() "Okay, master sit down!" The old Tu horse whipped, and the iron-clad wheels rolled slowly, running over a stubborn grass in the crevices of the stones on the road, and traveling far away with a wisp of smoke and dust.

Li Yi drove west from Dongmen Street in a carriage, and after a while, he finally arrived at the gate of Prince Bo's mansion. The two stone lions of the Thirteen Taibao in front of the stone steps were still majestic and mighty.

Two guards with knives in front of the door squinted at the black-faced boy who got off the luxurious carriage in front of him.

"Hey, two big brothers, may I ask—" Li Yi leaned over and smiled.

A guard stared at the black-faced boy in front of him in a little surprise—in his impression, there seemed to be a character that perfectly matched the image of this boy.

"Prince Bo's mansion, don't let the idlers rush in!" The guard swung his spear in his hand, and put Li Yi two meters in front of the door.

Li Yi curled his lips helplessly, and said with a chuckle: "This big brother, I'm Li Yi."

"Li Yi?" The guard slowly withdrew his long spear, staring at him with some surprise: "You, what are you doing here?"

This kid Li Yi knew him well, so he approached him with a smile, lowered his voice and said, "Hey, buddy, you understand, I'm here to see my wife..."

"Daughter-in-law?" The guard hesitated for a moment, then froze for a moment before asking in a low voice, "Are you looking for Princess Yu?"

"Yes!" Li Yi flicked his right hand, and threw away the folding fan, only to see two poems written on it - "The belt is getting wider and I will never regret it, and I will make people haggard for Yixiao."

Cough cough, these two sentences were of course someone "made" casually, he pretended to be free and easy, flicked the folding fan, and whispered: "Brother, how about it, it's convenient, let me go in and surprise my wife? "

The guard glanced at Li Yi with a strange expression, opened his mouth, but didn't speak.

At this moment, the door behind him opened, and a middle-aged man with a housekeeper's outfit walked out. The man came out, glanced at Li Yi, rolled his eyes, then wiped the mustache on his lips, and said in surprise : "Your Excellency is the fifth son of the Li family?"

Tsk tsk, Lao Tzu's name is too loud?The butler glanced at me and recognized it.

Li Yi shook his folding fan and said with a smile, "It's right here."

"I don't know why the young master came here?" The housekeeper cupped his hands and asked.

Li Yi coughed twice—the other party's words were elegant, and he could no longer answer casually like before. As a famous "talent" in the capital today, how can he be more elegant?

"Ahem, I'm here next time to pay a visit to Princess Yu, may I inform you conveniently?"

The butler's two ridiculously pale eyebrows twisted, and his expression was a little weird. He said a little embarrassedly: "The princess went on a long trip with the prince the day before yesterday..."

"Traveling?" Li Yi frowned, wondering, "What are you doing traveling at this time?"

The housekeeper shrugged helplessly, and said in shame: "The lord did not mention this, and our servants dare not ask! I heard that we are going to Xinyang County to see Princess Zhirong!"

"Xinyang?" After thinking for a long time, Li Yi finally decided on a direction in his mind. Although he couldn't be sure how far it was, at least he knew that Xinyang was far away from the Huaihe River, which was far away from the current capital—this It's really traveling thousands of miles to visit relatives!

"How long have you been there?" Li Yi shook his head in disappointment and said helplessly.

The butler kindly comforted: "Fifth Young Master, you can rest assured and wait. The prince and Princess Yu haven't seen Princess Zhirong for several years. This time I go to Xinyang, why don't we get together?"

After finishing speaking, he chuckled lightly and said, "Why don't I send someone to the General's Mansion to inform you when the princess comes back?"

This chick, leave now?Don't bring me a letter?

Li Yi was depressed, and he casually agreed with the housekeeper of Prince Bo's mansion, then turned and returned to the carriage.

The temporary driver, Lao Tu, was lying on the seat in front of the carriage, his two thick legs were leaning on the side railing, his bare feet were sandwiched with cloth shoes, the stench was unpleasant, and countless flies were buzzing.

"Yo, young master, came back so soon after talking about love?" Lao Tu saw Li Yi came back dejectedly, and hurriedly sat up straight.

After finishing talking, this idiot didn't see that his young master was in a low mood, so he immediately laughed and said: "Young master, you really can't do things for three sticks of incense, and people call you a little whirlwind on the bed..."

"Old Tu, don't talk about it..." Li Yi shook his head helplessly, lifted the curtain, and got into the carriage. At this moment, he really came back disappointed. He didn't even enter the door, so dingy gone back……

It's rare that fifth brother, I came to see my wife today, this chick is so heartless, she just slipped away like this?

At this moment, Lao Tu realized that the young master seemed to have had a big rejection. He turned around and said to the unhappy person in the carriage behind him: "Master, what's the matter, let's go, let's go to Fireworks Lane to play?"

Although a certain person's reputation outside is not very good, but the maids and servants in the mansion know that they will never find a better-spoken master than their fifth young master.Therefore, these servants are naturally much more casual in front of Li Yi.

"Firework Lane..." Li Yi said with a wry smile, "Old Tu, don't come up with ideas, go back to your house..."

"Hey, young master, you don't understand..." Old Tu smiled, rubbed his hands together and said, "You are a lady, how can you be as good as those women in Firework Alley? Lost grade... Tsk tsk, I will take you to a place today, and I will make sure you are satisfied..."

"Where is it?" Li Yi thought to himself that he had high vision, and he was not at all interested in ordinary women with heavy makeup and gorgeous flowers.

Lao Tu immediately turned around and said excitedly: "This place is quite famous, and the consumption is quite high. It is said that the women there are among the best in beauty. Usually, a maid can be an oiran in Fireworks Lane..."

"Really?" Li Yi stared and hesitated.

"That's not right!" Lao Tu rubbed his hands and said excitedly, "Let's go and have a look?"

"Uh, go and have a look!" Li Yi gritted his teeth - I haven't heard of such a high-end brothel, so I should go and observe it?

"Drive—" the carriage turned a corner, Old Tu's whip was raised high, and then quickly fell down, and this exquisite carriage drove south quickly.

After a while, they arrived at the Yinhua River on the south side of Kyoto.

"Young Master, we're here!" Lao Tu got off his horse, raised the curtain of the car, pointed at a magnificent building by the river with a smile, and said excitedly, "That's the most famous Luohonglou in the entire capital!"

Li Yi got out of the carriage, looked in the direction that Lao Tu pointed, and saw a huge pavilion standing beside the river.

The huge four-story pavilion has a very beautiful and spectacular appearance. The upper two floors are octagonal and the lower two floors are square cornices. They stand protrudingly by the river.And this is not the astonishment of the entire pavilion, what is even more astonishing is that on the side of the building facing the Yinhua River, there is actually a supporting wooden beam in the river, and a simple wooden bridge is built on the wooden beam.

The wooden bridge connects a two-story small building standing in the middle of the river. The outside of the small building is more luxurious. Numerous wind chimes hang on the cornices. My heart skipped a beat.

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