() "What?" Li Yi suddenly felt horrified, and hurriedly raised his head, but only saw a few tree branches shaking with the wind. He was a little puzzled, and suddenly he remembered——when he was walking forward just now, But there are no such branches, and now these branches appear behind him...

Looking at these branches - it turned out to be a dead tree growing on the mountain wall. Due to the heavy rain that washed away the soil that took root, the previous roots could no longer support the thick trunk, and the result was - this A dead tree as thick as two people hugging each other was slowly falling towards him.

Li Yi's complexion changed, and he flung his arms away and ran towards Liu Yu. How could he know that the tree fell slowly when it just fell, and as more and more branches were hanging in the air, the center of gravity became more and more transferred to the air, so the falling speed became faster...

"Boom—" Even withered, the dead tree that had persisted on the mountain wall for an unknown amount of time finally fell under the torrential rain and howling wind. Half of the huge tree was hanging off the cliff, and the other half was on the mountain road.

It was too late to say it, and then I heard a "bang--", and with the fall of the whole dead tree, a branch with a thick bowl mouth turned into an arc and slammed into the ground from the cliff. Li Yi's right arm was hit, and the huge impact directly knocked him to the cliff, staggered two steps, then fell to the edge of the cliff suddenly, and rolled down the cliff.

"Hey!" Before Li Yi could react, he was beaten dizzy by the tree trunk. When he could react, he saw that he was falling. When he was flustered, he used both hands and feet to scratch randomly, and his right hand was lucky. He touched a tree trunk with a thick mouth, hurriedly used both hands, and firmly grasped this life-saving straw.

"Huh——" clasping the trunk with both hands, hanging in the air to stabilize his body, Li Yi had time to look down—only in the heavy rain, the bottom of the cliff was dark, and it was impossible to see how high it was. , leading to where.

Only a few breaths have passed since Li Yi discovered that the situation was wrong until he was knocked to the ground and hung on the cliff.

Liu Yu didn't react until that annoying "wild boy" fell off the cliff. Her pretty face suddenly turned pale, and she rushed forward two steps, out of the range covered by the umbrella. The rain wetted her hair in an instant. A few strands of water flowed down the corners of her eyes, like teardrops.

"Li Yi!" Liu Yu resisted the natural fear of the cliff in his heart, hurried to the cliff, poked his head out to look, and called twice nervously.

"Miss!" Seeing her young lady rushing to the edge of the cliff, Lian'er was frightened out of her wits, moved over nervously, and then firmly grabbed Liu Yu's sleeve, turning her head away and not daring to look down.

It was already dark at this time, and Li Yi was hanging under the tree again, so it was not easy for the two of them to find out, but he could clearly see the anxious look on Liu Yu's face from below, and he felt secretly refreshed—— Daughter-in-law, although you keep saying you hate me, but...

"Hey, daughter-in-law, I'm here, here!"

"Huh?" At this moment, Liu Yu and the two discovered that there was still a person hanging under the branch!

"Huh——" Lian'er took a long breath, patted her chest, and said with lingering fear: "Ah, uncle, so you didn't die, but you scared Lian'er to death!"

The moment Liu Yu saw this wild boy fall off the cliff, he felt a pain in his heart for no reason, and his next move was subconscious. Seeing that Li Yi was fine, his cheeks blushed suddenly, and then he raised the back of his hand, Wiping the rainwater off her pretty face, she snorted softly.

Li Yi was hanging on the cliff, but when he saw that the other party was standing on the edge of the cliff and chatting with him, he was dizzy with anger, and teased: "Yes, your uncle and I are not dead, but if you don't save me I, I'm going to die..."

"Ah—" Liu Yu panicked after hearing this, and became anxious, but Li Yi's body was half blocked by the tree, but she couldn't reach it with her hand.

"Miss, this, this branch!" Lian'er hugged a soaked and soaked branch from nowhere, and several leaves were still hanging on the branch. The leaves fluttered like duckweed in the sea. yu pendant.

The two girls hugged the branch together and handed it to Li Yi.

"Yes, yes, go down a little more...Okay!" Li Yi hung in the air, stretched out a hand to grab the branch, and then used the strength of the two to pull up, and slowly kicked up... …



Li Yi was just holding on to the branch with one hand, and climbed up the cliff with the other hand. When he was about to turn over and climb up, suddenly a call came from afar, and he could still see a torch flickering in the rain .

"Ah! Brother Zhang!" Lian'er turned her head suddenly, jumped up happily, turned around and waved, "We are here, Brother Zhang, we are here!"

It's okay if she didn't jump, but when she jumped, she subconsciously let go of her hand!

Liu Yu only felt a sudden fall from below, and immediately realized that her silly maid had let go of her hand. Her face suddenly turned pale, her teeth were clenched tightly, and she turned her head away, not to look at the bottom of the cliff, but her hand was even tighter. It's tight.

"Ah——" Li Yi felt his body fall backwards, and his hand that was clinging to the cliff slipped down. Yu was still holding onto the branch of the tree tightly, her delicate jade hands were already torn by the branch at this moment, the blood mixed with the rainwater seeped into the sleeve robe, dyeing the originally beige sleeve robe red, as if a few leaves had bloomed on the desert. A bright red peony.

"Pfft——" Princess Yu, who is pampered and pampered on weekdays, naturally has no one to pull Li Yi's strength, even if she can stabilize the current situation—in an instant, she has stood on the stone edge of the cliff .

"Miss, Big Brother Zhang and the others are here! Ask them to help you bring me up..." Lian Er subconsciously turned her head, and then she was scared out of her wits—I saw that the lady was already half kneeling on the edge of the cliff, still moving forward fall!

She hurriedly stretched out her hand to grab the branch, but she was in a hurry in the dark, but she couldn't find the dark branch. In desperation, she could only grab the hem of the brocade robe behind her young lady.

"Ka——" the sound of the branch gradually breaking came, and when he looked up, he saw that Liu Yu had already half leaned out of the cliff. Li Yi gritted his teeth, opened his mouth and yelled at the daughter-in-law who hadn't passed the door: "Let go! Get out!" !"

Princess Yu felt the pulling force behind her, and felt a little relieved, turning a deaf ear to the wild boy's roar, resisting the severe pain in her hand, and holding on to the branch tightly.

"Pfft——" Suddenly, the back hem of the beautifully stitched brocade robe with thin gold threads broke!

"Ah!" Lian'er exclaimed, looked down at the half of the hem that was still tightly grasped in her hands, and immediately lost her mind and saw her young lady fall off the cliff suddenly.

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