My law is immortal

Chapter 28 A Knife

() Liu Yu couldn't help but blushed when he heard this guy talking outrageously - there are outsiders here at this moment!

She stomped her lotus feet, blushing and said, "Bah, you won't come out by yourself?"

Li Yi became more and more anxious, and couldn't help but secretly scolded this little girl with big breasts and no brains, so he rolled his eyes and shouted in a hoarse and painful voice: "Oh, my waist, my waist! , going to break..."

"Well——" Liu Yu's heart was pulled by this miserable howl, he hesitated for a moment, then turned around and walked into the cave with a mutter.

As soon as she entered the cave, she saw at a glance that although this guy looked a little tired, he was not as miserable as in the shout just now - at least this wild boy can already walk freely!

"Hmph—" Liu Yu pouted, raised her brows, and was about to speak.

Li Yi waved his hand anxiously, and put the index finger of his right hand in front of his lips, making a silent gesture.

"Huh?" Liu Yu was confused by his weird movements, and felt inexplicably nervous, and couldn't help walking over cautiously, lowered her voice, and asked in a low voice, "What's the matter?"

Li Yi squinted his eyes, raised the corners of his lips, and said with a half-smile: "I'm afraid, these people are not here to save us."

"Ah?" Liu Yu was taken aback for a moment, and then asked in amazement: "Then they just came to save me?"

"Stupid!" Li Yi was dizzy with anger, and explained helplessly: "I guess they are here to kill us!"

"What?" Liu Yu straightened up suddenly, obviously unable to accept this estimate, and frowned, "How come!"

Li Yi curled his lips, shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly: "I hope not, but you'd better not go out, this cave is still hidden, even if they come down, they have to search for a while..."

As a time-traveling man who is used to watching court dramas in his previous life, Li Yi, in this strange world, although he acts recklessly and unscrupulously on weekdays, he always maintains a trace of vigilance—who made the performance in the previous life so scary?

"Eh..." Liu Yu hesitated for a while, but still bowed obediently, leaning against Li Yi, but there were already some tiny beads of sweat on her palms——what the wild boy said was true, Even if she didn't believe it, she was inevitably a little nervous.

"Bang bang—" There was a slight landing sound outside.

The sound came into the cave that had been quiet until now, causing Liu Yu to tremble in shock. This feeling of hiding in the cave, quietly lurking, surrounded by no life is really frightening.

"Don't be afraid—" Suddenly a weak voice came from beside him. The voice was a little tired and hoarse, but it sounded so calm.

Just like the undefeated Shenwei army that has been sticking to the frontier of the Tang Dynasty for a hundred years, it is calm and reassuring.

Following the sound, another hot, somewhat rough hand grasped her catkin roughly.

"My lord—" came a cautious call from outside.

"My lord, where are you? And where is Brother Li Yi? Is he injured?" He shouted twice, but didn't hear the slightest response. The voice seemed a little anxious.

The sound of footsteps stepping on fallen leaves and branches came from outside, obviously someone was searching around.

"My lord, don't play around with me!" The footsteps became more and more hurried, obviously searching around in a hurry, and at the same time, the stiff voice that seemed to have hurt your tongue also became anxious: "We brought a military doctor Come on, Brother Li Yi must have been seriously injured and needs to be treated quickly, or it will be too late!"

Liu Yu turned his head and glanced at Li Yi, seeing his sallow complexion, he couldn't help but hesitate in his heart - if what they said was true, wouldn't they have harmed this wild boy?Moreover, did Li Yi not let me go out because he was delirious with a fever?

"Don't go!" Feeling the hesitation of the people beside him, Li Yi immediately squeezed the silky catkin with a little force, while carefully staring at the entrance of the cave.

After the two were silent for a while, there was no more shouting outside, only the sound of more and more hurried footsteps came, obviously the people outside gave up the idea of ​​calling them out.

Suddenly, a man dressed in a military uniform of the Han Dynasty walked by outside the cave. The sunlight outside was strong, the cave was dark, and there was no light coming in. The other party didn't notice this small cave and just walked by.

"They are killers!" Li Yi glanced at the strangely shaped knife hanging on the other's waist, and hurriedly lowered his voice, whispering.

Being able to confirm the identity of the opponent's killer with just one knife is really because this knife is too special.

The sabers assigned to ordinary soldiers in the Han Dynasty were straight and long, with thin blades and thick ridges, short handles, and an oblate ring on the head of the handle, which was called "ring head sword". The knife has a slender blade, and the blade is much thinner than the Huanshou knife. More importantly, Li Yi is very familiar with the handle of this knife.

It's so familiar that it can be recognized at a glance - the handle of this knife is in the shape of a slender cylinder, densely tied with black cloth strips, the entire handle is suitable for holding with both hands...

This is, the Japanese knife!

Hearing this, Liu Yu couldn't help but his cheeks turned pale and his body trembled, obviously his heart was extremely nervous.

Suddenly the soldier who just passed by the entrance of the cave turned around again, stood at the entrance of the cave, and poked his head to look in. He looked for a while, but because of the darkness in the cave, he couldn't see anything, so he withdrew again and turned his head to the outside Shouted: "Captain, here, here, there is a hole—"

This voice was even more unfamiliar and stiff than that of the person who spoke just now, as if he hadn't spoken a few words since he was born, he stammered out these words with a crappy accent.

"Huhu——" The sound of the leaves brushing against the leaves quickly approached.

Then I heard the voice of the previous "captain" shouting into the cave: "My lord, are you inside?"

The captain yelled twice, but seeing that there was still no response, he took out the flint from his pocket and was about to light the fire.

Li Yi saw it from inside the cave, and knew that if they raised the torches, his eyes, which had just adapted to the dark environment in the cave, would lose their advantage.

He immediately turned around and said to Liu Yu who was beside him, "Quickly call them in!"

"Huh?" Liu Yu was about to hesitate, but seeing Li Yi's anxious face, he opened his mouth and shouted: "You, come in quickly!"

"Oh?" Hearing Liu Yu's voice, the captain outside the cave slowed down his movements. He poked his head and asked inside: "Princess, come out. It's too dark in this cave, we can't see the way clearly." !"

It was the first time to tell a lie, Liu Yu obviously lacked experience, and stammered: "I, I was bitten by a snake! I can't move!"

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