My law is immortal

Chapter 174 You can't take him away.

"Qian Zong, do you still remember the 16th year..." The woman on the chariot lowered her head, lightly brushed her pale fingers across the wooden railing, and murmured.

The wind blew the roof of the car above her head, scraping the leather roof like it was raining.

"I've been waiting for you for 16 years..." The woman said this, gritted her teeth, and said coldly, "Today is the time for you to pay off your debt..."


A pitch-black feathered arrow shot quietly from the west, the shaft of the arrow pierced the air, trembling slightly.

This feathered arrow was silent before, and looked weak, but after flying hundreds of meters, it suddenly accelerated.

Wisps of black smoke on the arrow shaft began to gradually emerge from the arrow shaft mountain...

The smoke began to swirl around the arrow shaft, and finally completely enveloped the feathered arrow, and then, it began to gradually condense into shape.

After a while, a huge black dragon replaced the previous black feathered arrow.


When Li Yi heard the roar of the beast, he had just jumped down from the Flaming Mountain. He raised his eyes and saw a dark figure in the dense forest to the west.

The woman on the chariot looked sideways. She looked at the black dragon, her pupils shrank slightly, and then closed them.

Two lines of clear tears slid down her cheeks.

"Sir, be careful!"

A knight of the Xiaoqi Battalion shouted loudly and stood in front of the black dragon.

Before his words could be transmitted, the black dragon flew past him ferociously.

Countless pitch-black smoke penetrated into his nostrils and eyes one by one.Then, in an instant.The knight and his beloved steed turned into a pool of black water.Trampled by horseshoes.


Qian Zong chopped off his opponent's helmet with a single knife, turned around in a daze, and saw a huge head.

This is a dragon head with two horns and a feathered arrow in its mouth.


There was a dragon's roar, and Qian Zong felt as if he had been hit by a ten thousand catty boulder, and he flew out with his horse and man.


The armor fell to the ground, and blood began to flow out slowly.

Wang Yupeng reined in his horse, turned over and landed in front of Qian Zong.

"Lord Inspector..." Wang Yupeng's eyes were a little red, and he took a look at the huge wound on Qian Zong's abdomen.His heart ached, and then he coldly looked sideways at the woman on the chariot.

The woman suddenly moved.

She didn't move her feet, she just pressed lightly on the guardrail of the chariot in front of her with both hands, and she suddenly rose from the ground, flew straight into the sky, and in an instant, she was in front of Qian Zong.


Wang Yupeng shook his spear and twisted his right foot on the ground.Powerful zhenqi was poured into the spear, he let out a loud shout, and the bright silver spear suddenly trembled.

People with guns.Arrived in an instant.

"Hehe—" the woman smiled contemptuously, she swung her arms, and she dodged the gun in an instant.

Wang Yupeng turned his spear again.Sweeping across the woman's waist.

The woman snorted coldly, her body as light as a fallen leaf.Once again, he dodged the blow lightly.

With just two short strokes, the woman has already passed in front of Wang Yupeng.In front of Qian Zong.

Qian Zong was lying on the ground, his eagle-like eyes were no longer sharp, and looked a little muddy at the moment.

The blood from his waist flowed on the ground as if he didn't want money, soaking the loess soil.

The blood formed a rainbow-colored circle on the ground, as if in this sunless day, he wanted to use his own blood to forge a blood-red sun in the world.


Wang Yupeng shouted again, he unleashed his strongest attack, just because a man who died in battle should be shrouded in horse leather, and should not be humiliated by the enemy.

"I don't want to kill you." The woman's body suddenly rose from the ground, and instantly stepped on the point of the spear stabbed behind her. Her whole body seemed to have no weight at all, and the point of the spear did not even shake a bit.

"Boy from the Wang family." The woman added as she landed on the ground.

Then she turned her back to the astonished Wang Yupeng, squatted down slowly, raised a hand, and stroked Qian Zong's cheek.

"You..." The woman had just opened her mouth, and the tears that had already been contained in her pupils flowed out.

Qian Zong's eyes were a little dull, and he turned around in confusion. He saw a familiar face.


He also cried.

"I'll take you away!" The woman suddenly trembled after hearing this call, as if she had been awakened from the memory of her previous life, her body began to tremble non-stop, and the tears on her cheeks were like broken beads.

"You can't take him away."

A voice came coldly.

"..." The woman looked up and looked at the young man in white standing opposite him, and behind him a middle-aged man carrying a huge mountain.

"Elder Zishan..." The middle-aged man lowered his head, and said with a hint of fear in his voice: "My master, I want to keep him!"

"Master?" The woman sneered, and with a move with one hand, Qian Zong's body suddenly rose from the ground, suspended in mid-air.

Li Yi flicked his sleeves and took a step forward.

After taking this step, the whole ground began to vibrate loudly, and the hundreds of cavalrymen of the Dragon Cult in front of them began to faintly lose their grip on their horses.

"I said, keep him."

Li Yi said indifferently, whether it was for the stability of the Jiangnan area or to understand the secrets of Tianlong Cult, Qian Zong must be kept, at least——Qian Zong must not be taken away again.

"Great Master? Hmph——" the woman smiled, and suddenly raised her hand, a giant cyan tree appeared in the air. This giant tree was round and smooth, as if it was a wooden beam inside the gate of Jinling City.

The round giant tree exudes bursts of green awns. These blue rays of light look a bit dim in daylight, but they seem to be solid. In an instant, solid branches and leaves condense on the giant tree.

The woman raised her hand, and a turquoise leaf fell into her palm.

The woman waved again, and the leaf slowly fell to the ground.


After the leaf fell on the ground, it actually seeped into the ground like running water, and immediately after, the ground began to make a loud rumbling noise.


A huge branch broke through the shackles of the earth in an instant, pierced through the ground under Li Yi's feet, and slammed towards him.


The sword light flashed, Li Yi held the sword in one hand, and there was a huge vine on the ground, and dark green juice flowed out from the fracture of this vine.

These juices spilled into the ground again, and immediately after, the ground shook even more violently.


With the continuous roar, even the cavalry who were in the bloody battle stopped moving.

A huge banyan tree broke through the confines of the earth and suddenly appeared in front of Li Yi. (to be continued..)

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