My law is immortal

Chapter 45 Another Assassination

() The black-clothed man frowned slightly, apparently feeling uncomfortable with the aura of the scholar in front of him—it was a chilly feeling as if a poisonous snake had chosen to bite someone, and it was a feeling completely opposite to his clothes.

Dangerous and cold.

This feeling made him very uncomfortable, as if he was lying in the pile of corpses and was swept by the enemy's saber from his side.So the reckless man didn't answer the scholar's words, but frowned and scolded: "Go away! Or die."

The scholar lowered his head slightly, as if he was afraid of the killer in front of him.So he turned his body sideways, out of the way.

The corners of the black-clothed man's lips raised, he let out a sinister grin, he clenched the steel knife at his waist, and kicked hard on the eaves with his feet. In mid-air, the steel knife was pulled out suddenly——even if the scholar in front of him is just an ordinary passerby, as long as he sees himself, he will must die.

What's more, he made himself feel very uncomfortable!

The knife turned into a faint blue light in the air, following his leaping body towards the opposite side, it slashed straight at the top of the scholar's head.

Suddenly, he felt a chill in his chest, and then a sharp pain came from the left side of his chest. He subconsciously looked down - a flying knife that was as white as snow under the moonlight was pierced deeply in his chest .

The black-clothed man was hit by such a throwing knife in his chest, and he still didn't die, the knife in his hand was still sharp, and his leap forward was still not slow.

So the scholar on the opposite side avoided his blade easily, and then wiped his waist lightly with his right hand.

The black-clothed man saw a pitch-black light, which flashed before his eyes, and then he felt a cold in his throat, and he couldn't feel anything anymore.

The scholar just looked up, then turned around, jumped down the wall and left silently.

"Boom——" The sturdy body of this reckless man fell outside the wall. After rolling twice, he lay on the ground facing the sky, with blood gushing out from under the exposed chest hair. She slammed down, like a mouthful of red gushing springs, trickling continuously.

This black-clothed killer didn't know the name of the other party until his death. Of course, the other party didn't know his name either—it didn't know that he escaped from the battlefield by feigning death, and then hid in the mountains and became a bandit.

I don't know that he came to the capital this time because he received a top-secret entrustment. As long as he kills this scholar named Li Yi, he can easily get ten thousand taels of gold.

Little did he know that he had been observing the tea stall opposite Li's house for three days before, and finally found this opportunity tonight.

It's a pity, for Wu Xiaoming, he doesn't need to ask anything, he just needs to gently and gracefully erase this person who dared to assassinate Li Yi from the world.

The poor man in black, when he was about to die, didn't see what the black weapon Wu Xiaoming was using, and he didn't even hear the snoring of the target he was going to assassinate.

However, the last sentence in his life was confirmed - he rolled twice on the ground and died.

The next day, dark clouds came from the east, and the whole of Kyoto was shrouded in gray dark clouds, and people seemed a little listless.

As a result, an early-rising peddler walked drowsily through the alley with a load, and only found a dead body in front of him after he tripped. The government's arrest.

"Master, Master!" Li Yi, who was still sleeping soundly, was awakened by Qing'er's shouts.

"Oh——" Li Yi propped himself up from the bed, stretched his waist, and said with his eyes half-opened, "What's the matter, so early?"

Without further ado, Qing'er handed over the mouthwash first, and then said: "Master, it's not good, there is a dead person outside our courtyard, the government just came to inquire!"

"Dead?" Li Yi snorted, sprayed out the mouthwash, and drenched his legs.

He grabbed a sweat towel indiscriminately and wiped it off, then asked nervously: "Wu Xiaoming, this kid can't drink too much? I'll be stuffed to death with such a little wine?"

"It's not him..." Qing'er didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said helplessly, "It's a stranger in black, Brother Tu and the others have never seen him before, and this man has a knife on him!"

Li Yi curled his lips, waved his hands dismissively and said, "What does that have to do with me!"

"But, I heard from the government that this man seems to have come to the mansion to assassinate!" Qing'er whispered nervously.

Li Yi woke up instantly at this moment, got out of bed quickly, put on his clothes indiscriminately, and asked nervously: "Then did this person succeed? Is anyone in our house injured?"

"No..." A calm, emotionless voice came from outside the door.

Wu Xiaoming limped and slowly moved in, his expression was as usual, as if what happened last night had nothing to do with him.

Li Yi raised his eyebrows, and asked in surprise, "Did you kill him?"

"Yes!" Wu Xiaoming seemed to have no feeling about killing a lot of people, and he didn't even have any emotional fluctuations in his words.

"Is he here to kill me?" Li Yi continued to ask.

"I don't know." Wu Xiaoming told the truth, he asked the other party, but the other party just told him to go away.

"Who sent him?" Li Yi was stunned and continued to ask.

Wu Xiaoming didn't even say anything this time, but just shook his head.

Li Yi looked the scholar up and down in surprise, and said in amazement, "You don't know what to ask!"

"I just kill people." Wu Xiaoming was confident, his voice still steady - it seemed that Li Yi had never heard this kid speak with emotion at any time except when he told his tragic experience yesterday.

"Okay..." Li Yi shrugged helplessly, and he killed him as soon as he killed him. Anyway, this person came here for nothing good.

Besides, since the other party dared to assassinate alone, he must be sure that he would not reveal the instigator behind him.Therefore, even if he captures this person himself, he may not get any useful information—if he dies, he will die!

"Okay." Li Yi casually said something perfunctory, and then suddenly remembered that he hadn't contacted Liu Yu for nearly 20 days since he was in a coma for half a month.

This little girl looks very elegant, and it's not easy to play tricks; but, when she is gentle, these few calls of "good husband" are too nice...

Thinking of the previous encounter between the two, Li Yi couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth, clapped his hands, and laughed loudly: "Qing'er, prepare a suit of clothes for me, young master, I want to see your nainai!"

"Okay, master!" Qing'er was overjoyed, and hurried to the back, and found a set of white satin robes in a short time-in her opinion, although the young master's complexion was a little dark, but wearing Dressed in white, he still looks like a gentleman.

"Little girl, you really need to learn a lesson after not coming to see me for so long..." After a while, someone came out of the room chattering. Even though he was wearing a towel and holding the folding fan that the servant girl had forced for him, he looked quite handsome and unrestrained.

He walked to the door with strides, lifted the curtain of the carriage, and said to Old Tu, the bodyguard who acted as the driver: "Brother Tu, go to Prince Bo's house to see your younger siblings, let's go—"

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