() It was night now, and the sky was pitch black. Li Yi groped his way back to the room, feeling exhausted from continuous fighting, so that he didn't even bother to take off his clothes, so he just casually bandaged the wound on his arm, and then fell down on the bed passed out.

This sleep was so deep that he woke up in a daze when the wooden door was smashed and rattled after the sky was bright.

"Who is it?" Li Yi climbed out of bed in a daze, only thinking that yesterday was really strange, he got into a fight with someone inexplicably, and if the other party was assigned according to the seniority of the master, it seemed that... he wanted to call himself master?

As a master, he is jealous of his disciple and grandson?Beat up his disciples and grandchildren all over the floor?It's ridiculous.

"Open the door quickly, open the door quickly!" The knocking on the door became louder and louder, followed by a loud shout: "As ordered by the master, come and arrest the spies who sneaked into the inner tower."

"Oh?" Li Yi opened the door, and saw four little Taoist priests standing in front of the door with long swords on their backs. They all stared at Li Yi vigilantly. They were the first to glance at Li Yi's blood-stained body. The right sleeve robe waved his hand immediately, and said with a cold snort: "You come with us!"

"Go?" Li Yi didn't want to go, but he really didn't want to fight with these disciple-level figures again. He grinned and said casually: "Wait a minute, I'll go get something, and I'll be right back .”

After finishing speaking, he ignored the little Taoist priests in front of the door, turned his head and grabbed the token thrown on the table, stuffed it into his arms, and said casually: "Let's go!"

A group of five people walked towards the island in a mighty way. After walking out of the beach area, there began to be green land, green vegetation and dense forests, which blocked the scorching sun from the sky, and a quiet path between the trees opened up. It looks cool and comfortable.

"Where are we going?" Li Yi asked with raised eyebrows.

Several little Taoist priests saw the tragic situation of their senior brother yesterday, and they were already afraid of the man in front of them. Seeing him speak now, they hurriedly grasped the long sword behind them. master!"

"Dare to ask your master's name?" Li Yi chuckled and started talking.

"You don't even know our master?" Seeing that Li Yi didn't seem to be too scary, the little Taoist responded casually—at least keep this villain first, and when he enters the temple, no matter how powerful he is, There are also masters and brothers who suppress them.

"My master is..." Before the little Taoist could finish speaking, they walked to the end of the tree-lined path.

At the end is a small fence. The fence is made of low and thin purple bamboos. In front of the door, there are four tall purple bamboos leaning on each other to form a small door made of pure bamboo. The wooden plaque on the door hangs obliquely. On it, there are three words Zizhuju written on it.

The handwriting is unconventional and eclectic. It is obvious that the person who wrote it is also an unruly and extremely romantic person.

This person lived elegantly, but he didn't know what kind of master could teach such a crazy disciple like Lin Feng?

A group of people, as soon as they walked to the door, they heard a strange shout.

"It's you—the one who hurt me?" The voice was neither yin nor masculine, and there was singing in it, which made my forehead tingle when I heard it.

It's no wonder that Lin Feng is so rampant. His feelings are disgusted by his master, and he feels aggrieved every day in this Zizhu residence in Laoshizi, and his psychology has long been perverted...

Li Yi suddenly sympathized with the four little Taoist priests behind him.

"It's me." Li Yi shrugged and said indifferently.

"Yeah, the villains are rampant, and they don't want to die..." The voice rang out suddenly, but this time it was a pure and rough male voice with a singing voice, which reminded Li Yi of the drama in his previous life, and couldn't help it I want to laugh in my heart, these cultivators really have their own evil interests.

As a national teacher, Zhang Xuan actually likes to peep.As the ancestor of the master, Qingyang has a very good face...

Even the old man Gudeng, the patriarch of the entire Xuanji Pagoda, is a neurotic old patient...

It seems that in this Xuanji Pagoda, only myself is a normal person...

Following the sound, a person suddenly jumped out from the roof of the thatched hut. This person seemed to fly upwards and broke the roof...

The thatched grass flew across, and the little Taoist priests behind Li Yi suddenly turned pale, and scattered around like chickens and dogs, obviously feeling upset at the thought of resting in the thatched hut again.

"Boom." With a muffled sound, a tall, thin man with a full beard stood in front of Li Yi.

The man squinted first, glanced at Li Yi, with a displeased expression on his face - I crashed through the roof and flew out, wouldn't you be surprised, kid?

The more he thought about it, the more annoyed he became, and then he flew into a rage, poked his head forward, and stared straight at Li Yi.

The fierceness between the two faces is only two inches at the moment, which makes Li Yi extremely unbearable...

So he slowly raised his hand, took out something from his waist, and then gently and delicately lifted it between the faces of the two of them.

"Huh?" The man was taken aback for a moment, because he was too close to read the words on the token, so he shrank his head back.

Well, shrank like a tortoise.

Immediately afterwards, the man yelled, his eyes were so wide that their eyeballs would pop out, obviously extremely surprised.

"Ah!" The man kicked his legs on the ground and jumped back nervously, apparently quite frightened, he said in astonishment, "You little bastard, are you my uncle?"

"Well——" Li Yi was really too lazy to argue with a nervous Taoist, he frowned, and said coldly: "Your apprentice Lin Feng attacked me last night, and the means are very bad..."

"It's unfair!" The man said with a smile on his face.

"As a human being, he must be..."

"It's also very improper!" The man said immediately.

"So, I already did something to him yesterday..."

"A small punishment!" The man said again.

Li Yi rolled his eyes and burst into anger: "You're never finished!"

"Enough!" The man said subconsciously, and then he suddenly understood-feelings, this newly promoted uncle, doesn't like to flatter himself!

He had learned a long time ago that Xuanji Pagoda was going to have a genius uncle, but he didn't care - the old man Gudeng was usually invisible and intangible, so it was none of his business for him to accept apprentices?

Who would have thought that such a useless disciple as himself would be the first person to offend his uncle with such an honor.

"Master, this disciple of mine is really mad at me..." The man hastily waved his hand, with a flattering smile from the corner of his mouth: "I'll cut off his legs right away, then expel him from the sect, and send two more disciples Riri is chasing and killing him, where are you going to drive him? Tell me!"

"This, this is not good..." The middle-aged Taoist was too enthusiastic to kill relatives, making the victim Li Yi blush.

"How come, he dared to offend Master Uncle, it would be good not to take his dog's life!" The middle-aged Taoist said hastily.

"Ahem, I mean, how can he run with a broken leg?" Li Yi shook his head helplessly, and had to say.

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