My law is immortal

Chapter 173 All are Grandmasters!

The middle-aged man's expression changed a few times, and he kept chanting obscure spells—he was trying to regain control of his magic weapon.

But how powerful is Li Yi's throwing power?Coupled with the constant struggling power of the huge flame mountain before, and the huge inertia, at this moment, he can't even control the variable number of spells!

Seeing that his magic weapon was about to hit him and refine himself, it was time to retreat, the middle-aged man let out a roar, kicked his feet on the ground, his body suddenly rose up, and he was about to jump onto the ground. Feijian escaped.

But as soon as he jumped up, two flying knives shot from the front.


If you don't run, you will be hit by your magic weapon. If you run, your weakest head may be directly pierced by these two throwing knives.

The middle-aged man hesitated for a moment, and at the moment of hesitation, the huge flame mountain had arrived!


The endless flames engulfed him in an instant, and the green cloth gown on his body disappeared the moment he touched it, not even a single bit of ashes remained.

Under the gown is a bright silver body, which reflects the luster of metal and is dazzling.

However, at this moment, the body has begun to slowly liquefy.


The middle-aged man yelled angrily. He was already extremely angry at the moment, and just when he barely regained control of the huge flame mountain——Li Yi ran up.

The white gown was surrounded by fierce flames, like an ark in hell, and it arrived in front of the Flame Mountain at an extremely fast speed.

Then Li Yi jumped up high.Bend and extend the left leg and straighten the right leg.


A foot in a cloth shoe.Stepped on the top of the Flame Mountain from top to bottom.

The huge impact directly shook the Huoyan Mountain's body.After a shock, there was a loud bang. The Huoyan Mountain seemed to have lost all its magic power at this moment, and suddenly became extremely heavy.


The middle-aged man only had time to let out a miserable howl before his entire body was crushed under the mountain.

His head was exposed outside the mountain, and he looked at the young man in white robe standing on the top of the mountain with a terrified expression.

He couldn't help but believe at this moment that the young man in white in front of him definitely had the strength of a great master of martial arts - he had already stood at the top of the four paths of Buddha, demon, Tao, and martial arts.

However, the great master of martial arts in the world.I can count on one hand...


His body had already started to liquefy, turning into streaks of silvery liquid. These liquids seemed to be extremely heavy, and they hit the ground directly, and then quickly condensed.

But just as it condensed into a piece of iron, it was melted again by raging flames.

"Forgive me! I, Hong Feng, would like to serve you as Lord!"

The middle-aged man finally said his name, he was afraid - this kind of fear he had only experienced when facing the leader of Tianlong, a kind of crushing in strength.Absolute crushing.

"Huh?" Li Yi raised his eyebrows standing on the tens of meters high flame mountain, raised his right foot, and stomped down again.

"Get around me, please. I'm willing to cast a blood curse!" As Li Yi stepped again, Hong Feng howled miserably, and then howled loudly in despair.

"Stand." Li Yi shrugged.He stomped his foot again.

He was suddenly at a loss, when did he become such a cold-blooded person?perhaps.Is he a cold-blooded and cruel person?

Including the last time in the Xuanji Pagoda, a few words.Just abolish Lin Feng?

He thought for a while, then shook his head helplessly, maybe the demon power that has always existed in his body is subtly influencing his way of doing things?This fox Wanqing has not appeared for a long time, even if I want to ask her, I have no chance...

How did Hong Feng know that this man standing on the top of the mountain was not trying to be cool, but was thinking about some personal issues?As soon as he gritted his teeth and recited the formula silently, the flying sword floating in the air suddenly became a little smaller.

The flying sword gradually became smaller, and finally became the size of a palm, and then turned into a gust of wind, instantly chopping off Taoist Hong Feng's head.


Feijian cut through his scalp precisely and caught a drop of blood.


Qian Zong looked at the enemy cavalry who were getting closer, his eyebrows frowned, and his eagle-like eyes looked at the chariot behind him.

A middle-aged woman stood on the chariot, with colorful clothes fluttering, and her hands leaning on the railing, just like a painting.

The woman seemed to have sensed Qian Zong's eyes. She brushed the hair on her cheeks lightly, narrowed her eyes slightly, and stared fixedly at Qian Zong, who was in front of thousands of troops.


Qian Zong turned around abruptly, waving the steel saber in his hand, frowning, shouted, and raised the Guan saber upside down to meet the enemy cavalry.

"Wang Yupeng, hurry to support!" The guard in the city shouted.

With one stroke of his spear, Wang Yupeng took the lead and galloped away with a hundred fine horsemen.

The enemy's cavalry was already approaching. Qian Zong could clearly see the armor on the opponent's body. He was covered with jet-black leather armor, with a strangely shaped helmet on top of his head. There was actually a long black horn on top of the helmet.

The top of the unicorn is constantly spinning, and a wisp of black mist is lingering around it.


With a wave of Qian Zong's arm, the Daguan Dao, with a burst of light blue light, instantly swung towards the opponent from top to bottom.


Brave and unparalleled, the Daguan Dao, which slaughtered enemies like chickens and dogs before, has encountered a strong enemy at this moment!

A sharp spear, completely black, stood in front of the blade.

The opponent's eyes were blood red, and wisps of black smoke floated above his head.

Grandmaster level?Qian Zong's heart trembled, the only ones who could fight against him and not fall behind were master-level fighters!

While he was still thinking about it, hundreds of cavalry from the Xiaoqi Battalion behind him collided with their opponents.

The pitch-black cavalry collided with the pitch-black cavalry suddenly.

Then, the shining steel knife slashed at the opponent's head.

It is very imposing to unsheath the steel knife at the same time, and it can scare the courage of normal people.

However, the other party is not an ordinary person!

Qian Zong looked sideways, and all the enemy cavalry had red eyes!


The sound of the spear touching the gun came instantly, and in just a moment, dozens of cavalrymen of the Xiaoqi Battalion had fallen down!

The horses rolled and neighed on the ground, and the knights held the bloody holes in their chests and squeezed their faces into a ball in pain on the ground.

All the cavalry are master-level?

Qian Zong suddenly remembered, and he stared - the other party has more than one blood sacrifice location!

He heard the tragic howls of the young knights around him. Even though their bodies were easily lifted away by the spears, they still threw steel knives at the enemy in the air...

Outside the chaotic battlefield, riding a white horse, a scholar, holding a bright silver spear, roared loudly with tears in his eyes, and galloped away! (to be continued..)

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