My law is immortal

Chapter 99 1 Road South

() "Oh?" Li Yi was taken aback for a moment, unexpectedly, the two aspects Qin Maocai mentioned would be the two aspects of infiltrating the Demon Cult and infiltrating the officialdom.

Although this Qin Maocai is not very old, he has been a sophomore in the inn for a long time, so he has naturally seen and heard many small things in the market. It is precisely because of these experiences that he will think about problems from a more partial direction.

"It's not difficult to break into the officialdom..." Li Yi frowned and thought for a while - his status as the deacon of the Xuanji Pagoda, presumably the wealthy local bureaucrats in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, had already found out clearly, and the troubles in the capital If they don't know their background in the few disturbances that have come out, they don't have to mess around anymore.

Li Yi thought about it for a while. Naturally, he couldn't do something as heroic and domineering as the Demon Cult himself. Well, it was wrong for Lao Tu and the four tiger guards to look stupid and didn't know how to adapt. He raised his head and stared at Qin Maocai, who was in front of him, opened his mouth and said relaxedly: "Well, this method is not bad, then this is going to be an undercover agent of the Demon Cult..."

"Undercover?" Although Qin Maocai didn't quite understand the meaning of undercover, but seeing the young master squinting at him, how could he not understand Li Yi's meaning?

He cupped his hands and said concisely: "The little one is willing to go."

"Oh?" Li Yi originally thought it would take some talking, but he didn't expect this kid to be smart, and he didn't delay at all. He couldn't help but think highly of this humble follower in his heart, and asked: "You don't have the slightest level of martial arts, how can you mix in?"

Qin Maocai frowned slightly, then made up his mind, gritted his teeth and raised his hands, and said, "I'm willing to give it a try."

The convoy walked slowly along the official road, and after walking for a day, they could faintly feel a little more chao in the air, and then they could hear the sound of water rolling as they went further.

"Master!" Song Beikui's loud voice came from the front. He was running around continuously at the moment, but he didn't look tired, but the light fir on his body was covered by wind and dust, and his whole body looked dusty.

Song Beikui, a rough northern man, has rarely seen so much water. He looked excitedly at the rolling Taotao River in front of him, and called out, "The ferry is ahead!"

Li Yi leaned out from the carriage, stood on the shaft of the carriage and looked forward, he was taken aback for a moment, the clear yellow water in front of him was clearly the Yellow River, the Taotao River, which was going straight, turned strangely at this ferry , Go straight to the southeast.

On this bend, there are some small towns. The area is not too large, and the whole picture can be seen at a glance, but the crowds are bustling and lively.

Li Yi felt a little familiar with this kind of ferry crossing. He let out a long breath and got out of the car. He climbed to a hill on the bank of the river. There was a small pavilion on the hill. Hua and Weihan are vividly visible, and the Yellow River is surging and majestic at the foot.

Facing the majestic scenery of the Taotao River, which is naturally created by nature, it is by no means man-made. This fellow couldn't help but tossed his sleeves behind his back, and sighed: "One water flows north and south, and the Central Plains is self-sufficient. Clouds and mountains are connected In Jinyang, the smoke tree enters Qinchuan."

Qin Maocai followed behind Li Yi, and when he heard Li Yi's "poetry", he immediately fell in admiration, and subconsciously whispered: "Young master is just like the rumors, he is the lower realm of Wenqu Xingjun, and reciting poems casually is so beautiful!"

"Master!" Lao Tu obviously didn't have the slightest understanding of his young master's literary and artistic mentality. He curled his lips and shouted: "It's already noon, let's go to the town to have a meal, drink some good wine, and then rent a boat." Big boat, it’s good to go down the current!”

He shouted for a long time, but saw Li Yi standing in the pavilion, silently in a daze, ignoring himself at all.

"So it's here!" He Feng whistled and brushed his cheeks, Li Yi squinted his eyes, thinking about the poem just now, and suddenly thought of the scene in front of him, isn't it the famous Fengling Ferry in history?

Li Yi shook his sleeves. Looking at the ferry in front of him, his heart suddenly moved. He felt as if he had been in another world. He wanted to come here in his previous life... He sighed and said, "Go, find an inn to eat!"

"Hey, good!" Lao Tu was very excited.

A few people casually ate some food at the inn at the ferry. Except for Lao Tu, the rest of them seemed to be hungry because of the rush all the way, especially Qin Maocai, who obviously took on a very serious task and was under a lot of psychological pressure. After drinking some water and wine, he put down the bowls and chopsticks.

After the meal, Song Beikui had already "rented" a large boat from the water transport envoy. He said it was rented, but it was better to say that the water transport envoy was terrified when he saw the tiger guard badge, and hurriedly gave up the best boat at the ferry crossing. come out...



Songjiang County is a small county town on the east side of the Jiangsu-Zhejiang Road, bordering the Canghai in the east and Suzhou and Hangzhou in the west.

Because it stands facing the sea, most of the people make a living by going out to sea to fish, and their lives are actually rich.

Maybe it's because of the dark clouds on the sea, or maybe it's because of the turbulent sea waves crashing on the shore, at this moment, this small county town that was originally comfortable and peaceful, seems a little depressing.

"It's going to be a storm." Song Wei stood quietly on the city wall. His gray hair at the temples showed his age. He was already thin because of his high cheekbones and dark complexion, making him look like hell. The evil spirits in the temple are generally cautious.

But such a scary-looking sheriff is the hope of the people and soldiers of the entire Songjiang County at this moment.

"I don't know, after this storm, will the sky be clear again?" Song Wei raised his hand to support the city wall and sighed. The thick city wall under his feet was mottled due to the traces of time, but it still stood by the sea. , like a resolute giant, even if he is injured, he still stands tenaciously.

"Huhu——" The sea breeze suddenly became violent, and the banner of the big man on the tower was whistling...

Under the cover of the sound of the wind, suddenly a bright light flew rapidly in the air.

"There is a flying sword! Hurry up, protect the Sheriff!" The sharp-eyed guard quickly spotted the thing that suddenly appeared in the sky, he opened his mouth and shouted loudly, and at the same time hurriedly blocked his body in front of Song Wei. His thick leather armor , rubbed against each other, and made a chi-chi sound.

The flying sword turned into a whistling wind and rushed towards him suddenly.

Song Wei's expression did not change at all, his expression was still indifferent, as if the sharp flying sword was not here to take his life.

"Kaka——" The shield made of rattan was tightly clasped in front of Song Wei, blocking his sight.

Song Wei frowned, apparently a little displeased with not being able to see the surging sea water in front of him, as well as the vast wilderness that he led the people to cultivate with his own hands.

"Om—" The flying sword was getting closer and closer, and the trembling hum of the sword piercing the air could already be heard.

"噗——" A tall guard suddenly pulled out a long knife from his waist, and strode forward to meet him.

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