() "Young master..." The servant girl's cheeks instantly turned bright red, and then said coyly: "Ma'am, I still want to see you..."

"Ahem——" Li Yi coughed twice, thinking to himself——If my old lady catches Bai Rixuan Yin, won't I be sent to the Imperial College to be a student?To be tortured to death by those big and small Confucians who hate me so much all day long?

He blushed and said: "Well, Qing'er, you think too evil! Is this young master that kind of person..." Speaking of this, he saw his old mother walking over with two maids.

Mrs. Li wore a plain robe today, and she looked a lot thinner than before. She stepped into the backyard, and saw her little son wrapped in bandages like a rice dumpling, and couldn't help feeling distressed.

The two big maids behind them twisted the gold-plated wooden box in their hands. Even though the lid of the box was designed to fit perfectly by the craftsman, it still couldn't cover up the fragrance in the box.

"Yi'er, these days have been hard for you..." Mrs. Li asked with concern.

She finished speaking, and before Li Yi could respond, she called the two maids behind her to place the wooden box on the small table next to Li Yi, and said, "This is the Poria Cocos, Almond and Lotus Seed Soup that I specially made. I ordered the old ginseng soup, which is most suitable for you when your body is weak now."

"And this one, steamed cake of angelica donkey-hide gelatin, this angelica is served with donkey-hide gelatin, it is the secret recipe of the imperial physician in the palace..."

While speaking, Mrs. Li opened the wooden box and took out bowls of finely crafted nourishing medicine points.

After listening to these introductions, Li Yi suddenly felt that he had a serious illness and was lying on the bed dying. He smiled helplessly and said, "Mother, the child is not so weak..."

"Why aren't you weak!" Mrs. Li frowned, and reprimanded: "You boy, your body has been weak since you were young, and you still don't want to practice martial arts. Look at your four brothers..."

"Hey, okay, okay!" Seeing that he was being taught a lesson like a child before he could say a word, Li Yi hurriedly admitted his mistake: "Yes, yes, I will definitely practice martial arts well, and in the future I will rob the rich and help the poor, protect the poor, and protect the poor." Family defends the country..."

Mrs. Li was amused by her youngest son, and she wanted to laugh, but she remembered what happened to this kid before, and she frowned again, enduring her pain for the child's injuries, and taught her a lesson: "Before, you At the Peony Poetry Festival, I offended the entire Chinese people in Beijing over and over again..."

Finally mentioned this matter, I thought my old lady would be proud of me... Feelings are to reprimand me for being neither big nor small, respectful or humble?

"Uh——" Li Yi's face suddenly turned red, and then he interrupted in a low voice: "I can't blame me for this, they are just asking for humiliation..."

"Hmph—" Mrs. Li narrowed her eyes, and said with great interest: "But, what does my son do in the mansion all day..." At this point, she raised her head and glanced at the embarrassed maid Xiaoqing, after hearing this, the latter was glanced at by his wife again, and his small face turned pale with shock.

"I haven't heard of it, when did he learn to recite poems and make right?" Mrs. Li continued.

Your son's ability is still great, such as self-cultivation and family management, governance of the country, leading troops to fight, and bureaucratic scheming...

Although Li Yi was secretly proud of himself, how dare he speak presumptuously?I had no choice but to spread my panic cautiously: "Well, these poems, in fact, my son has a special hobby. Every night, my son..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw his cheap mother's face full of disbelief, her eyes full of anger, and hurriedly continued: "Actually...in fact, I just suddenly became enlightened. What poetry couplets are too simple for me ..."

Speaking of this, I was afraid that people would not believe me, so I quickly added: "Of course, when I was studying with the third prince, I studied hard for several months..."

Madam Li nodded suspiciously...

Li Yi curled his lips, very proud of himself, it was my mother who cared about me - she made such a big mess and offended all the literati and inkmen in the entire capital, she didn't reprimand me, she just asked me where I got this kind of literary talent .

"Mother, did you say that nothing major happened during the half a month I was recuperating?" Li Yi asked casually after seeing this test.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw that the two maids behind his old lady looked weird, they seemed to be unable to speak, and their cheeks were flushed from suffocation—what does this mean?Did something happen to me?

"Master..." Qing'er called out cautiously, then lowered her voice, "Someone is making trouble..."

"Troublemaking?" Li Yi raised his voice sharply, frowning: "What's the trouble? Didn't Second Brother and the others take the whip and pull the troublemaker out?"

"Humph—" Mrs. Li snorted softly, as if she had been provoked, she glanced at the wheelchair sitting under Li Yi's buttocks, Feng Mei slightly raised her eyebrows and said, "Go out and have a look yourself, isn't it all right?"

The Zhenjun General's Mansion is located on Dongmen Street in the capital city. It occupies a large area. The walls outside the mansion are covered with layers of glazed tiles. On the original gray walls, there are now many things like dog skin plasters.

These plasters are densely packed, but upon closer inspection, various handwritings are written on them.

Some of these handwriting are vigorous and powerful, some are penetrating, and some are penetrating...

The entire courtyard wall of the Li Mansion on a side street is now covered with all kinds of papers filled with handwriting... It seems that there is a bit of artistic atmosphere...

Li Yi was carried out in a wheelchair by two strong servants. He glanced casually, but he didn't find anyone making trouble. Who knew that he glanced at the wall from the corner of his eye, and seemed to find that the fence today was a bit weird. When he took a closer look, he was so angry that he almost fainted.

A certain influential figure in the capital's literary world is pulling his arms at the moment, like a shrew scolding the street, yelling with red faces: "Who is this who put up small advertisements, why are they posted on the wall of my house!"

"Master..." The servant girl Qing'er came over timidly. She didn't know what the advertisement meant, but——she knew what the things posted on the wall were.

"This is not a small advertisement..." Qing'er whispered.

"Pfft——" Li Yi was stunned by the answer, and asked in amazement: "Then what are these things? Push me over to have a look..."

Qing'er hastily took the armrest behind the wheelchair, and with a pale face, pushed her young master towards the wall.

As the distance got closer, Li Yi caught a glimpse of a huge piece of rice paper pasted on the wall, on which four big characters were written with a thick brush.

These four characters are strong in writing, elegant in style, dotted like falling stones, painted like summer clouds, hooked like bent gold, and speared like crossbows.

Between the flying white handwriting, there is also the unruly momentum of a literati who splashes ink and points out the country, which can be described as a good handwriting.

However, a person who was sitting in a wheelchair admiring the strokes with great interest, almost fell to the ground from the wheelchair in anger when he saw these four artistic characters.

Because, these four words read - "Li Yi Shou Died"!

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