My law is immortal

Chapter 27 Looking for the nobleman who fell off the cliff

() Longran Mountain is a vast mountain. Although it is not towering into the clouds, it is undulating. It is not only like a traveler with a long way to go, walking towards the distant sky with firm steps, but also like a giant dragon perched on the ground. Always be ready to soar into the sky.

On the mountainside, there is a temple hidden among the shadows of the trees. The incense in front of the temple is not in full swing like other places, but faintly swaying with the mountain wind, lingering, and diverging from the blue tiles and white walls. With a simple detachment.

Today, Longran Mountain was closed again. According to rumors, it was the queen mother's favorite princess who accidentally fell off the cliff during the weird storm yesterday.

It was obvious that no one could cover up what happened last night. The third prince waited for a long time at the foot of the mountain until the wind and rain hit. After sending people up the mountain, he happened to meet Lian Er and the guards at Prince Bo's mansion, and learned that Li After the news that Yi and Princess Yu both fell off the cliff, it can be said that the third prince Liu Che was scared to death.

This kid ordered the guards to go into the mountain to search overnight, but the rain was pouring, it was already late, and the two of them fell off the cliff again, where could they find it?

That night, Lian'er, the princess' maidservant, weepingly described to Prince Bo how the princess fell off the cliff, Prince Bo was furious and scolded Li Yi loudly for dragging his beloved daughter with him even to death.

The old man was already extremely dissatisfied with Li Yi, a cheap son-in-law. As for the reason, it was not because Li Yi was too famous, but because Li Yi's old man, Li Tong, was too upright and had no understanding of the world. respect for...

Because of many small things, the two once met in the court, but it was as if they had never seen each other, and their relationship was like fire and water.

Emperor Liu Zhen was also quite helpless, one was his own younger brother, and the other was a general whom he relied heavily on, how could he watch these two stumbling each other like children grinding their teeth?

So after Li Tong broke the Great Food Kingdom and made great contributions, he unexpectedly married the little princess of Prince Bo's family, who was just over one year old, to Li Tong's newborn son!

Prince Bo quarreled with his own brother several times, but Liu Zhen dismissed Li Tong as a pillar of the country because of his great contribution and integrity.

Of course, the reason why Prince Bo stopped pestering Liu Zhen in the end was that Li Yi, the fifth son of the Li family, was a well-known playboy since he was a child. , Their marriage was annulled.

Now, however, things have indeed changed dramatically.

Whether Li Yi is a dude or not is another matter. Just at this young age, this kid has broken through to the late Qi Condensation stage after practicing for a month, and he has already been highly valued by many Taoists from the National Teacher and Qin Daojian.

Moreover, this Li Yi actually fell off the cliff together with the most honorable and beloved princess of the Han Dynasty!

This is terrible, even Prince Bo and other family members of the victims entered the palace to meet the saint, and there was already an uproar in the palace in the middle of the night.

The final result was that the news came out from the palace that "you want to see people if you live, and you want to see corpses when you die", so the whole Longran Mountain was closed again, and hundreds of soldiers went up the mountain to search everywhere.

Longran Mountain is named for its shape like a giant dragon crawling on the ground, and there are many beasts and poisonous snakes in the mountain.

There is a small village at the foot of the mountain, named Majiazhuang. There are not many people in the village. It looks like forty or fifty households. Men hunt and women weave, and they are self-sufficient.

At this moment, the normally self-sufficient, quiet Majiazhuang is bustling with activity.

The head of the village, Ma Dashan, was full of energy, receiving one after another from time to time, big people who were hard to see on weekdays, Ma Dashan stayed up all night, but his face was still red and alive.

"Mo Dashan, have all the men in your village been pulled into the mountain?" A tall and strong man with a handsome appearance, about 30 years old, wearing a red armor, is facing him with a frown Li Chang said with a face full of compliments.

"Li, General Li, there were more than a dozen hunters who went hunting in the mountains in this small village, and they were invited by people from the capital last night. Dozens of men were invited. At this moment, there are only women and children in the village. Where are the men!" Ma Dashan saw the dissatisfied expression of the general on the opposite side, and hurriedly opened his mouth to explain.

This general surnamed Li is actually Li Yi's second brother, Li Tiexin. The horse swung his whip and rushed to Longran Mountain, but he couldn't even find a guide when he arrived at Longran Mountain.

Li Tiexin frowned, with dissatisfaction written all over his face: "Hmph, since there is no one to be your guide, then you can follow me into the mountains and be my guide!"

"Ah! But, General, those two people fell off the cliff from ghosts. This ghost is very mysterious. Sometimes they fall from this side, but they find their bodies from several miles away..." Ma Dashan Speaking of this, he saw that the general on the opposite side raised his eyebrows and was about to fly into a rage. He was startled and quickly agreed.

Although his heart is full of reluctance—after all, if he stays in the village, he might meet more big shots. If there are any big shots who value him, he can pick one or two at random...

But the general in front of him seems to have a lot of background...

In desperation, the old horse had no choice but to pack up his luggage, and followed the bad-tempered general into the mountain, but secretly teased in his heart——I don’t know which prince fell off the cliff, and more than a dozen people have come here today There are so many people, I really hope that these people will never be able to find this noble person...

Under the efficient execution of the entire Han Dynasty, hundreds of soldiers went up the mountain overnight, and Li Yi, as the second brother of the general, also "held hostage" the last man in Majiazhuang, the Li Chang, in the early morning of the second day Mount Mada entered the mountain.

When everyone was looking for these two little ancestors, Li Yi and Princess Yu encountered a lot of trouble.

After hearing Li Yi's words, Liu Yu ran out immediately, calling for help.

"Princess, you are actually in this valley. I heard that this cliff is very mysterious. It often falls from one place, but appears in another..." The voice of the visitor was a little stiff, as if his tongue had been injured , the pronunciation is somewhat inaccurate.

Liu Yu looked up in the direction of the voice, his eyes were covered by the shade of the trees, and he couldn't see the person coming at all.

"Looking at it now, it really is so. Speaking of which, it's the first time I've come to Longbean Mountain..." The visitor chattered endlessly, and seemed to be in a good mood, and he kept talking as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Princess, please wait a moment, the four of us brothers will come down after tying the rope!" The sound of rustling came from the cliff, obviously the people above were tying the rope.

Listening to the conversation outside, Li Yi suddenly became suspicious—there were only four people here, which did not conform to the most basic ten-member team system of the Han Dynasty. They only brought a few ropes into the mountain, not even a rope ladder. I want to come down to save people; and I found the two of us, and I didn't go back to report the news. Is this...

When he thought of this, he became a little nervous, turned his head hastily, pretended to be bored, and shouted to the outside of the cave in a lazy tone: "Daughter-in-law, let them crawl for a while, come in and chat with me... ..."

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