() This cave has a narrow entrance and a large interior, in the shape of a gourd.

At this moment, Li Yi was sticking to the inside of the cave entrance, and his whole body was attached to the cave wall. The wet and cold cave wall shocked him, and he took out a dagger with a cold light from his arms—it was the dagger he had when he was a child. , the third brother gave himself a birthday present.

"Huh—" The cave suddenly went dark, and then a figure bent down and got in.

Li Yi didn't move, because from his attire, he had already identified that this person was not the so-called captain of the other party - to capture the thief first, to capture the king, and in his current state, if he went up and killed the first killer first, he would probably die too. He was quickly discovered by the people behind and was directly stabbed to death from behind.

At this moment, Liu Yu's pretty face was frighteningly pale, her hands were tightly clenched into fists, her slender knuckles turned white from exertion, and her body was trembling slightly. She hid in the depths of the cave, poked her head out and saw Li Yi Leaning at the entrance of the cave, I saw another killer leaning over to get in.

"Forget it—" Two lines of tears flowed from Liu Yu's eyes, and his heart felt sad—this is all blaming himself, why should he write a letter to humiliate Li Yi, and why should he be so fierce to him?

"Princess, are you there?" The captain's voice came out.

Li Yi quickly confirmed that the killer captain, who pretended to be a soldier, was extremely cautious. He didn't want to enter until the three accomplices entered the cave and found that they were all right.

It's a pity that he was the last to come in, and it was tantamount to sending the back of his neck to Li Yi.

The four killers had just entered the cave, and their eyes had not yet adapted to the dark environment in the cave, so they naturally became blind for a short time.

And this moment of blindness is Li Yi's opportunity!

"Suddenly—" Li Yiqiang endured the pain in his waist, and with a sudden force on his feet, his body shot out like a feline animal. The dagger in his hand reflected a ray of light outside the cave in the darkness, and slammed toward this place. Stab the killer captain in the back!

"Hey!" Captain Killer heard the wind behind him and was about to turn around with a strange cry. Unfortunately, no matter how fast he reacted, he couldn't hide from Li Yi in this dark and narrow cave with his eyes hard to see. A long-awaited blow.

"Pfft—" The sharp dagger pierced the captain's shoulder blade, and was held tightly by the warrior's strong muscles. Immediately, the leader of the killer couldn't stand firmly, and was hit by Li Yi so repeatedly. The blow hit the ground, and the two quickly fell to the ground and rolled into a ball.

How could Li Yi let go of the opportunity at this moment? Now that he has made a move, he must not stop.

Although he doesn't like to practice martial arts, it's a pity that he was born in a family of generals, so he has learned some superficial kung fu. At this moment, it is this little kung fu that gave Li Yi a chance to survive.

He pulled out the dagger suddenly, gritted his teeth, and stabbed the killer's head fiercely.

"Okay!" The killer only had time to shout "Okay", with his head on one side, dodging Li Yi's blow, and immediately raised his hand to pat Li Yi.

With a muffled sound of "Boom--", Li Yi received a firm slap in the chest, and felt severe pain as if he had been hit by a giant hammer.

The body also bounced back with the huge force of this palm, Li Yi straightened up with this force, stepped back a few steps, and hit the cave wall beside Liu Yu.

He spat out a mouthful of blood, gritted his teeth, and stood there. Because of the severe pain and the slight trembling of his waist, his body looked shaky and weak.

The princess was startled, and tears flowed out in an instant. The crying would be endless, as if she wanted to dry up her own tears.

"Don't cry!" Li Yi wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, frowned and scolded: "Your husband, I'm not dead yet, why are you crying!"

"Hmm..." Liu Yu raised his head and looked at Li Yi, and responded with tears in his eyes, but he stopped crying very obediently.

The other three killers just reacted at this moment, but they were scolded by the leader of the killers. They all stood still, holding the handle of the knife in their hands, and stared at Li Yi covetously.

"Good boy, you are indeed Li Tong's son!" The killer stood up, ignoring the bleeding wound on his shoulder, gradually adapting to the dark environment in the cave, staring at the crumbling Li Tong with burning eyes. Yi asked in a rather surprised voice: "However, how did you know that we are here to kill you?"

The killer leader wore a Han Dynasty soldier's military uniform, but it fit him quite well, except that he was not tall, as if he had been stunted since he was a child, and his figure was much thinner than ordinary people.

"Bah——" Li Yi spit out bloodshot saliva, then grinned, and sarcastically said without showing weakness: "You Dongying people, it seems that your IQ is still a little anxious!"

"Huh?" The killer leader was startled, the four of them had been lurking in the Han Dynasty for several years, and they were spotted by this kid in front of him?

Li Yi is willing to say a few more words to the killer at this moment, because he understands his physical condition better than anyone else. After being slapped, at this moment - I'm afraid I can't even beat Liu Yu!

But, he doesn't want to die now, he just got a wife!How could he be killed so easily by a few Japanese pirates?

"I found out that your identities are suspicious because of the following points!" Li Yi waved his hand, leaned against the wall and slowly sat down on the ground, and said in a weak voice.

"Oh? What time is it?" The killer leader became interested.

They came to kill Li Yi and Yu Junzhu this time under the order of a certain big shot. The other party only asked Li Yi and Liu Yu to die, and to destroy the corpses. I am willing to give a few minutes to say my last words; besides, the six of them are all in the cave now, even if outsiders find it here, it will be difficult for them to find themselves.

Li Yi saw that the other party didn't seem to intend to kill immediately, so he immediately said: "First, your voice is too blunt, it seems that you learned it halfway!"

"En! Continue!" The killer leader nodded in approval.

"The second point is the saber at your waist! I once saw the saber of the Japanese pirates in the East China Sea captured by my elder brother at home. Although there are some differences between the two, they are basically the same..." Li Yi pouted and continued road.

The leader of the killer glanced at Li Yi in surprise, and immediately took off the saber from his waist, stroked the blade, and muttered to himself: "Yes, this is our negligence, but——I use this knife When I was alive, I never left a mouth alive."

"Hmph, is this the third point!" Seeing that the other party was already sharpening the knife with his fingers, Li Yi hurriedly said: "The third point, the four of you are really ridiculous. You found us, but you all came down, no Leave only one person waiting on the mountain!"

"Oh?" The killer raised his eyebrows, then snorted softly, walked up to three meters in front of Li Yi, narrowed his eyes and said, "Is there any more!"

"Yes, of course!" Li Yi breathed out, and said in a weak voice: "The fourth point is..."

Having said that, he suddenly raised his voice sharply, and his eyes were full of brilliance—he had been waiting for this moment for a long time!

"The fourth point is - you shouldn't offend me!"

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