My law is immortal

Chapter 41 A true warrior, dare to...

() The next day, under the wall outside the general's mansion of the town army, several servants were busy, working in full swing.

Someone is twisting the bucket, holding a brush made of horsehair, and carefully brushing off the traces on the wall, and some maids are tearing off the scrolls on the wall one by one, and then carefully put them in another in a basket in hand.

This scene has happened many times in recent days, but passers-by still couldn't help but stop and watch.

"Look, the servants in the town army's general's mansion are really pitiful. They have to come out to clean the wall from time to time..." A passerby who was resting at the tea stall across the road sipped his tea and shook his head.

The person sitting with him also shook his head and said: "Isn't that right, although the town army general's house has a lot of monthly money, but it is too tired, doing this kind of coolie work all day, today is the sixth time to clean the wall It's..."

The owner of the tea stall filled a pot of tea with ease, then poked his head over and said, "Tsk tsk, it's unlucky for them to have the fifth young master of the Li family. This fifth young master usually doesn't go out. It’s just such a big basket!”

"Oh?" The two people before suddenly became interested, and hurriedly asked: "Is it about Longshan Mountain? We don't know too well, boss, please tell us quickly..."

The owner of the tea stall put the towel on his shoulders, and said triumphantly: "I heard from my cousin who works as a cook in the Li family. He said that the fifth young master of the Li family openly provoked the whole capital in Longran Mountain." Literati Mo..."

Speaking of this, he suddenly saw the copper-nailed and vermilion-lacquered door on the opposite side open with a whimper, and then a black-faced boy walked out from it. The black-faced boy was wearing a white robe, with his hands behind his back, and he was walking slowly, but he was quite A bit free and easy, clear and elegant.

Behind him was a young maidservant with a beautiful appearance. This maid was holding a long scroll in her hand. Looking at the thickness of the scroll, one could tell that the calligraphy and painting would never be short.

"Look, isn't that the fifth young master of the Li family!" The owner of the teahouse hastily pointed to the opposite side, reminding the tea guests in a low voice.

"Hmph, this fifth young master has such a strange appearance. Look at his complexion, he looks like someone who came out of a coal mine!" A tea customer was indignant, frowned, and said contemptuously: "Such an ugly person, How could you be worthy of such a handsome servant girl?"

"Tsk tsk, this maid is indeed beautiful, if you can ask me to marry her back home, warm the bed every day, wash her feet..." another tea guest said in admiration.

The owner of the tea stall glanced at the ugly tea customer with his upper body naked, and couldn't help but sarcastically said, "You're just dreaming, that's the fifth young master's personal servant girl, she will definitely be included in the room!"

After saying this, he immediately felt that he had offended someone, but he didn't regret it - he had set up a stall in front of the general's mansion of the town army for a long time, and the maid and wife in the mansion took good care of him, so he naturally opened his mouth to ridicule this I don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the tea drinker.

The tea guest was ridiculed, but he didn't feel annoyed. He just laughed dryly, curled his lips as if nothing happened, and continued to look across.

I saw the black-faced young boy on the opposite side, leading the servant girl to the wall, found a central position, then called two servants to move a stool table, and spread the scroll on the table.

And then—this black-faced young man was actually sitting in front of the table. When he stretched out his right hand, a maid handed him a pen dipped in ink. He raised the pen and began to write on this banner.

"Forget about thirty or fifty of them!" Li Yi raised his eyebrows and said casually.

Qing'er smiled, pursed her lips and rubbed the ink, stared at her young master with big eyes, then blushed, and whispered: "Young master, you really look like a handsome young man in this white robe today!"

"Oh?" The corner of Li Yi's mouth raised, and he said with a smile: "No, the only thing is that my skin is a little darker. Everyone calls it a white-faced scholar. I also have a title--black-faced scholar?"

Speaking of this, this guy was not satisfied with his title, frowned and thought about it for a while, and then he said in a raised voice: "My book is so good, how can I be called a scholar? It's called the Black-faced Book God! "

"Pfft——" Qing'er laughed out loud, her grinding hand trembled, almost splashing ink on the paper.

As time passed, the General's Mansion was on Dongmen Street again, and people came and went naturally. Soon, the news that the fifth young master of the Li family had opened the couplet in front of his house spread.

The literati in the entire capital were immediately moved when they heard the news, and those who lived closer had already received the news, and rushed to the gate of the general's mansion quickly, and waited and watched.

"That's Li Yi? The one who kicked Wang Juxian and is still lying on the bed?" A young scholar stood in the crowd, looking at Li Yi who was sitting among the crowd, writing with a pen in his hand, cautiously Talk to yourself.

The person next to him frowned, glanced at Li Yi contemptuously, and then responded casually: "Yes, even this kid, with his appearance, dare to insult us Han literati?"

"Hmm..." The young scholar before him was stunned for a moment, then he gritted his teeth, as if he had made a great determination, and walked forward.

The scholar's footsteps were a little faltering, as if his legs were not very good, but his steps were firm, as if the evildoer facing him who was shining brightly on Longshan Mountain was not enough to scare him.

What's more - there are people behind him cheering for him!

Before, everyone stopped to watch from a distance, but now when they saw someone queuing out, they immediately applauded...

"Come on! We must refute this arrogant guy!"

"Brother, come on, if you dare to stand out from the crowd, you must be a great talent!"

Hearing the applause and cheers behind him, the young scholar paused, his face first turned from white to red, and then from red to green again. Obviously after a fierce psychological struggle, he took another step forward and stood in front of Li Yi.

"Huh?" Li Yi raised his head just now, raised his eyebrows, and looked at the young scholar.

The scholar was wearing an ordinary blue gown with patched cuffs, obviously he was not from a wealthy family.

Being stared at by Li Yi, he felt his heart beating violently, and felt the eyes behind him piercing towards him like countless sharp swords.

As for those cheers, they were even more ear-piercing, as if everyone was insulting him.

He gritted his teeth, ruthlessly, lowered his head and stared resolutely at Li Yi, who was sitting in front of the bar with a writing brush in his hand, and his face was normal.

Finally, he raised his hand and bowed, while everyone in the audience held their breath, waiting for him to speak.

But there was only a "plop", which was the sound of knees landing on the ground.

The sound was so clear on the originally noisy Dongmen Street, so clear that it seemed to have slapped all the literati present who came to see Li Yi's embarrassment!

They originally thought that the hero who dared to challenge Li Yi actually fell on his knees and knelt in front of him at this moment!

"Did he accidentally fall, or did Li Yi stumble in secret?" Some people asked in surprise with incomprehensible mouths.

The scholar knelt on the ground, then bowed to the bottom, his whole head touched the ground, then he straightened up and said respectfully: "Mr. Li!"

"Student Wu Xiaoming, I would like to worship under Mr. Li!"

(It's late today, because the house has been without water, electricity, and internet since last night, and the phone just came in now.)

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