My law is immortal

Chapter 100 Jinling

() "Ka——" Feijian swayed, and the bodyguard swayed, and then fell to the ground far away. There was a bright red flower in his throat.

The flying sword pierced through a layer of shield, but there was another layer. In the end, the flying sword missed a single hit and quickly fled away.

"Also!" Suddenly, a guard yelled loudly, jumped up from the ground, jumped out, and slashed at another flying sword that appeared at an unknown time with the long knife in his hand.

"Boom—" The guard condensed his whole body's true energy into a blow, unexpectedly deflected the flying sword by a few points, and flew past his armpit.

Blood was sprinkled in the air, and the guard fell to the ground with a bang.

But Fei Jian, who failed in the sneak attack, seemed a little disappointed. He buzzed, turned his head in the air, and flew away...

Song Wei looked indifferently and looked at the two guards lying on the ground. One was dead and the other was injured. The deceased was stabbed through the throat with a sword.

Facing the injuries of his subordinates, Song Wei didn't express anything, but said indifferently: "Bury and heal the wounds."

"Father!" The wounded guard suddenly yelled, the handsome iron-blooded man burst into tears at this moment.

He cried, not because of his injuries, but because his stubborn father chose to fight against the Heavenly Dragon Sect who almost spread its demons to all surrounding areas.

There are no reinforcements, no logistics, and no one even knows that this small county in the eastern border of the Han Dynasty is in dire straits.

Hearing this call, Song Wei froze for a moment, then without saying a word, turned around and went down the city wall with a flick of his sleeves.



Outside Jinling City, the official road is wide and full of passers-by. Two carriages and several fine horses formed a convoy and moved slowly along the official road.

"Master, what's so good about this Jinling, why do you have to come here!" Lao Tu drove the carriage, and after a long life of wandering on the boat, he was full of energy when he landed. City, then excitedly turned around and asked.

Li Yi curled his lips, pointed at the clothes of passers-by, and said, "The wealth of the world comes from the southeast, and Jinling is where it belongs. Since we are here, we naturally want to come to Jinling to gain some wealth. Look, the ordinary people in Jinling , are much more beautiful than the capital city."

He chose Jinling as the first place to stay on the Jiangsu-Zhejiang Road. There are actually several considerations. One is that Jinling is the most prosperous place in Jiangsu and Zhejiang. Teaching is really the best choice.

Of course, there is also a selfish intention, I want to find a wife...

Song Beikui frowned, stopped his horse, and said dissatisfiedly, "Master, is this Qian Zong too disrespectful? I sent someone to deliver your name card a long time ago, but he didn't come out of the city to meet you?"

Qian Zong is the governor of Yangzhou, who is in charge of the military and political power in Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

"If you don't come out to meet me, then I'll go to meet him." Li Yi didn't care. He leaned in front of the car, crossed his legs casually, and swayed with the carriage, feeling very comfortable.

The convoy hadn't gone far, and saw two or three carriages parked by the side of the road from a distance, and nine fat men with big ears were standing in front of the carriages, discussing something in whispers.

"Look quickly—" A man glanced casually across the official road, and saw two carriages approaching slowly under the guard of the guards from a distance. He raised his hand and pointed at the carriages, and opened his mouth and said, "Could it be that this is from the capital city?" Deacon Li, Qin Daojian?"

Another man followed his fingers and said with a smile, "It's almost time to arrive at this time, no doubt it's Mr. Li."

As the convoy approached, several people rushed to greet them, and said respectfully, "But Master Li from the capital?"

Lao Tu reined in the reins, squinted at the official uniforms and attires of several people, and immediately raised his eyebrows in dissatisfaction: "Our young master came all the way here, why are you kittens and puppies here to greet him?"

Lao Tu's open mouth is naturally easy to provoke people's anger, but the people in front of him are not angry at all, in fact, they are not even qualified to meet this kind of Beijing official on weekdays.

A middle-aged fat man, with a smiling face, said in a low voice: "Hey, Lord Inspector is going to Suzhou to deal with the military situation. He is not here for the time being, so let the officials and others come here. There are so many negligence, so please bear with me."

"That's right, the untouchables arranged a banquet at the Wangjiang Pavilion to clean up Mr. Li, this way please, this way please..." The other person was obviously a businessman with a big arm and a round waist, wearing a navy blue official's coat, and there was a beak on the corner of his mouth. A mole with black hair.

Lao Tu drove into the city slowly with the people in front of him. Li Yi sat in the car without looking at him. He didn't take the other party's negligence to heart. It should be said that the people in front of him haven't made him angry yet. Qualifications.

Li Yi frowned, and thought carefully: Qian Zong avoided seeing him, obviously there was something wrong in his heart, or——he hadn't thought about the purpose of my coming here, and my attitude.

That's right, these people include rich and small officials, and the restaurant they arranged is the best Wangjiang Pavilion in Jinling. Obviously, I want these people to test my attitude first.

Wangjiang Tower, built on the Lion Mountain beside the Yangtze River, looks like a literati standing on the top of a green hill overlooking the Taotao River from a distance.

Li Yi got out of the carriage, led a group of entourages up the mountain along the small path of Qingshipu Street, the Lion Rock is not too high, and after walking for a while, he has already reached the top of the mountain. The three-story wooden building was built with exquisite design, and a small half of it was suspended outside the mountain, with the Taotao River at its feet.

Numerous wind chimes are hung on the eaves of the building, and when the river wind blows, they make a crisp and pleasant sound.

"My lord, how about this Wangjiang Pavilion?" The businessman who spoke was named Zhou Dafu. As his name suggests, he was big and fat, and his business was a lucrative silk business, so he was naturally very rich. .

"Very good!" Li Yi nodded, then turned his head suddenly, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he said with a look of yearning: "I have long heard that this Jiangnan woman is delicate and handsome, even her words are waxy and sweet, Jiangnan minor It's even more fascinating, I don't know if there is a dancing girl Geding in this building..."

Since you want to see my attitude, let me show you a good look!

"Yes! Is there any?" Lao Tu immediately became interested when he heard this, and interjected with an old face.

It’s okay for him to talk like this, but it’s hard for Qin Maocai—this kid, whose body is not comparable to those of a few strong men, has been seasick for days on the boat, and he hasn’t recovered from it at the moment, so Li Yi rents more for him. A carriage.

On the way up the mountain, Lao Tu was also responsible for supporting him, but unfortunately, Lao Tu was obviously an incompetent nanny, and when he mentioned the singer, he let go...

"Oops——" Qin Maocai let out a scream, stumbled, and said with a wry smile, "Brother Tu, can you help me..."

"Bah, you're not a girl, what can you help me with?" Lao Tu expressed his deep disdain for Qin Maocai's weakness.

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