My law is immortal

Chapter 57 Spit on Your Face

() Li Yi's strength has already reached the level of a martial artist if he does not activate the demonic power in his body. If he activates the demonic power in his body, his strength will improve by leaps and bounds. At this moment, even if he does not exert all his strength, Li Yi's strength is enough to defeat the opponent's Offensive...and confidence again!

"Teng——" the blade was hit by this finger, and the blade began to bend suddenly, and then it seemed that the bending speed could no longer resist the powerful force from the opponent's fingertips.

"Pa——" Accompanied by the crisp breaking sound, the sharp long sword just now was broken into two pieces, one of which turned into an arc and fell to the ground suddenly.

"Dingling—" The half of the sword tip fell to the ground, making a pleasant sound.This voice made Li Yi happy to hear it, and after a certain little Taoist priest heard it, his heart seemed to be broken...

With a "plop", the little Taoist fell to the ground. Immediately, he raised his head and stared stubbornly at the villain, the other party, for a while.

Then, he slowly opened his mouth, and actually cried out with a wow...

"Crying?!" Li Yi was taken aback, nainai, this kid is really squeamish.

In desperation, he curled his lips and comforted in a low voice: "Uh, this little brother, uh, the little Taoist..."

The little Taoist raised his head and glanced at him, crying even more fiercely.

"Why are you crying? You're still not a man!" Li Yi raised his eyebrows and reprimanded impatiently.

The little Taoist cried for a while, rubbed his eyes, then glared at Li Yi fiercely, and said fiercely, "You, you wait!"

Li Yi shrugged indifferently, and walked forward, but just after taking two steps, another delicate Taoist priest with a floating dust spoke.

The handsome little Taoist glanced at his companion sitting on the ground with red and swollen eyes, then pouted, looking quite cute.

"You haven't beaten me yet!" With a flick of Fu Chen, the little Taoist raised his brows and leaned forward slightly, like a cute kitten pouncing on food...

Li Yi chuckled, waved his hands, and said kindly: "Forget it, I really don't have time to spank two little kids who only know how to cry!"

"Who can only cry!" The little Taoist brushed the dust away and scolded -- it was indeed scolding, the voice was clear and sweet, definitely, ahem, pure sissy!

"Hey, don't do it yet, little brother, are you a man..." Li Yi was taken aback, and hurriedly asked, but before he finished speaking, he saw the other party flicking the dust, muttering something, and then...

My feet are tied!

Li Yi looked down at the ground paved with white stones, two thick vines grew strangely, and these vines continued to climb up along his legs, and he was stunned for a moment. climbed to the waist.

"What is this?" Li Yi moved his legs subconsciously, but found that these vines were very tough and difficult to break free.

At this time, these vines had already climbed to his chest, and then began to bind along his arms.

"I'm cao!" Li Yi stared at the sissy little Taoist in front of him in astonishment, and burst out a curse: "Little Taoist, what are you?"

"I don't even know the Taoism of the wood system!" The Taoist priest who had broken his long sword by Li Yi before stood up gloatingly. He squinted at Li Yi with his mouth curled up, and said with contempt: "Then you just wait to be tied up to death." , and then kicked out!"

"Cao——" Li Yi hurriedly struggled hard, but his arms were entangled inch by inch, and he couldn't use his strength at all. He opened his mouth and wanted to shout, but he didn't know that the cane went directly around his neck to his face, directly wrapping his body They covered their mouths.

In an instant, Li Yi was wrapped in these rattans into a big rice dumpling in the shape of a person, and was trembling because of the struggle.

"Mingyue..." The little Taoist Broken Sword's eye circles were still red, he gritted his teeth, squinted at Li Yi, and said, "I'm going to break his meridian and teach him a lesson! This sword is from my family. treasure……"

The little Taoist priest named Mingyue was obviously taken aback, subconsciously raised his hand to cover it, and whispered nervously: "Qingfeng, how can we..."

Before Mingyue finished speaking, she was interrupted by Qingfeng. The kid waved his hand, his face seductive: "Don't worry about it, this is my business! At that time, even if the master and the others blame it, I will bear it!"

Although Li Yi was tightly wrapped, he could still hear the conversation between the two, and he was furious at the moment-you little brat, which family's kid is so cruel?Want to break Lao Tzu's veins?Look, after I go out, your mother won't recognize you unless you beat me!

Pay off the breeze, so that you are in love with each other!

As he was thinking like this, Wanqing's soft and charming voice suddenly came out of his mind - "My lord, do you want me to help..."

"No need!" Old Li Yi blushed—I can't even handle two children, and I still need a goblin to help?

After he finished speaking, he still felt a little guilty, and silently said a sentence in his heart-"Well, it's temporary-no need..."

Qingfeng had already twisted the broken sword at this moment, and walked over with gloomy eyes. Yes, the story of a 15-year-old handsome boy, with a broken sword in his hand, viciously went to revenge, was about to be staged.

"Qingfeng..." Qingfeng had just stood in front of the human-shaped zongzi, Mingyue suddenly looked panicked, and said, "Can I not..."

Qingfeng turned his head slightly, shook his head slowly, and said harshly: "He broke my sword, how can I let him go!"

This little sissy has a conscience!However, since you are afraid that he will stab me, at least take this cane away!And... Song Beikui, the four guys, said they wanted to go back and report some news, but they left me alone in a desperate situation...

Li Yi struggled to no avail, he was tired and out of breath, through the gap between the rattans, he could see the little Taoist priest sharpening his knife on the opposite side...

"Wanqing..." In desperation, Li Yi had no choice but to mutter silently...

Unexpectedly, before he finished chanting a sentence, he suddenly felt that the rattan outside his body suddenly loosened, and then quickly retreated from the top of his head like a tail that had been scorched by fire.

"This is what happens when you break my sword!" Qingfeng narrowed his eyes, gritted his teeth, swung the broken sword in his hand, and slashed at Li Yi's right wrist.

"Bah——" Suddenly, with a bah sound, a piece of saliva the size of a palm turned into a bright light and flew towards Qingfeng's face.

"Pa—" The saliva hit the little Taoist priest's right eye accurately, and Qingfeng only felt that his eyes were blurred for an instant... Well, his eyes were covered with saliva, and the movements in his hands naturally slowed down...

At this moment, he hasn't realized what it is, or...he never thought that someone would use this method in battle...

So, after he reacted, he blushed suddenly, raised his hand to wipe the spittle off his face, and then felt that his palm was full of sticky and disgusting things, and he almost vomited out...

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