My law is immortal

Chapter 97 Liu Zhen's Mission

() Although Liu Zhen knew in his heart that this kid must be flattering, he felt more at ease. After all, this kid was not like other officials who saw him with trepidation, and even flattered him with three words of wisdom and martial arts.

Others respected him as wise and powerful, with a long life, but this kid Li Yi said that he was still in good health and could ride a horse and hunt.

Hunting on horseback?This feeling is really a kind of relaxed, casual, and even wanton pleasure that he hasn't seen for a long time.

"Woo--" Liu Zhen breathed out, glanced at Li Yi with a pair of deep eyes, and then said, "I have invited you here this time because I need you to do something."

Li Yi saw that the eyes of the old man on the opposite side were shining, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, as if he was a little happy in his heart, knowing that his flattery was just on point.

However, you can't let me rest for a few days?What do you want me to do when you just came back from Linshui?However, the emperor was straightforward. Compared with him, Zhang Xuan beat around the bush, she was just a bitch!

Li Yi smiled and said: "My lord, if you have anything to do, just make a decree, and the little ones will do their best!"

This guy didn't say anything to death, but just said he would do his best—ahem, the underlying meaning is, if you try your best and still can't make it, then don't blame me!

"Look at this." Liu Zhen casually took out a memorial from the small mahogany table beside him, and threw it to Li Yi.

Li Yi took it with both hands, and looked slowly, but saw that this memorial was different from ordinary memorials. At present, this memorial was originally written by a county magistrate in Jiangnan named Song Wei about the people's livelihood and water transportation in Jiangnan. Food and salt and other things that don't hurt or itch.

But between the ranks of the handwriting, there are a few more lines of small characters. These small characters are obviously written with a special pen and ink, and it is blurry and hard to read when it appears on the paper.

"En?" Li Yi looked at it for a long time, but couldn't see the small characters between the rows. He looked up helplessly, and said with a smile: "Uh, this... I can't see it clearly..."

"Oh!" Liu Zhen responded, then slightly raised his hand, pointed to the purple sand teapot on the small table, and said in a low voice, "Smear it with tea."

Li Yi was taken aback, my dear, this Han Dynasty actually has invisible ink now?However, since these few lines of small words could be sent to Liu Zhen with the invisibility potion, it explained some problems.

Is it the Jiangnan Inspector who wrote the letter who doesn't trust the middle part of the memorial, or--this Lord Song doesn't trust Yushitai who is now sharing the government affairs for the emperor at all?

Li Yi suddenly thought of what Wu Xiaoming had told him before, something about the current imperial censor Zhongcheng...

Combined with the secret memorial from Jiangnan in front of him, he had a vague premonition that this matter seemed to have absolutely nothing to do with the Wang family.

After smearing the letter paper with tea, the blurry small characters really became clear. Li Yi looked down and frowned.

The content of the memorial is probably that along the coast of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, a demon sect named Tianlong Cult has recently appeared. This demon sect has many followers, and most of them know some sorcery and Taoism. Ordinary officers and soldiers are not their opponents at all.

This Tianlong sect, under the banner of doing justice for the heavens, always does some things that both people and gods are angry with, such as oppressing the people, amassing money wantonly, and even dare to intercept the tax money sent to the capital.

In the county where the sheriff is located, the people are already in dire straits.

And the master Song Wei who wrote the memorial seems to have the consciousness to fight to the death with the Tianlong sect, and wrote a sentence at the end: "I have not governed properly, and I have been benevolent and benevolent to the country for more than a hundred years. Today, ten thousand people will die." body, to give up one's body for the country."

After reading the letter, Li Yi suddenly felt that the problem was very serious—first of all, it was natural that the Tianlong Sect had grown from a young age, and even developed to the point where it dared to rob the tax bank without the king's law, and the news spread to the capital only now.Secondly, why did the sheriff go directly to the capital for the memorial?What about the commanders of Jiangsu and Zhejiang who are in charge of military power?In the end, it was naturally the sheriff, who may have given his allegiance to the country now...

Li Yi raised his head and sighed.

"Have you finished reading?" Liu Zhen squinted his eyes, his expression was so flat that it seemed that a cult took place, and it wasn't like the territory under his feet completely belonged to him.

Li Yi nodded, feeling suddenly a little heavy, heavier than the sheriff named Song Wei.He has always admired loyalty. Although he would call them stupid and pedantic, he admired them in his heart.

Now, this great loyal minister may have died for the country.

Liu Zhen was not moved by Li Yi's low mood, he tilted his head and said calmly, "What do you think?"

"Be cut!" Li Yi gritted his teeth, and burst out two words from between his teeth.

"Oh?" Liu Zhen leaned forward slightly, as if he was a little surprised by Li Yi's words, and then he became interested: "Who should be beheaded?"

Li Yi was originally squatting in front of the small table. At this moment, he carefully folded the memorial in his hand and placed it on top of the small table. Then he stood up slowly, and said in a low voice: "The first one to be the beheader is to block the memorial. People from Beijing."

The corner of Liu Zhen's mouth twitched, as if he admired Li Yi's judgment very much.

"The second person to be beheaded is a person who is corrupt and mediocre, colludes with cults, and disrupts the government, leaving this county guard to fight alone."

"The third one to be beheaded is the leader of Tianlong Sect."

After Li Yi finished the three cuts in one breath, he felt a burst of relief in his chest and abdomen, as if all the previous depression had been dissipated.

"Okay!" Liu Zhen's voice was still flat as usual, but the admiration in his eyes was clearly visible.

After saying hello, he pushed the armrest of the chair with great interest, stood up, and looked Li Yi up and down carefully.

The old man's curved back and gray hair made it difficult for him to conceal the cycle of heaven and the traces of time no matter how energetic he was.

"Let me go, how about doing this for me?" Liu Zhen's eyes were not very good. After watching for a long time, he finally got a clear idea of ​​Li Yi. ——This old man, everything else is good, but he doesn't like ugly people. It is said that one year in the imperial examination, in the imperial examination, the number one scholar was demoted to the second place because of his ugly appearance...

It's not a good feeling to be stared at for a long time. Li Yi felt extremely awkward. He knew that the person in front of him had an eye disease, but he should still be awkward...

Hearing the emperor's words at this moment, this drudgery has called me by name, can I still turn it down?What's more, I have guaranteed the ticket before, and it is a bold statement...

Li Yi curled his lips and said with a wry smile: "The little one will naturally do his best..."

"You are the deacon of Qin Daojian. How can you call yourself a small one like a slave?" The door was pushed open, and Zhang Xuan walked in with a smile. Misuse of words in Yihua.

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