() "You, why are you so..." The little Taoist priest holding the floating dust was also shocked at the moment, and he was stunned for a while before he opened his mouth to speak.

"You nainai, kid, don't learn well!" Li Yi didn't have time to pay attention to the little Taoist priest in front of him, so he took this opportunity to go up to face the other person, and raised his hand to slap him!

"Pa--" the little Taoist covered his face and froze on the spot, the sword in his hand fell to the ground with a clatter.

"You, you dare to hit me!" He subconsciously raised his hand to cover his face, but forgot that he still had the saliva that he wiped off just now... Covering his face at this moment, he naturally wiped the saliva on his face again, and immediately felt even more disgusted. Extremely annoyed, he immediately raised his sword with his right hand and chopped off the head of the hateful person opposite.

Li Yi felt ashamed in his heart at first—I actually fell to the point of spitting on children...

"Dare to come!" Seeing that this little Taoist priest dared to make a move at this moment, the annoyance in his heart resurfaced again - you are not convinced, I have convinced you!

Li Yi bent slightly, took a step forward with his right foot, and at the same time slammed his right hand on the opponent's waist, twisted his body and squeezed the little Taoist priest under his arm...

"I told you to dare to do it..." Li Yi widened his eyes, raised his hand, and slapped the little Taoist on the buttocks.

"Pa——" the palm fell on the little Taoist's buttocks with a strong wind, full of elasticity, and seemed a little smooth...

Damn, why am I so perverted... Li Yi's head was in a daze, does I like this kind of young lady?At this moment, he only felt a chill in his heart, but he couldn't help but glance at the little Taoist's neck...

It's smooth and clean, with delicate skin... My dear, this little Zhengtai's skin is really better than a woman's.

Li Yi curled his lips, suppressed the disgusting thoughts in his heart, and cursed: "I call you uneducated!"

While speaking, he slapped the other party's ass.

The little Taoist was still struggling before, but after receiving the first slap, he didn't move...

After Li Yi slapped this slap, he only heard a slight sobbing sound...

"Cry, cry, cry, just like a woman, why cry..." Li Yi gritted his teeth, becoming more and more annoyed—this kid not only looks like a woman, but even has a woman's personality!He raised his hand to strike again.

"Don't, don't hit!" Suddenly, the little Taoist Mingyue who was holding Fuchen stopped him tremblingly.

"Huh?" Li Yi turned around, glared at the other party with a ruthless look, and threatened, "Why, do you want to be beaten too emotionally?"

"I..." Mingyue was startled, took a step back subconsciously, and said timidly: "He, she is crying because, it's really a girl..."

"Woman?" Li Yi was taken aback, and subconsciously reached out and touched the middle of the opponent's legs... Then, he raised his head suddenly, helped Qingfeng who was caught under his armpit, and stared at the opponent's face in astonishment. Small face, then stared in surprise: "You, are you a woman?"

Qingfeng was already crying like pear blossoms and rain at this moment, so he would not pay attention to him, he only felt that this time he not only lost his family's precious sword, but also got spit on his face, and even touched his butt...

"Then you..." Li Yi turned his head, and asked kindly in a soft voice, "Then you, are you a woman too?"

"Hmm..." Mingyue nodded and muttered softly.

Damn, didn't I almost get crippled by two underage girls today?Cough cough, but no wonder I always feel that these two little Taoist priests are weird, it seems that my sexual orientation is still okay...

Li Yi curled his lips, and said with a chuckle: "Since this is the case... how embarrassing it is, you should have said it earlier, and I will touch it at most, and I will never hit it!"

After finishing speaking, he let go of the hand that was still on Qingfeng's buttocks, shrugged his shoulders, walked up to the panic-stricken Mingyue, and said with a smile: "Then... shall we fight again?"

"No, I won't fight anymore!" Mingyue's pretty face suddenly turned pale with fright, and she quickly stepped back a few steps to let out the door.

"Hey--" Li Yi smiled suddenly, raised his eyebrows at the little girl who was dressed as a man in front of him, and walked in with a big stride, leaving Qingfengmingyue and the two little girls who were startled and frightened and crying-- It's quite a bit of a matter, and he just brushed his sleeves away, hiding the spirit of merit and fame...

Swaggering into the gate of the pagoda, one can see a screen with a width of three feet standing in front of it. The characters on the screen are like dragons and snakes, and the handwriting is like a storm. I felt that the momentum was lowered by three points first.

"Xuanji Pagoda, I don't know who wrote these three words. If they are thrown into the auction in the previous life, it will be worth it..." Li Yi curled his lips and sighed softly.

He turned his head and looked at the aisles on both sides, but there was no one there. The Qingyang old man didn't know where he went just now, so Li Yi had no choice but to walk there.

Fortunately, the pagoda is luxuriously decorated, and the gold-painted high walls are full of various Taoist scriptures and seal scripts, which are of some appreciation value, so he walked forward at a leisurely pace like a tourist.

This tower is really too big, Li Yi walked for a while before seeing the stairs, and hurried over on foot.

"Are you Deacon Li Yi?" There was a grille in front of the stairs, and behind the grille sat an old man with white beard and hair. He saw Li Yi approaching, smiled slightly, and asked.

"It's me." Li Yi nodded quickly—just kidding, the ghost knows what kind of temperament people here are, there is Master Qingyang who loves to be a coachman, could it be that the old man in front of him is some kind of master?

"Go up the stairs." The old man waved his hand and said with a light smile.

Li Yi was a little hesitant, and asked in a low voice: "Which floor is it? Who can I go to? I just came here, and there is no one to receive me?"

"Let's talk upstairs—" the old man's tone suddenly changed, his brows furrowed suddenly, and his voice was full of impatience.

Sure enough, this old man is also a strange person, nainai... Li Yi stepped up the stairs in desperation, and suddenly caught a glimpse of the old man raising his hands from the corner of his eye, and a purple-red light shot into the stairs.

"You are always..." Before Li Yi finished speaking, suddenly the foreground changed, and many scenes in the Xuanji Pagoda faded and dissipated in an instant, and then the bright light before suddenly dimmed, and the person who appeared in front of him It is a section of pitch-black chao wet stone steps.

"Damn, what is this place?" Li Yi was taken aback. Could it be that I have traveled through time again?

"This is the first floor of Xuanji Pagoda." Suddenly, a cold voice came from behind him.

"First floor?" Li Yi was stunned for a moment, then turned around, but it was Taoist Qingyang who had slipped away before, and he hurriedly asked in a low voice: "I was on the first floor just now..."

"Why ask so much!" Qingyang looked indifferently, glanced at Li Yi, then exhaled, and explained in a blunt tone: "This is Xumi's ability to transform mustard seeds. The Xuanji Pagoda you saw before is not the real one. Xuanji Pagoda."

"What?" Before Li Yi could figure out what it meant, he frowned at Fangfang, stopped talking, turned around and walked along the stone steps.

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