Douluo: This Tang San is different.

Chapter 572 Killing the creatures on a planet

Chapter 572: Killing the creatures on a planet
After understanding the fundamentals of martial soul materialization, Tang San gained a better understanding of the power of faith. This energy derived from spiritual power has an effect comparable to the power of creation.

The only problem is that the power of faith comes from the thoughts of all living beings. If it is not handled well, it can easily be assimilated by the thoughts of all living beings and change their temperament.

No wonder Poseidon would leave behind a Poseidon Trident to carry the power of faith.

This is not only to find a successor, but also to prevent oneself from being assimilated by the power of faith. It is estimated that the Heart of Poseidon has an effect similar to that of transforming the power of faith.

It's a pity that it was refined by Gu Yuena.

Tang San didn't feel bad about this, after all, the [Heavenly Dao] in the starry sky world could also refine its faith and grow continuously under the orbit of the stars in the sky.

However, compared to the power of faith, the growth of [Heavenly Way] requires spiritual energy and the expansion and growth of the starry sky world. This is a process that accumulates over time.

"The road is long and long~"

With a sigh, Tang San left the laboratory and was about to find Xiao Wu and others to study the "Way of Qi and Blood" when suddenly his heart palpitated for no reason and he couldn't help but look in the direction of the Star Luo Empire.

"Space shock?"

Although Destruction and Life are also law enforcers, their responsibilities are different from those of Shura. They are mainly responsible for the judgment of the God of the God Realm. Therefore, in such a huge God Realm, only the gods of the Shura series often descend to the realm, and with this power, Shura Never thought of looking for destruction and life to share.

God Shura suddenly opened his eyes and said with great solemnity: "Among the one hundred and eight planets controlled by the God Realm, the space channel between the vast continent and us is broken. It should be the demigod-level powerful that appeared in the nether space there. It’s the devil’s fault, and this fluctuation has also affected our connection with Douluo Continent.”

"Have you checked it out?"

Shura Shendao: "It is indeed my supervision, but that guy has not reached the level of a god. According to the rules of the god world, it is difficult for me to take action; secondly, the killing god Xiupoulos went to the Five Elements Continent, and he borrowed a trace of mine before. There seems to be something wrong with the power... Moreover, on Douluo Continent, there are people who have cultivated the Killing God Domain to the level of the Killing Domain, and have recently reached the assessment standards. I must also investigate... and the other world creation. I also have to pay attention to the artifact of the World God."

"There are so many things that I am really overwhelmed with!"

Evil's face was full of seriousness, "The space in the lower realm is vibrating. What's going on?"

The kind tone was unkind: "The vast continent and the netherworld are not under your supervision, aren't they?"

At the same time, the committee of the God Realm also mobilized and held a meeting.

After all, this power can allow gods to descend to earth in an upright manner!
But who would have thought that something would happen to multiple planets at the same time?

"Poseidon can prove this. He has found a successor, but his own connection with the lower world is intermittent, and the picture he sees is extremely blurry."

What bad luck!

"The occurrence of problems in multiple planes at the same time may be a sign of the turbulence in time and space." The God of Evil frowned, but saw Shura's expression suddenly change, and asked: "What's wrong?"

"The space passage between the God Realm and Douluo Star is broken..." In the gloomy, dark, and disgusting space, Xu Huang, who became the Lord of the Netherworld, raised his hands high and laughed loudly: "I didn't expect it. There is an ascension passage between the vast continent and the God Realm, and it is also connected to this netherworld. Now that I have found it and cut it off, I have the final say in this world!"

"Also, this world should also have a plane passage connected to Douluo Star. Zhou Weiqing in the original work was able to rise because of the bead of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger. I want to find that passage and fight back. Luo Xing."

"But before that, the entire planet must be assimilated——"

As a result, the Vast Continent and Xuantian Continent ushered in the darkest moment. The Lord of the Netherworld, Xu Huang, and his disciple: Zhou Weiqing, launched a war against the entire world.

Zhou Weiqing was a complete loser without the Dark Devilgod Tiger's beads. He was almost killed by his fiancée, but Xu Huang saved his life.

He truly experienced the feeling of death, and Xu Huang later led Zhou Weiqing to see the darkness of human nature——

Xu Huang either overtly or secretly allowed Zhou Weiqing to see his fiancée having sex with multiple men, and also managed to make his wives in the original work: Shangguan Bing'er, Tian'er, Wu Yuehan, Shangguan Xue'er, Shangguan Fei'er, Dongfang Hanyue, and He met, and then designed for them to cheat on each other for various reasons, and they became addicted to it. They even begged him for forgiveness afterwards and said that he didn't mean it.

In addition, Xu Huang also did not let go of Zhou Weiqing's mother: Ling Zihan, letting her fall due to an "accident", and even thought of including Zhou Weiqing in her "harem" in order to keep the secret.

At this point, Zhou Weiqing has completely transformed, and he will follow the master Xu Huang who saved him to destroy this dirty world!
"This world is filthy again." Xu Huang stood in the void, raised his hand and pressed it, and the rebels who had united on the vast continent turned into powder. He looked at Zhou Weiqing beside him with a look of vicissitudes of life, and said, "Disciple , my experience as a teacher is almost the same as that of being a prince of a certain empire before eternity. I betrayed, attacked, killed, and ridiculed countless times. Until I fell into the netherworld and decided to destroy the world, but the world born after the destruction was still the same. of filth.”

Zhou Weiqing felt the same way and said loudly, "Master, what do you want?"

"There is no room for filth in the eyes of a master, so this time, we will exterminate the human race, control everything in our hands, and let them become undead. Naturally, they will have no desire, no desire, no desire, no thought, only Only in this way can we create a world without disputes!" Xu Huang's eyes were wild.


However, for Zhou Weiqing, a guy who has experienced betrayal, assault, and ridicule, this idea is completely normal. He even feels that his encounter with Xu Huang is an arrangement of fate, just for them to destroy the world. , so that the world is filled with harmony and peace.



As a result, the master and the apprentice began to kill the entire planet. In the process, some people also pursued the two, joined them, and established the Nether Sect. However, these people were also killed by the master and the apprentice. Got clean.

In just three months, the two relied on their powerful cultivation to slaughter all the creatures on the planet. Death spread all over the world, and scenes of mountains of corpses and seas of blood could be seen everywhere.

Endless resentment is born from trillions of undead souls, but these resentments are also the power emanating from the soul. To a certain extent, they are also the power of faith. Therefore, they have become the power of Xu Huang and Zhou Weiqing. The food and supplies allowed them to break through to the level of gods, and they also gathered the corresponding god status.

Xu Huang achieved the Netherworld Godhood, and used the blood of all living creatures on the planet as a guide to train three thousand Blood God Sons, which were stored in the Netherworld Blood River that absorbed the energy of endless resentment and hatred.

Zhou Weiqing, on the other hand, achieved the status of Asura with the help of Xu Huang.

Different from the Asura God in the God Realm, although the Asura God is also a god of killing, in this process, too much hatred of living beings and souls of the dead have been gathered, so that Zhou Weiqing's own image has also transformed, turning into The image of Nine Heads and Thousand Eyes has nine hundred and ninety hands and eight legs on its lower body, like a spider...
(End of this chapter)

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