My law is immortal

Chapter 30 Li Yi's self-defense weapon

() As soon as Li Yi finished speaking, the killer leader was still in a state of confusion, when he saw the dying boy leaning against the wall and smiling at him.

There are many kinds of smiles in the world, wild laughter, cheap smiles, flattering smiles, and charming smiles.

And the slight smile in front of me often appears in two situations - one may be self-deprecating, it is a surrender to one's own destiny, a slight smile, weakening and giving up the struggle.In another situation, it is just the opposite. This kind of smile is absolute confidence in oneself and compassion for the enemy.

The killer leader obviously couldn't think so much, because he saw Li Yi's right hand placed on the ground, and at some point there was a strange shape.

He was suddenly stunned—this is clearly a small crossbow arrow. The sharp arrowhead is not the color that steel should have been, but a blue-purple color with faint fluorescence. The arrowhead is straight and sharp. Just looking at it can send a chill down your spine.

"Whoosh—" With Li Yi lightly lifting his finger on the trigger, the small arrow on the crossbow, like a little snake that had been preparing for a long time in the dark, slammed towards the enemy. ; There is a faint bruise on the tip of the arrow, like the teeth of this little snake with strong venom, once it comes into contact with the enemy, it will kill it completely.

"Kill!" The leader of the killer only had time to shout out a word, then he pulled out the long sword from his waist and slashed at Li Yi's smiling face.

Naturally, the sword that the leader of the killer drew hastily at this moment would not be faster than the poisonous crossbow that Li Yi had prepared for a long time.

"Puff—" There was a soft sound, and the crossbow arrow pierced the soft armor on his chest lightly and easily, as if piercing a layer of rice paper called "Si Chi Dan", which was produced in Huizhou at a very high cost. .

The crossbow pierced through the soft armor without losing momentum, and quickly pierced the skin of the assassin's leader's chest, and penetrated into his chest in an instant, piercing a beating heart.

With a soft bang, the killer leader's long sword finally failed to cut through Li Yi's smiling face, and some kind of toxin that saw blood sealing his throat quickly flowed to the heart as his heart expanded and contracted. His whole body, the long sword suddenly stopped, and finally fell to the ground four feet in front of Li Yi.

The other three killers just reacted at this moment!

Li Yi squinted his eyes, then flicked and pressed his right index finger again, and another crossbow bolt shot away.

This crossbow was given to him by his second brother in the Shenji camp for self-defense, because he was worried that his brother would be too dandy and often unknowingly offend some big shots, so there was no guarantee that he would not be assassinated.The most advanced three-shot crossbow bolt he gave to the Shenji Battalion of the Han Dynasty really played a role at this moment.

The toxin on the crossbow is the toxin that Li Yi asked his family to collect secrets from the black market to a Western alchemist after he got the crossbow. The purpose is to poison the wild beasts in the mountains. To be precise - this crossbow was originally used by Li Yi to go hunting in the mountains in the future, and this highly poisonous poison was originally used to poison tigers and wild boars...

Use a hidden weapon, but not apply poison?You have applied poison, but you still haven't applied the poison that blood seals your throat?This is a certain person's style, to add insult to injury, justice Lingran.

Of course, tigers and wild boars are much stronger than human bodies, even though the poisoned person is a warrior who has experienced many battles and has already tempered and killed countless times with his true energy.

As a result, the killer leader fell straight down unexpectedly. His habit of waving a long sword before he died made his body lean forward, and he fell straight in front of Li Yi.

Falling forward compared to falling backward, for Li Yi at the moment, the effect is very different-at least, in this small cave, a corpse in front of him can at least block the sword in front of him.

And the corpse exerted its remaining heat to block the sword for him for a moment, and the second crossbow arrow also shot out!

"Pfft——" The sound was extremely soft under the waving of the weapon, but it made the other three killers feel cold with such a slight sound—the weapon in Li Yi's hand was actually a weapon smeared with poison. The Lianbow.

"Ah—" The No.2 killer only felt a numbness in his chest, and immediately this numbness quickly flowed along with the blood flow, and flowed to his whole body in an instant, his face turned ashes as he breathed, and his whole body was struggling. He opened his mouth and wanted to shout, but unfortunately he fell to the ground before he could finish shouting a single word, completely dead.

The other two killers were horrified, this kid actually carried such a terrifying weapon with him, and his upper body was completely exposed—who knows where he hid this crossbow bolt!

The Liannu has always been one of the most secret weapons of the Shenji Battalion of the Han Dynasty. Even though they have been lurking in the Han Dynasty for many years, they still haven't seen it.

"Retreat!" The two made a decisive decision and retreated out of the cave.

Where would Li Yi be willing to give them a chance to withdraw, and now he pressed and lifted his fingers here, and shot out another crossbow arrow.

"Click——" The crossbow was not strong enough in midair, but fell to the ground. The two killers were frightened and quickly got out of the hole.

"Damn it, I forgot that this crossbow arrow only has a range of five meters!" Li Yi slapped his thigh, then turned to look at Liu Yu, who was beside him with a disfigured face - where has this little girl seen a dead person?What's more, it's a dead person with a bruised face and white foam at the corner of his mouth?

"Go!" Li Yi gritted his teeth, grabbed Liu Yu's hand, exhaled, and said viciously, "Get out!"

Yes, the three crossbow bolts have been exhausted. If the two of them stay inside, they will only be trapped to death. If they continue to smoke and burn, they may not even have a chance to escape!And right now, the remaining two killers have been scared out of their wits by me, I'm afraid I never thought that I would rush out of the hole at this time...

He was like a gambler at the moment, a gambler who was ruthless to his opponents and even more ruthless to himself-as for being trapped in a hole, waiting for someone who really came to save him?He has no interest in putting his own fate in the hands of others, let alone - these killers can be found in such a short period of time, it is almost impossible to have no internal support in the army, if they wait for their internal support... …

"Hide here! Run out when I yell to run away!" Li Yi stood up, walked to the entrance of the cave, turned around and saw the little girl behind him looking terrified, obviously frightened, he grinned, Shrugging his shoulders, he sneered and said, "It's okay, how could your husband and I die so easily?"

He was about to step out, but his steps suddenly stopped, he turned around and pulled out the dagger from his shoe, stuffed it into Liu Yu's hand, raised the corner of his mouth, and said relaxedly: "Take it, self-defense!"

After finishing speaking, he suddenly hugged the teary-eyed beauty in his arms, and hugged her tightly.

Liu Yu, who was hugged suddenly, stood at the entrance of the cave with a dazed expression, tightly holding the dagger that Li Yi stuffed in, watching him turn around and rush out from the entrance of the cave.

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