() Li Yi turned his head, grinned and comforted: "It's okay, there is no dangerous road ahead..." After that, he walked away, anxious in his heart: Call me quickly, call me quickly, you just have the heart to let me go My handsome, handsome and talented fiancé ran all the way up to give me an umbrella, so he just left alone?

At this moment, this guy looks anxious, his eyes are rolling straight, his calm expression just now has long been forgotten, but the people behind him never call him, so he can only bite the bullet and continue to stride forward.

After taking two steps, Li Yi became more and more anxious-why didn't he call a stop? If he didn't call a stop, I would have to go back to stalking without technical content!

The rain did not show any sign of weakening, but it was getting bigger and bigger, and the downpour poured down from the darkened sky.

It was no longer rain, but a rattling, untenable downpour, a furious whirlwind of water full of swirling darkness, pouring down from every direction.

"Li Yi..." A faint call came from the surging rain.

The mountain wind howled and the rain poured down.

Li Yi turned around slowly, and the green cloth gown on his body was already so muddy that the color could not be seen.

"Li Yi, I, let's go down the mountain together..." Liu Yu didn't know if he was confused by monsters and ghosts at this moment, but he held back for a long time, and finally managed to say a word to this "wild boy", and even said After finishing these words, a blush instantly flushed her cheeks, she looked confused in the rain, and added a bit of charm to her elegant temperament.

Haha, it really hurts me!

Li Yi walked up to Liu Yu with a grin, and grabbed the other's beautiful hand firmly. He only felt that the hand was cold, and his heart softened for no reason, and he comforted him: "It's okay, you misunderstood me as your husband before. ..."

Liu Yu saw that this guy had a serious and desolate look just now, but now he showed a hooligan temper, and suddenly felt unreasonable anger and disgust in her heart. She tried her best to shrink her hand, but the other's hand was as motionless as if made of cast iron.

"You!" Liu Yu frowned, and said coquettishly, "Let me go!"

"Don't let it go!" Li Yi curled his lips: "You are my fiancee, if I say no to it, I won't let it go!"

"You, you, you! Why are you so shameless!" Liu Yu was so angry that he said you three times in a row, secretly annoyed in his heart-it is true that this wild boy has a bit of talent, but what about his previous shameless deeds? Rumors, I'm afraid they are groundless and may not be without reason!

Li Yi put his right hand on his chest, bowed politely, raised his eyebrows and said, "I'm just so shameless, thank you!"

Seeing the other party's gesture of pride instead of shame, Liu Yu was both helpless and quite annoyed, and continued: "You, why are you so shameless!"

Li Yi bowed slightly again, raised his eyebrows again, and said lightly: "I'm just so shameless, thank you!"

"you you……"

The two pushed and tugged, tugged, and bickered as they walked down the mountain road. For a while, they looked like a young couple fighting, but they didn't care about the heavy rain in front of them.

After the three of them walked tens of meters, it was the most dangerous section of the entire Longran Mountain Road. The locals called it "Ghost Seeing Sorrow". Sorrow is just a two-meter-wide mountain road built along the cliff, with iron cables blocking one side. It really has nothing to do with the three words "ghost sees sorrow".

And now, Li Yi finally knows the origin of the word ghost seeing sorrow...

The pouring rain rolls down the mountain path along the mountain wall, like a waterfall. The entire mountain path is muddy and full of water, but what is even more worrying is that the entire mountain path is built on an incline towards the outside, and the accumulated water on the ground is like As if descending a step, it rolled towards the bottom of the cliff, forming a small waterfall again, and with the force of the rain, it fell under the cliff at an unknown depth.

Princess Liu Yu was entangled by Li Yi. Although she scolded her, she seemed to feel a lot better in her heart. She cursed more and more unscrupulously as if to vent.

"You shameless bastard!"

"You, you ignorant rascal!"

Seeing that the mountain road in front of him really turned into a ghost, Li Yi frowned, turned his head, swept away his previous rogue temper, and said to Liu Yu's master and servant seriously: "The road ahead is too dangerous, why don't I go first?" Explore the way!"

"Huh?" Liu Yu collected his temper just now when he heard this, and when he looked up, his lips parted in fright, and he said nervously: "This, this is too dangerous, why don't we go to Fayan Temple to avoid it for a while?" Avoid the rain..."

"Cut..." Li Yi curled his lips and said with a teasing smile: "My daughter-in-law, you don't have to worry, your husband and I have practiced rock climbing!"

"You..." Liu Yu only felt that the person in front of him was both annoying and worrying. For a moment, he was neither angry nor smiling, so he could only stare blankly at that person with a pair of beautiful eyes. "Wild Boy" cautiously explored the way forward.

Li Yi closed the umbrella as a walking stick, stretched it out and tapped it slowly on the ground, and found that the water on the mountain road was not deep, so he relaxed, moved forward a few steps, turned his head, and grinned against the heavy rain Laughing and shouting: "Daughter-in-law, come here quickly, come here quickly, the water is very shallow..."

After listening to Li Yi's words, Liu Yu cautiously stretched out her lotus feet and moved forward. The servant girl Lian'er quickly supported her on one side, and murmured in a low voice: "It's all my uncle's fault, I have to make the lady angry, otherwise how could we order?"

She thought that Liu Yu was bewitched by evil spirits before, but when she was walking together, she heard the conversation between the two of them, and she suddenly understood - Miss Emotion was bewitched by her uncle's anger?

Seeing that the two women walked too slowly, Li Yi thought in his heart that it was not completely dark yet. If it was dark and the three of them didn't have a lantern torch, and it was raining again now, where would there be dry grass to light it?When it gets dark, it will be more difficult to go down the mountain.

Thinking of this, he urged: "Hey, daughter-in-law, hurry up, my husband has already explored this road, it's very flat—" At this point, this guy jumped up and down like a demonstration, and said Shouted: "Look, there is no danger here, even this kind of mountain road, dare to call it a ghost—"

Li Yilian hadn't finished jumping up and down, but suddenly saw the two girls opposite him staring at the top of his head, as if they saw something horrible, their pretty faces turned pale and their faces turned pale from fright, and they were about to ask , I heard Liu Yu call out: "Ah——Li Yi, be careful!"

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