My law is immortal

Chapter 42 The Lame Scholar

() "Will you worship under Mr. Li?" Everyone was stunned.

After they were stunned for a moment, their expressions suddenly changed drastically, as if they were filled with righteous indignation as if the meat buns that had reached their mouths had been snatched away!

"You traitor!" A scholar stood out from the crowd and yelled loudly!

Another gifted scholar frowned and scolded: "You are a scholar in vain, and you actually recognize someone like Li Yi as a teacher?"


"Things of a kind gather and people are divided into groups, what a scumbag!"

As soon as one person started, everyone started shouting and cursing.

Li Yi was also stunned. He raised his eyebrows, looked at the resolute scholar kneeling in front of him in surprise, and asked in amazement, "What did you just say?"

"Student Wu Xiaoming, I would like to worship Mr. Li as my teacher!" Wu Xiaoming didn't hear the insults behind him, but looked solemnly, staring straight into Li Yi's eyes.

"Why!" Li Yi leaned back and almost fell to the ground with the stool.

Wu Xiaoming's expression remained unchanged, and he said with a straight face: "The students heard the quatrains written by Mr. Li at the Longran Mountain Poetry Conference, and only think that the poems written by Mr. Li are all unique in the ages! Therefore, they want to worship Mr. Li and study classics hard. "

"You, don't you know that I'm about to become the public enemy of the entire Chinese literary world?" Li Yi was praised so much, even though his skin was as thick as a city wall, he couldn't help but blush and stammered when he spoke.

How could this guy bear such a big hat given to him by others?Immediately put on an elegant appearance of a scholar, and said, "You, you get up first, get up and talk!"

"Students only want to know!" Wu Xiaoming knelt on the ground, motionless.

How is this going?Could it be the group of people who assassinated me last time, sent here?This kid has a bit of courage, he is too cruel to himself...

Li Yi thought of this, but his expression did not change. He glanced at the group of literati pointing behind Wu Xiaoming, and said, "You know, today you have offended the literati all over the world regardless of whether you succeeded in apprenticeship? "

Without even turning his head, Wu Xiaoming cupped his hands and said, "The students think that they will be proud to worship Mr. Li in the future!"

Li Yi frowned, still not trusting the shabby scholar, he first sighed slightly, and then said: "In this case, you should stand by my side first, and follow me into the room after I finish writing these pairs. House!"

"Students obey the teacher's order!" Wu Xiaoming propped his hands on the ground, stood up slowly, walked behind Li Yi in two steps, lowered his head slightly, and did not respond to everyone's accusations.

The insults from the onlookers continued, as if what Wu Xiaoming just betrayed was not what he had learned for decades, but the honor of the entire Han Dynasty.

Li Yi casually faced the second couplet, and did not forget to glance at the scholar standing next to him, but he saw that this boy was not handsome, but he gave off a solid and steady feeling. His eyebrows were thick and straight, as if he was using Drawn with a brush.

"These people insult you so much. Could it be that you have no temper?" Li Yi asked without raising his head while writing casually.

"Students only know how to focus on learning, and don't care about other things." Wu Xiaoming raised his head and whispered.

"You don't care about other things!" Li Yi stopped writing, then leaned back, glanced at the crowd, snorted contemptuously, and said, "Then you go and scold these people for a while!" pause!"

"This..." Wu Xiaoming was stunned for a moment, but his footsteps were still lingering, and he didn't answer for a while.

Li Yi leaned on the chair and said casually: "Since I can't even scold you, why should I accept you as a student?"

"I, I..." Wu Xiaoming was at a loss for words at the moment, he even said two of me, but he couldn't say the rest.

"Hmph!" Li Yi narrowed his eyes, waved his hands as if chasing flies, and said, "You go, next time you can find another way to get close to me."

Wu Xiaoming finally became anxious, and he opened his mouth and said, "I can protect you!"

"Oh? Protect me? Why?" Li Yi is about to get four personal tiger guards. They are real masters. Why do we need this cripple in front of us?

Having been assassinated just now, he has become much more cautious towards others. Li Yi turned his head, stared at Wu Xiaoming's face carefully, and hummed softly, "Don't tell me, what is it for?"

Wu Xiaoming gasped violently in his chest twice, and then his face turned pale, obviously he couldn't stand Li Yi's aggressive pressure.

He seemed to think for a while, and finally gritted his teeth, and popped out a few words: "I want to deal with the Wang family!"

The voice was as thin as a mosquito, and even the maid Qing'er couldn't hear it clearly. It seemed that Li Yi heard it clearly because Wu Xiaoming used some special sound transmission skills.

"The Wang family?" Li Yi frowned, muttered something in a low voice, then waved his hands, and said in a higher voice: "Go, hang up this couplet with me."

Qing'er hurried forward to help clean up the table, but someone took the lead. Wu Xiaoming quickly rolled up the words written by Li Yi, and cleaned up the pen, ink, paper and inkstone.

"In this way, it will be easier in the future..." Qing'er was stunned on the spot, only thinking that the person in front of him was more familiar with the job of serving people than himself.

"Sir, where are you hanging it?" Wu Xiaoming asked with his hands on the second couplet written by Li Yi just now.

Li Yi casually glanced at the lame scholar who wanted to take refuge in him, and said casually, "You decide."

Wu Xiaoming hesitated for a moment, then took out two shiny objects from his arms.

The reason why these two things are shining is because the sharp blades on them reflect a cold light under the noon sun at this moment!

This is a throwing knife!

"Protect Young Master!" Lao Tu, the guard at the door, instantly felt a dangerous aura, which was the special feeling he got from fighting in the battlefield. With this feeling, he narrowly escaped death several times.

As soon as Lao Tu finished speaking, he stepped in front of Li Yi, and with a "chuckle" sound of the steel knife in his hand, he pulled out the scabbard violently.

"Put down your weapon!" Lao Tu nervously blocked Li Yi with his body, and scolded.

Wu Xiaoming held the steel knife, but suddenly lost the submissive feeling just now, he seemed to be taller now, he ignored Lao Tu's scolding, but threw the steel knife in his hand violently!

"Pfft—" The flying knife left, but it didn't move towards Li Yi or anyone, and the sharp point of the knife pierced straight into the wall.

At this moment, Lao Tu regained his composure and wiped off the cold sweat from his forehead - he didn't see clearly when the lame scholar drew the knife just now!

The two knives remained motionless on the wall, and most of the blades were sunk into the hard stone slab, which showed the strength of this hand.

What is even more astonishing is that if the two points formed by these two knives are connected, they will actually form a straight line without any deviation.

"Ah!" The many onlookers who were still shouting and cursing just now shut their mouths when they saw this scene—obviously thinking to themselves, they couldn't resist such a stab.

Wu Xiaoming threw the throwing knife, and the self-confidence just disappeared in an instant. He slowly picked up the scroll written by Li Yi, dragged his slightly lame right leg, moved it to the wall, spread the scroll in his hand, and hung it carefully. on the hilt.

Then, as if he had done a trivial thing, he limped to Li Yi and stood there with his head bowed.

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