My law is immortal

Chapter 98 1 Road South

() "Yes, yes, yes..." Li Yi glanced at his cheating senior brother, and responded inarticulately.

Poor boy, with a tiring fate, holding a deacon's salary--this salary has never been received once, doing the work of saving the people. Nainai, is this the portrayal of Lao Tzu's life?

"Okay!" Liu Zhen smiled. He seemed to be quite satisfied with Li Yi's attitude, and raised his hand to pat him on the shoulder.

Li Yi suddenly remembered that he still had a daughter-in-law problem that needed to be solved urgently, that is, the old man Prince Bo didn't like his son-in-law very much... But, do I still need the emperor for help with this kind of thing?

Ahem, it's too embarrassing. Is it okay for the emperor to suppress his own brother for his family's affairs?

He choked back as he spoke, thinking—forget it, anyway, he is going to go on a business trip to the south anyway, and by the way, he will bring some soldiers or something, and go to Jinling to take Xiao Yu'er back!

Seeing Li Yi's reluctance to speak, Zhang Xuan thought that he was worried that it would be difficult to control the situation after going to Jiangsu and Zhejiang, so he said in relief: "Li Yi, you are going to Jiangsu and Zhejiang this time, and you will face many fifth-rank officials, and you may have too many things to do. If there is any inconvenience, the Holy Majesty has already considered it, and ordered Huwei Song Beikui to receive Shangfang's sword..."

Shang Fang's sword?Li Yi glared - this thing is like thunder, and its reputation is prominent. Who would have thought that it would be in Lao Tzu's hands now?

"Yes! With this Shangfang sword, I will kill corrupt officials and evildoers, and I will surely return the common people to a peaceful and prosperous life!" Thinking of this, his eyes turned red, tsk tsk, the emperor really trusts me, so he is not afraid of me Take a Shangfang sword and go to blackmail all the officials in Jiangsu and Zhejiang?

Zhang Xuan saw Li Yi's confident appearance, how could he know that this kid was thinking about these things, he nodded and said, "When are you going?"

My daughter-in-law is still waiting for me in Jinling, alas, my wife is away, and I have no interest in the capital...

"I'll set off tomorrow." Li Yi narrowed his eyes.



The next day, the mighty motorcade of Li's family turned onto the wide official road and headed southeast.

The fifth young master was naturally sitting in the spacious and comfortable carriage, leaning on the animal skin backrest, with his bare feet on the ice basin, the slightest bit of coolness seeping into his soles, enjoying himself very much.

The coachman is still old-fashioned, and the four tiger guards are still driving four batches of horses to guard the carriage. The accompanying people are only missing a young girl, and there is an extra one riding a skinny horse, who is far behind. The waiter in the shop is Qin Maocai.

Li Yi brought Qin Maocai here, but it was actually on a whim. After arriving in Li's mansion, the waiter in the shop had nothing to do.

It's better to take him to Jiangsu and Zhejiang, maybe this clever boy will be of some use.

Li Yi sat in the car and was shaken to sleep. He frowned and thought for a while about what to do when he went to Jiangnan, but he still had no idea what to do after he went. Why don't he call this little girl over and brainstorm one time?

Thinking of this, he opened the car curtain, turned around and shouted, "Qin Maocai, come here!"

Qin Maocai was much weaker than the rest of the group, and was already sweating profusely from the morning sun, but he still gritted his teeth and silently urged his horse to follow.

At this moment, when he heard Mr. Li calling him, he hurriedly clamped his legs on the horse's buttocks, urged the skinny horse, and rushed forward in a hurry.

"Master, what's the matter?" Qin Maocai urged the horse to the side of the carriage, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and asked.

Li Yi glanced at the kid in front of him, his face was flushed and his whole body was drenched in sweat, and he couldn't help but be taken aback—why didn't I feel how hot it was?

This guy is lying in the carriage with an ice bucket, plus he has a late stage foundation cultivation, how could he feel hot... This is simply, a full man doesn't know a hungry man is hungry!

"Stinky boy, your body is too weak!" Li Yi curled his lips, looked at the sweat on the other party's body with disgust, and shrugged: "Come up and talk!"

Qin Maocai smiled wryly, got into the carriage, and slapped the floating dust on his body in front of the carriage, just now he got into the carriage, and as soon as he got in, he felt a chill all over his body.He smiled wryly, and thought to himself: Young master is sitting in this car, why is he still sweating?

Li Yi lost the meaning of teasing, and frowned—whether or not he should discuss his purpose of going to Jiangsu and Zhejiang with this person in front of him. Now only Song Beikui knows that he is going to Jiangsu and Zhejiang to do something big, but he is so stupid, This is the Tiger Guard who is the most loyal to the imperial power, how could he think of informers and subpoenas...

As for Lao Tu... This old guy is a soldier, and when he is drunk, he is even more outspoken. You must not tell him in advance!

But the person in front of me, after all, I haven't been in contact with him for long...

After thinking about it for a moment, Li Yi gritted his teeth, forget it, he is not suspicious of employing people, and he is not suspicious of others. If Qin Maocai can't even pass this small test, he will be considered blind.Besides, since this kid followed him all the way, even if he wanted to communicate with the cult in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, he would have no chance.

"This is how it happened." Li Yi coughed twice, motioning for Qin Maocai to close the car door behind him, and then slowly dragged the whole thing out.

"Ah!" Qin Maocai was taken aback after hearing this. He thought that the young master went to Jiangsu and Zhejiang this time just for fun. How could he have thought that the young master went south this time, and he was actually carrying the emperor's order on his back, and he was going to deal with a demon cult organization with entangled forces?

However, he thought about it again, since the young master is willing to tell him the whole thing, how about his trust in him...

Qin Maocai suddenly had a feeling that a scholar would die for his confidant, so he frowned and thought about it—the young master told himself this matter, obviously he wanted him to be his adviser.

Seeing that Qin Maocai was frowning tightly, Li Yi didn't bother him, and leaned back with a smile—it's really a blessing to have a clever little brother, and even half of the tiring things like thinking about things are saved.

After a while, Qin Maocai heaved a sigh of relief, raised his head, saw Li Yizheng staring at him with a smile, cleared his throat, and said solemnly: "Master, I think this Demon Cult must have colluded with officials from Jiangsu and Zhejiang."

"Nonsense." Li Yi raised his eyebrows: "Speaking of the main point, what do you think should be done?"

Qin Maocai was scolded by Li Yi like this, and he suddenly thought that this young man in front of him is not a young man who doesn't understand anything. If he analyzes it again by himself, wouldn't it be a trick?However, Li Yi's scolding obviously did not dispel his enthusiasm. He nodded hurriedly and continued: "I think we should start from two aspects at the same time and investigate first."

"Huh? Continue." Li Yi said lightly. In fact, he also had some thoughts in his mind. At this moment, when he heard the two aspects proposed by Qin Maocai, I am afraid that they are almost the same as what he thought. They are nothing more than investigations from local officials and folks. Dare to do so, and be able to force a majestic sheriff to risk his life for righteousness.

It is enough to see that these people have great influence in Jiangsu and Zhejiang. If they investigate secretly, they may be discovered by them... entangle a large number of cult figures, stab themselves, and then report to the court...

Qin Maocai nodded, and continued: "I think we should send people to infiltrate the Demon Cult to conduct a secret investigation. At the same time, my lord, if you mix into this intricate official circle, you can naturally follow the vine..."

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