My law is immortal

Chapter 23 Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai

() The mountain fire is difficult, but after it is lit, it gradually grows bigger with the passing of the wind. After drying the clothes quickly, Li Yi picked up the clothes, bare-armed, and moved to Liu Yu in front of Liu Yu.

"You, you shameless bastard, what are you going to do again!" Seeing Li Yi approaching, Liu Yu was not too nervous—after spending this period of time together, she had already discovered that the person in front of her, despite speaking There is a lot of frivolity in it, but it seems that they are not the kind of people who use power...

"Take off your clothes!" Li Yi trembled all over, expressionless.

Liu Yumei's eyes widened, and she didn't know if it was because of the fire, but she felt her pretty face was blushing hot, she frowned and said solemnly: "You, you, you are still this kind of person after all!"

When she said this, her beautiful eyes closed, and two lines of tears fell from the corners of her eyes. The two teardrops falling below the waterline were as pure as two pearls, and like two parallel lines that would never meet. Can miss each other, never see each other...

She closed her eyes and waited for a long time, her heart was extremely disturbed, she had already thought about it, if the person in front of her was really... then she would kill herself immediately by biting her tongue, she would rather die than surrender...

Li Yi couldn't stand the cold, so he casually threw the robe in his hand on Liu Yu, and then moved back to the fire.

"Pfft——" the robe fell on Liu Yu, she was so frightened that she almost bit off her tongue, and then she heard the sparse footsteps, and the coughing of that wild boy from time to time gradually went away...

"You, don't you wear it!" Liu Yu squeezed the "robe" in his hand, lowered his head slightly, and peeked at Li Yi who was staggering with his back turned to him, his voice as soft as a mosquito.The robe in her hand is an insult to the term robe. The so-called robe in front of her eyes has already been riddled with holes by the branches, and there are a lot of mud stains on it that cannot be washed off, but the whole is still intact. .

"You put it on first!" Li Yi's voice was very stiff and vague because of the cold.

"You..." Liu Yu originally wanted to warn the other party not to peek, but for some reason, she retracted the words and silently took off the clothes on her body, leaving only a chest wrap on her upper body.

Li Yi turned his back to Liu Yu, listening to the sound of undressing behind him, his mind was full of thoughts, although his body was cold, but his heart was agitated - this is my fiancee, where in the world is there a husband peeping at him Wife reason?Hmph, if you want to see it, you must watch it openly!

After Liu Yu changed into her robe, she was tall and tall, but now she was wearing Li Yi's clothes, which were only a little looser and not too long.But this shabby robe gave her a different feeling - the whole person was a little more bookish than before, and a little less graceful.

"Zhu Yingtai?" Li Yi turned his head, stared blankly, and thought to himself: I was still thinking about Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai when I fell off the cliff, but at this moment I actually saw Zhu Yingtai coming, but in front of me She has long hair and shawls, and her cheeks are as white as jade, she is three points more beautiful than Zhu Yingtai written in the book!

"What Zhu Yingtai?" Liu Yu blushed from the unscrupulous staring of the man in front of him, and asked a little shyly, but she thought in her heart——if this man said such shameless words, I just scolded him!

With his arms bare, Li Yi shook his head and said, "Well, this is a poignant love story..."

"Huh?" Liu Yu immediately became interested. For a girl of her age, her curiosity about love stories is comparable to the curiosity of later generations of girls about court dramas.

Seeing that the other party was interested, Li Yi immediately frowned, scratched his ears and said, "Oh, this, I remembered it very clearly before, why did I forget it now... If someone calls me a good husband, I can remember it!"

"Good husband?" Liu Yu hesitated for a moment, what is the word "good husband"?Although she didn't know it in her heart, she guessed that this person was taking advantage of her in another way. Thinking of this, she was about to refute the other party, but she saw Li Yi on the opposite side raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"Hey, good shout, good shout!" Li Yi slapped his thigh, and immediately grinned his teeth in pain because of the injury on his waist, and said in pain and happiness: "This scream is quite good for my husband." Listen, this story, I immediately remembered it!"

Liu Yu frowned when he heard the man's three words about taking advantage, and was about to be annoyed, but when he heard the man remembered the story, he had to pretend he didn't hear it, and asked, "Hmph, Then you go ahead! If it doesn’t sound good..."

"If it doesn't sound good, are you going to murder your husband?" Li Yi laughed.

"Bah!" Liu Yu gave a bah, and then raised her beautiful eyes, urging: "Hurry up!"

"Once upon a time, there was a poor scholar. His literary talent was astonishing, his talent was brilliant, and he was born with a handsome appearance..." Li Yi shook his head and said here, but curled his lips and said: "Oh, although he is so talented and handsome Unfortunately, I'm still one, two, three, four, five chips behind my husband..."

Liu Yu has never seen such a person who doesn't even forget to praise himself when he tells a story. He couldn't help laughing, but he let out a little pooh. Thinking of the talent of this person in front of him, it was really amazing. Didn't his previous marriage vows Marry the most talented person in the world...

Seeing that the other side listened carefully, Li Yi also became interested, and continued: "In this way, the scholar Liang Shanbo met a classmate in the academy. This classmate has beautiful features, and he is even more beautiful than a woman. Let's talk about the two of them. Great relationship with..."

Speaking of this, this fellow did not forget to praise the beautiful woman opposite: "Of course, his classmate can't compare with my daughter-in-law... As for how good it is? It can't compare with us... ..."

"Bah..." Liu Yu just heard the point of interest, and was distracted by this guy, couldn't help but yelled, and urged: "Stop talking, talk, talk!"

"This classmate friend is that Zhu Yingtai..." Li Yi said eloquently, otherwise he would not have been able to say a few words casually, and almost fainted with anger in Fayan Temple. When it comes to storytelling—excellent eloquence coupled with stories that have been passed down through the ages, it is naturally easy and fascinating...

"Ah, then Liang Shanbo is a fool! He has been classmates for three years, but he doesn't know that Zhu Yingtai is a daughter?" Liu Yu was quite annoyed, frowned and pouted.

"Yeah, it's not too stupid. Afterwards, this guy is even more stupid..." Li Yi curled his lips and continued: "Zhu Yingtai returned home halfway and finished her studies... Then Liang Shanbo Kid riri missed, unexpectedly found that he had developed feelings for Zhu Xiongtai..."

"Then, this kid felt unwilling, so he went to Shangyu Zhu's house to visit this classmate friend..." Li Yi shook his head and sighed: "Who knew that at this time, as soon as he entered the other party's house, he would know that his classmate A friend of three years turned out to be a female red makeup!"

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