the outer world. There is no need for Tang San to provide extra soul power or absorb the power of faith to maintain it. Moreover, its huge energy can feed back to Tang San.

"Is it a virtual world that is close to reality?" Feng Ming asked clearly. "It is something that even modern society has not reached. In this world, it can actually be achieved by relying on martial arts. It is really incredible."

"Wuhun is incredible. Otherwise, do you think Wuhun Palace can develop high-yielding grains in just a few years?" Hawke asked, leaving Fengming speechless.

【My Planet Mother! 】

Cutting away the distracting thoughts, Tang San's soul moved and determined the location of Hawke. Then he casually threw the Poseidon Trident and traveled thousands of miles to the headquarters of the Traveler Alliance.

After thinking about this, Tang San laughed: "No wonder I am so lucky. It turns out that I am really the most beloved baby on this planet, and I am also the kind of parent who is afraid that he will starve and feeds him desperately—— "

This ability is incomparable even to the gods in the divine world...
Hawke was startled when he saw the Poseidon Trident suddenly appearing in front of him, but with quick eyes and quick hands, he caught it immediately.

In terms of the form of existence, the efficiency of the Poseidon Trident is far lower than that of the Blue Silver Emperor, not to mention that the Blue Silver Emperor will actively strengthen the land of Douluo Star, increase the concentration of the energy of the world, and feed back the planet; while the Poseidon Trident It simply robs the believers of their faith, and then gives them assessments and gives some small favors, which is of no use to the development of the entire planet... The creatures in the ocean have instead become slaves of the Poseidon, who only chant the words of the Poseidon. He is powerful, but he doesn't know that Douluo Star is the foundation for raising all living things.

Hawke held the Poseidon Trident and the pamphlet that appeared later, and said: "It's most likely the latter. He wants to plant martial souls all over the world, and then let the blue silver network cover the entire planet, and build the starry sky. world."

"This thing appeared out of thin air... was it teleported here by Tang San?" Feng Ming was discussing with Hawke how to use the talents of the time travellers. He was shocked by this scene and then thought about it, "How did he determine your location? Has the coordinates of soul power, mental power, etc. been left on you? Or is it that the roots of the Blue Silver Emperor have spread throughout the Tiandou Empire, and all our actions are under his eyes? ?”

Under the premise that the Tiandou Empire is full of Blue Silver Emperors, Tang San can determine precise coordinates, open up space channels, and deliver things to any place with a single sweep of his soul, with an accuracy of up to 100%.

Then, he threw over a manual for refining the Poseidon Trident.


They have all been misled. They only focus on cultivation, but forget that martial arts are the "primary productive force" in this world.

But there was nothing they could do about it. When they traveled through time, they were basically under the control of their families. No matter how many ideas they had, it was difficult to implement them. As they grew up, their thinking gradually became fixed. "Now that I think about it, it's not too late. It's just that it's impossible to catch up with Wuhun Palace." Feng Ming sighed, "After all, with the reform of Wuhun Palace, the local people in Douluo Continent are gradually awakening. , especially in such a big city, it’s even harder to fool people.”

"Speaking of which, where is Tang Laoya?" Hawke put away the booklet and glanced around, finding it a bit strange that he didn't see Tang Laoya today.

"Back to the sect." Feng Ming said casually, "It is said that Tang Chen of the Haotian Sect has been teaching his disciples since he broke through level 100. He wants to go back and listen to the lectures... Speaking of which, Tang Chen has become a god, and the Haotian Sect has become a god. He has already left the mountain, but he doesn’t seem to have much reputation on the mainland. Compared with the past when the mountain was closed, there is no difference.”

Feng Ming has never seen who Tang Chen is, but judging from the original work, he should be a very domineering guy. This can also be seen from the behavior of the Haotian disciples walking on the mainland today - the Haotian disciples At present, in order to establish a good reputation for the sect, I often help small villages and villages to fight against bandits and bandits, but basically they are the kind of people who do not leave chickens and dogs alone. People in the bandits' den, whether they are guilty bandits, are still captured. All the women, children, and children were killed.

It is also claimed that it is to preserve the reputation of those women and children.

The remote villages think that this kind of behavior is not bad, but the closer to Wuhun City, the residents are critical of this kind of behavior.

And there is only one reason why the disciples of Haotian do this, and that is to cultivate the realm of the God of Killing.

Tang Laoya once told the two of them that Tang Chen established an Shura illusion in Haotian Sect. Those who passed through it could obtain Shura breath. As long as they accumulated enough murderous aura, they could condense the realm of the God of Death.

But now that all the killing places are gone, and the fallen ones and evil soul masters are hidden deeper and harder to find, then in order to obtain the Killing God Domain, these Haotian disciples can only find the robbers and kill them all. This accumulates more murderous energy.

As for those innocent women, children, and children, they will only give one comment: they have a bad life.

That's it.

To be honest, Feng Ming and Hawke were also very resistant to such behavior, but that was the Haotian Sect. They had no power to resist and couldn't say anything, so they could only turn a blind eye.

"After becoming a god, you cannot interfere in the human world." Hawke told the truth, "What's more, Tang Chen should be of the lineage of Shura gods, and he should abide by the rules of the god world. In the original work, Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue were killed by Tang San , Shura and Poseidon in the God Realm are live broadcasting the whole process, without any intention of taking action, and the reason is very simple, that is, the two gods Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue are interfering in the war in the world."

"What about Tang San in the original work?" Feng Ming frowned.

"According to the rules of the God Realm, he should not be considered to be interfering in the human world. He is only developing his Tang Sect. The major forces in the human world need to consider the impact of his existence. However, he should have collected a lot of information on the mainland before ascending to the God Realm. Good things, such as: golden ancient trees." Hawke guessed, "As for Dou Er, his strength has reached the level of the supreme god king, and with both good and evil descending to earth for the sake of the bet, he has naturally become an individual in the divine world. The strongest person, the one who controls the rules, and then he floats away."

"Is that so?" Feng Ming pondered for a moment, then shook his head, "What does this have to do with us?"

"It doesn't matter much." Hawke said, "In the future, Douluo Planet may develop into a planet no less than the God Realm. We need to consider taking sides."

"Stand in line?" Feng Ming sighed, "Didn't you already stand in line?"


"Some time-travelers who are mentally ill need to be vigilant... The Time-Travelers Alliance is to help time-travelers adapt to life in this new era. At the same time, it is also to weed out those time-travelers who want to cause trouble."

(End of this chapter)

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