My law is immortal

Chapter 43 I want to deal with the Wang family

() Li Yi was taken aback, tilted his head, and stared at the kid in front of him in astonishment—you kid has this ability, and you still come to worship me as a teacher?

But, tsk tsk, it's nice to have such a bodyguard apprentice!

Thinking of this, he gave some instructions to the guard, then turned around and led the lame scholar into the door.

"Boom——" With a dull sound, the door with copper nails and vermilion lacquer slowly closed, and the audience who had been quiet just now suddenly coaxed and became noisy. The flies buzzing around are annoying.

Many talents gathered together to watch the second couplet that Li Yi had just published.

Seeing that there were only a dozen or so lower couplets written on the rice paper, everyone was immediately dissatisfied—you know, the front wall here was covered with upper couplets before, and this kid was right about a dozen times, so he just wanted to pass the test?

Before this group of passionate youths who were about to fight for the glory of the literati exploded, they heard a loud shout. The shout was rough and bold, and it was so loud that it stunned the elegant scholars present on the spot. .

Everyone looked back and saw that it was one of the two guards guarding the door of the Li family. He was tall and thick, with a beard on his lips, which made this man even more barbaric and ferocious.

"You guys, my young master knows that you are definitely dissatisfied!" Lao Tu patted his chest, as if he was training recruits, and said in a vicious voice.

"Then, what's the matter! There were thousands of couplets here before!" A scholar boldly asked, and while he was asking, he squeezed into the crowd behind him without missing a trace—for fear of the barbaric man opposite The guard came up and gave him two knives...

"My young master said, it's not a problem, isn't it just a few pairs..." Lao Tu patted his chest to reassure, but his heart was full of impatience—if the young master hadn't ordered to treat these young scholars well, according to him His temper had already gone up and kicked one by one, and all of them flew away.

"What did you say?" Everyone asked in unison, puzzled.

"The young master said..." Lao Tu scratched his head, suddenly he couldn't remember, and his face turned red immediately, after thinking for a long time, there was still no result.

He scratched his head helplessly, turned his head and asked Lao Song who was standing at the door: "Lao Song, what did the young master just say!"

"Bah, you're so obsessed, no wonder the general kicked you back!" Old Song bawled, and started to sneer.

"Let's get down to business first!" Old Tu's face was already tanned, but it started to turn red at this moment, he frowned slightly awkwardly, his big feet in military boots were uncomfortable on the ground Kicked twice.

"The young master said that he only reads [-] couplets a week, and all those who come up with the couplets must report their names, gender, date of birth, and identity background..." Old Song proudly recited: "Well, finally, write this information on a piece of paper and give it to the guards of the General's Mansion..."

Having said that, he patted his chest and said with a silly smile: "That's me!"

"And me!" Lao Tu didn't want to make the other party so proud, so he immediately answered.

So many literati, where do they have the time to pay attention to these two guards who enjoy bickering?After hearing this, they felt that sticking dog-skin plasters on the opponent's wall was not a good idea. Since Li Yi accepted the move openly, they should line up, and sooner or later they would be able to match their own Shanglian...

If someone in front of him stumps him, it can be regarded as venting his anger on the literati, and severely punishing this ignorant guy...

The news that the fifth young master of the Li family received fifteen couplets every month quickly spread throughout the streets and alleys of the capital, and many businessmen and tourists who stopped in the capital gradually brought this news to the north and south of the river.

In this way, a certain person's reputation has become more and more famous-not to mention the fifteen couplets he met today, they are all exquisite; Li Yi alone, who dared to openly connect, is already in the public eye. In the hearts of everyone, his status in the literary world has been subtly improved.

No matter how much you scold others, don't you still want to stump each other?Why do you want to blame the other party? It's not because Li Yi is frivolous and arrogant, he doesn't know the sky, and more importantly, this kid has an excellent writing style!

In the evening, in Li Yi's study room, the decoration is simple and exquisite. The green smoke from the incense burner curls up. With the breeze, the green smoke floats into the nose of someone who is lazily leaning on the recliner. The stimulation of the smoke makes him open his mouth and snort. Sneezed.

"Ah-choo—" The sneeze was so strong that Li Yi burst into tears. Qing'er stood beside him, hurriedly picked up a sweat towel, and carefully wiped the tears off his face.

Li Yi glanced slowly towards the door. Since Wu Xiaoming entered the study, he has been standing there, motionless, like a statue.

He had been standing there for a long time now, and since he entered the house, the incense burner had burned out a batch of spices.

"You mean, you want to deal with Wang Juxian?" Li Yi took a breath, and finally spoke.

Wu Xiaoming nodded first, then hurriedly shook his head and said, "No!"

"Huh?" Li Yi frowned—since he wasn't dealing with Wang Juxian, then why did he come to him?

Seeing the change in Li Yi's expression, Wu Xiaoming hurriedly explained: "The students are going to deal with the entire Wang family!"

"The entire Wang family?" Li Yi was taken aback. This was the first time he had heard of such a thing of ransacking the family and destroying the family—and, it seemed, this kid wanted to encourage himself to do it.

Li Yi sat up straight suddenly, raised his spirits, stared firmly at Wu Xiaoming's eyes, and asked, "Why?"

Wu Xiaoming's calm expression just now changed suddenly, and he said in a deep voice, gnashing his teeth: "Because, that old dog of Wang Qi killed more than seventy members of my family!"

"What!" Li Yi was stunned, isn't the Wang Qi we're talking about alone?It is said that Wang Juxian's father was a well-known and upright official, who was admired by everyone as an official worshiped as the imperial doctor, and had countless disciples, so he was called an evergreen tree in the officialdom!

Seeing Li Yi's expression of disbelief, Wu Xiaoming gritted his teeth and explained, "My father was originally the tea envoy of Qinzhou, who was in charge of the tea horse trade in Qinzhou. Deliberately lowering the price of tea to make huge profits..."

Such an old-fashioned plot?Li Yi was taken aback, and said, "Then, this Wang Qi asked your father to cooperate, but your father is honest and upright, so he was framed and suppressed?"

"Mr. Mingjian!" Wu Xiaoming immediately bowed to the ground, with tears overflowing from the corners of his eyes, he opened his mouth and said, "Afterwards, this Wang Qi charged my father with a crime... The emperor was furious and exiled our whole family for three thousand miles."

"However, this Wang Qi never let my father go, and sent someone to set up an ambush on the way. There are more than [-] people in the family, and I was the only one who escaped by chance..." When he said this, his voice was choked with tears, "My The right leg was pierced by the crossbow arrows of the person who was ambushed and killed, and it is difficult to recover."

"Huh?" Li Yi frowned slightly, and asked, "Then your kung fu?"

Wu Xiaoming sighed softly, and said: "After I escaped, I wanted to take revenge, and by chance I joined a strange man, and I practiced the art of killing people for ten years."

"No success?" After Li Yi asked this question, he felt that what he was asking was nonsense, so he didn't wait for Wu Xiaoming to explain, and continued: "Either this Wang Qi lives in seclusion, and you can't find opportunities. Or, how many does he have?" Extremely powerful expert protection..."

Wu Xiaoming stopped talking, fell to his knees with a plop, raised his hands above his head, and said respectfully: "Mr. has already gained the emperor's attention at a young age. What's more, Mr. is upright and not afraid of power!"

Having said that, he bowed down, his forehead banging against the ground, and begged: "Now I only wish to bring down that Wang family completely..."

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