My law is immortal

Chapter 32 Mere, 2

() "This..." Li Yi looked at the middle-aged man in front of him in amazement, who appeared like a flying fairy from the sky, saved his life, and claimed to be the head of Majiazhuang.

As for the unlucky killer, he seemed to be hit by a huge boulder at this moment, curled up, trembling constantly, his whole body was covered in blood, his eyeballs were about to burst, and his appearance was extremely terrifying.

Even Li Yi, who had just killed two people, felt a shivers down his spine seeing this miserable appearance.

The other killer, who had just recovered from his senses at this moment, heard a loud noise in his ears, turned his head and saw the miserable appearance of his companion, his legs became weak in fright, and he clenched his right hand with the steel knife and endured it. She couldn't help shaking violently.

When Ma Dashan was thrown down the mountain, when he was dizzy, he felt that he was really unlucky. Thinking of what happened to him and Widow Zhao the night before yesterday, he suddenly became annoyed-there are many gossips in front of the widow's door, and it really does not change from time immemorial Truth, I was punished by God just after I tasted it...

He was held hostage by Li Tiexin up the mountain today. He was dissatisfied at first, and led Li Tiexin and others around the mountain. In his opinion, the person who fell off the cliff was really hateful, and it would hurt his old bones. Bound to the mountains.

Originally, I didn't expect to find Li Yi and the two, but they were wandering around in the mountains when they heard a cry, and then Li Tiesin twisted his collar and lifted him up like he was catching a chicken. With myself sprinting in the mountains...

The two followed the sound, and saw the scene of Li Yi being hacked by a knife in the canyon at a glance. Li Texin made a decisive decision and threw Ma Dashan as a cannonball...

As a result, Ma Dashan was like a god coming down to earth, killing the enemy with a majestic blow and saving Li Yi.

"Boom—" Li Tiesin jumped straight down from the cliff of more than two feet. When he landed, he bent his legs slightly to defuse the powerful impact.

He was a little thin but tall and straight, holding a red tasseled spear in his hand, the tip of the spear was pitch black, under the sunlight, it seemed like the last bit of stubborn darkness in the world.

"Xiao Wu, I'm late!" Li Tiexin glanced at the still bleeding wound on Li Yi's shoulder, waved his hand in extreme annoyance, threw a bottle of medicine to Ma Dashan, and said with a frown, "Give me the medicine for my fifth brother." Stop the bleeding!"

"Second brother..." Li Yi's heart relaxed, and there was no danger anymore, even if there were more people coming from the other party——with his second brother's long gun, he could easily dispatch them.

"Hey, son..." Ma Dashan took the medicine bottle tremblingly, moved it in front of Li Yi, and said with a flattering smile: "Little one, I will give you the old medicine..."

"Hmph—" Seeing that the wound on Li Yi's shoulder had been smeared with special gold sore medicine, Li Tiesin was slightly relieved.

He turned around slowly, squinting at the killer who was still trembling across his body.

He kept staring at the other party, unwilling to say a word, as if saying a word to the other party was an insult to himself.

Yes, how can a fierce tiger galloping in the mountains and forests put down its body and talk to a pheasant hiding among the vegetation and feeding on leeches?

"You, you, Li, General Li..." The assassin couldn't even speak fluently under the cold gaze like ice, his whole body trembled, obviously he had seen him before.

Li Tiexin finally spoke, his voice was rough, it seemed that the anger that had been suppressed for a long time finally broke out: "How dare you come and kill my brother with just two martial artists?"

Martial master is a ranking of martial arts practitioners. Martial masters are not high in the ranks of martial artists, but they are definitely not low. Those who have just started are called martial arts disciples, followed by warriors, martial arts masters, military generals, grand masters, and grand masters. .

A martial artist still has a very high status in the entire ranks of warriors, because if one wants to reach the level of a martial artist, one must at least temper one's body to the point where one can lift one's hands with great strength.

Even in the "Tianwei Army", the most elite army in the entire Han Dynasty, the number of martial artists was definitely not many.The reason why Li Yi was able to kill two killers before was because of the power of the poisonous crossbow. Otherwise, if others used the true energy in their bodies to hit him with all their strength, they could easily kill him.

But Li Tiexin said with a look of contempt—just, two, martial artist level.

One area shows contempt for the opponent's strength; two shows disdain for the other party's quantity.

Because he is a grand master, he is the only grand master among the five sons of the Li family, the only one who can compete with his father in terms of strength.

The fiery sound almost shattered the killer's heart. An indescribable aura made him feel a chill between his legs, and then he subconsciously looked down—this murderer is not The cold-blooded killer who looks like a fool, unexpectedly peed his pants at some point.

The assassin's face was pale, he gritted his teeth suddenly, quickly took out a glazed ball from his arms, and smashed the ball to the ground forcefully.

"Pa——" the glazed ball hit the ground and shattered slightly, and then a light blue aura flew to the sky at an extremely fast speed, and disappeared into the sky in an instant.

"Oh? Nianliqiu?" Li Tiesin was slightly surprised, then seemed to be interested, and said contemptuously: "It seems that you are determined to kill my fifth younger brother, and even the ascetics of the Jindan period are mobilized!"

Speaking of this, he narrowed his eyes, looked up, as if he had suddenly realized, and said softly: "Sure enough—even the Xuanji Pagoda has your insiders."

At some point in the sky, a middle-aged Taoist had already stood in the sky. This man stepped on his sword and volleyed into the air. He was wearing a Taoist robe with a bit of fairy air. A bronze token was hung on his waist, with a simple and simple There are three big characters "Qin Daojian" written in Xiaozhuan.

"Go—" In an instant, the Taoist had already landed on the ground, gently stroked the beard on his chin, and said in a flat voice: "You can't beat him, it's understandable..."

Hearing this, the last killer immediately felt relieved, thinking that he was lucky enough to survive.

But suddenly, he only felt that his feet were hot, and when he looked down, he didn't know when his feet were on fire.

He opened his mouth to shout, but he couldn't utter a single word. He could only look at the Taoist with pleading eyes. Unfortunately, the Taoist didn't look at him. The flame seemed to be extremely hot. The moment he realized it, he had already turned into a cloud of ashes from bottom to top.

When the wind blows, the ashes float with the wind, blending into the soil and water, and this killer disappears from the world forever.

At the same time, the previous killer who was crushed to death by Mount Da had turned into ashes at some point.

"Damn..." Li Yi was taken aback when he saw the opponent's move.

"Is it over?" Li Tiexin grinned and asked impatiently.

The Taoist didn't answer him, or rather, the Taoist didn't answer him with words—he simply waved his hand, and a three-foot-long flying sword glowing with blue light suddenly appeared up in the air.

"Go—" The flying sword cut through the air faster than Li Yi's poisonous crossbow.

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