My law is immortal

Chapter 33 Brother 2, kill him!

() Li Yi saw that the other party was actually an immortal who could fly with a sword, and he suddenly became worried. He suddenly thought that if he didn't waste a crossbow arrow, he might be able to attack him once...

Without crossbow arrows, he is unarmed, so should he poke him with his finger?

His thoughts were confused, he was worried about his second brother, and worried that all his people would lose their lives, so he couldn't help opening his mouth and said, "Second brother, how about... let's discuss it with him..."

Before he finished speaking, the other party's flying sword flew in front of Li Tiexin.

"Haha——" Li Tiexin laughed out loud at his younger brother's words, and then raised his tassel in his hand, and the red tassel shone like a cloud of fire under the morning sun.

The cloud of fire suddenly turned into a red glow all over the sky, so red and transparent, it was the afterimage of Li Tiexin waving the spear in his hand.

"Pa——" With the clear and concise sound of weapons colliding, the red clouds all over the sky suddenly dissipated, leaving only a group of red tassels—and a blue flying sword with dim light but still suspended in the air.

Feijian seemed to have been severely wounded, the blade was trembling slightly, but the red-tasseled spear standing against the wind was as stable as Mount Tai, not moving at all.

"What's a mere golden core stage monk?" Li Tiexin said just now.

However, at this moment, where does he need to speak clearly?

Li Yi was already stunned - it turned out that his second brother was so strong that he could swing a gun, hit a flying sword, and knock the flying sword back?

"Cao, let you kill me?" Li Yi suddenly gained confidence, stood up with the support of Ma Dashan, and yelled.

He scolded extremely badly, like a child who was bullied, found his tall and burly parents, and went back with full confidence, looking for the bad luck of the bully.

At this moment, Li Yi is such a bullied child standing behind his parents and yelling, pretending to be a bully.

Li Yiheng raised his eyebrows coldly, pointed at the Taoist priest opposite, and said, "Second brother, kill him!"

"Haha!" Li Tiesin smiled wildly, and shook his right hand violently. With the shaking of his right hand, the red-tasseled long spear also trembled slightly, making a buzzing sound in the air.

The face of the middle-aged Taoist on the opposite side changed slightly, then he clapped his hands, and said with a light smile: "Li Tiexin, you really deserve to be No. 1 of our Han army, the younger generation!"

"It's good to know!" Li Tiexin kicked his legs on the ground suddenly, and his whole body was like a hungry tiger pouncing on the prey, rushing towards the prey.

The spear in his hand turned into a black lightning in the air, the speed was extremely fast.

"Ka——" the tip of the spear collided with the flying sword again, and the sound was still short and powerful.

"Body protection sword?" Li Tiesin's expression sank, but then he laughed again, and said boldly: "I haven't pierced the turtle's shell for a long time!"

As soon as the words fell, the spear started shaking again. As the shaking of the spear became stronger, looking from the side, it seemed that the spear had turned into soft noodles, weak and weak.

It seems to have turned into a fairy ribbon, dancing gently in the air.

However, this is just an appearance, an illusion caused by the rapid vibration of the gun body.

"This is called gaining momentum." Li Tiexin suddenly turned his head and said to his youngest brother standing behind him.

As soon as he finished speaking, the other party didn't want to give him another chance to gain momentum!

The Taoist compared his sword fingers with his right hand, and then pressed the sword finger to his forehead—he knew that if he didn't go all out with the opponent's shaking spear made of fine steel, he might be killed by this man. The gun directly poked a hole.

Following the Taoist's movements, the spiritual power in his body quickly flowed into the flying sword following the induction between the natal magic weapon and himself, and his face became a little pale, but the flying sword But the blue light became more and more dazzling, and then turned from blue to white.

This is an extremely dazzling white color, as if this is no longer a mortal sword, but a nihilistic lightsaber formed by the gathering of sunlight!

The spear on the opposite side was still plain and unpretentious, with a dark gun head and a dark gun body. The only bright spot was the red tassel on the gun head.

Flying swords and spears seem to alternate day and night, and light and darkness alternate with each other.

"Ah!" Liu Yu, who heard the commotion outside, finally couldn't help poking her head out, and saw the scene in front of her at a glance. However, no matter how fierce the battle was, it was difficult to attract her attention—when she turned her eyes to Li Tiexin, she saw Li Yizheng stood there with a pale face, the deep wound on his shoulder was still slowly bleeding out at this moment.

His slightly thin body flinched in the slightly chilly morning wind, his face was very pale due to excessive blood loss, and even his naturally dark skin could hardly conceal the fatigue on his face.

"Li Yi..."

Tears flowed out from under her eyelids unknowingly. She has cried so many times today that her eyes are a little red and swollen, which makes her look a little less calm and a little more green, as if she has fallen into the dust. fairy.

"Boom—" There was a loud noise. This sound did not come from the collision of weapons, but from the tip of the long spear protruding out, piercing through the air, compressing and colliding with the air that was originally flowing slowly. produced.

The face of the middle-aged Taoist turned pale in an instant. As a monk of the golden core stage, he never cared about warriors. He obviously didn't expect that Li Tiexin's shot was so strong that even if he had made sufficient preparations, , still shocked by the momentum of the gun.

He frowned, bit the tip of his tongue, and shouted angrily, "Go!"

The flying sword that gathered all the spiritual power in his body seemed to be floating forward in the air like a feather, but it actually contained great power.

"Bang——" the tip of the red-tasseled spear pierced through the air at an extremely fast speed, piercing through the misty white light outside the flying sword.

Immediately afterwards, there was a clear and crisp sound, which sounded like a piece of exquisitely crafted and luxuriously shaped jade bowl, which was suddenly thrown to the ground and shattered, which was pleasant to the ear.

Following this crisp sound, the light outside the flying sword dissipated suddenly, like a light that had been cut off.

The flying sword, which had completely lost its luster, finally showed its true shape, turning into a parabola in the air, and with a sound of "ding--", it slashed across the top of the middle-aged Taoist's head, cutting through the topknot on his head. The neatly arranged head of gray hair suddenly spread out, and then fell into the distance.

"Pfft—" The middle-aged Taoist spat out a mouthful of blood, his hair was scattered randomly on his cheeks and shoulders, blowing backwards with the wind, as if he wanted to escape from this place of right and wrong.

However, even if these strands of hair wanted to escape, there was no chance.

The middle-aged Taoist slowly raised his hand, wiped the residual blood from the corner of his mouth, and then slowly lowered his head, looking at a black gun barrel on his chest.

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