My law is immortal

Chapter 70 Booty

() (I wanted to update more today, but unfortunately there was a power outage... It is said that it was caused by the thunder last night. I didn't call until ten o'clock tonight. I said... very hurt...)

"Oh, it makes sense, it makes sense, great advice, uncle!" The middle-aged Taoist nodded his head, then waved his hands and said loudly, "Come on, drag this boy Lin Feng out for me!"

After a while, Lin Feng was carried out from the hut by two young Taoist priests.

At this moment, his face was covered with various grass leaves used for healing, and his whole body looked extremely weak.

"Master, it's him! It's him! Master, you have to make decisions for your disciples!" Li Yi was in Lin Feng's room, and Li Yi, who was still looking limp and listless, suddenly regained his spirits at this moment. He was in the room just now. Sleeping drowsily, I didn't know the conversation between my master and Li Yi...

"Okay!" The middle-aged Taoist laughed loudly and said with a grin, "Bring the knife!"

Two little Taoist priests hurried forward, and handed him a large ring knife inlaid with Garuda.

The middle-aged Taoist took the steel knife, glanced at Lin Feng who was beside him with an excited face, then swung his right arm, and heard Lin Feng suddenly scream.

"Ah!" An arm flew up into the sky suddenly, and then the middle-aged Taoist seemed to feel that it was not enough, the steel knife in his hand had a touch of golden light, and flew up into the sky suddenly, in midair, he slashed at the broken arm again... …

The arm that was still growing on the body a moment ago had already flown into the sky, and then was slashed by a steel knife in rapid succession, turning into dozens of pieces of meat in an instant.

"Ah!" Li Yi was taken aback when he saw the flesh and blood flying all over the sky, and felt nauseated—it would be self-abuse to be this guy's apprentice!

The middle-aged Taoist didn't wait for the others to react, and with a move with his right hand, the flying sword turned into a blue light again, and raised an arm again.

"Ah——" Lin Feng gritted his teeth ferociously, the herbs on his face had already fallen off, he roared loudly, but he lost two arms, how could he struggle.

Two traces of blood flowed from the corners of his eyes.

regret?When he was beaten up by Li Yi yesterday, he already regretted it.

And now, regret is useless.

As one of the most talented disciples in the entire Xuanji Pagoda before, he can be said to be as good as the wind and the rain. No one of his peers would dare to offend him in the slightest.As for the two beauties, Qingfeng Mingyue, he had already taken them into his pocket.So when I saw Li Yihu Mingyue yesterday, I was naturally furious, and wanted to teach this guy a good lesson, but right now, it seems that in front of my master, I don't even count as a hair on the other party's body.

Lin Feng watched helplessly as his master respectfully gave Li Yi a bottle of precious qi-nourishing pills, and then bowed and sent him out of the courtyard.

Then, in a semi-conscious state, he could only vaguely realize that he was being carried by two juniors, and thrown out of the courtyard as if he were throwing garbage...

It was already evening when Li Yi returned to the wooden house with the spoils.

This middle-aged Taoist named Zizhu is the third disciple of Qingyang old Taoist. He is extremely enthusiastic about Li Yi, and he is completely opposite to his master.Not only did he give Li Yi the qi-nourishing pill that Li Yi needed most for his cultivation at the moment, but he also specially gave him two talismans, one fire talisman and one water talisman.

I can still remember the scene where Taoist Priest Zizhu flattered me at that time. The Taoist smiled and sent two talismans, and his voice was so respectful that he seemed to have met the emperor: "Master, it is said that water and fire are ruthless, but my nephew thinks that water and fire are the space between heaven and earth." The most imposing thing, don’t you see the big rivers and waves, don’t you see the raging fire? Isn’t this just the image of your uncle?”

Li Yi sat on the small stool with Erlang's legs raised. The wound on his shoulder had already been smeared with precious plaster by Zizhu, and it was numb and itchy at the moment, making him uncomfortable.

He poured out a qi-nourishing pill and stuffed it directly into his mouth. The elixir was fragrant and melted in his mouth. Immediately, he felt a surge of heat in his waist and abdomen, as if the true qi in his body was aroused and surging.

And Yang Qi Pill also turned into a cloud of cool spiritual energy, following his throat, going straight down.

In the end, the two strands of zhenqi merged with each other. The fusion process was very simple and not lukewarm, but it made him sweat profusely.

This nourishing qi pill is indeed like what Taoist Zizhu said, it is a god for monks in the foundation building period.Half an hour later, the fused zhenqi was like a gurgling stream, containing strength, but it didn't have the violent feeling before.

"Bang bang bang—" Suddenly, there was a slight knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Li Yi stuffed the elixir into his arms - the wealth should not be exposed, but it must not be seen by others.

The door was gently pushed open, Zhang Xuan was wearing a blue Taoist robe, his expression was flat, and there was no wave in the ancient well.

"You yesterday..." As soon as Zhang Xuan opened his mouth to speak, Li Yi stood up suddenly, and interrupted him with an angry face: "Hey, what do you mean, let me enter the Xuanji Pagoda, but what happened? I was stopped by two chicks when I didn't enter the door, and I was hacked like this when I entered the door!"

As he spoke, he also raised his finger and pointed to the wound on his arm, his expression was very painful and miserable.

He said this first, but he had a plan for a long time—from seeing Zhang Xuan, this guy knew that this guy didn't show up for a few days, and he came to him before he had a fight. It must be a dog hiding somewhere. Peeping at Lao Tzu in a dark corner... Now that I got into trouble, that boy Lin Feng lost two arms and was thrown out like a human stick. This national teacher will definitely come to make trouble for him, so he should run on him first.

Li Yi raised his head, looked at Zhang Xuan with a sad expression on his face, shook his head and sighed: "I never imagined that the upright and upright national teacher would trap me to such an extent..."

Zhang Xuan came here this time with the intention of reprimanding himself, a junior with an astonishing talent but an out-of-the-ordinary personality, who knew that he had been exposed first, so he blushed and said in a slightly embarrassed way: "Before It was arranged by Qingyang, as for Lin Feng's matter, it's in the past..."

Is it the past?Isn't this injury for me all for nothing?Nephew Zizhu is sensible and obedient, and he gives benefits cleanly. As a national teacher, Zhang Xuan - if he doesn't get some benefits, how can he let his conscience live?

"Ahem, this, my injury..." Li Yi shook his left arm, the exposed wound had already begun to scar, and this fellow still bared his teeth, saying in pain.

Zhang Xuan's face was serious, he let out a sigh, and said helplessly: "Tomorrow you will leave the Xuanji Pagoda to hunt and kill the demons in the formation stage, no matter what, I will give you a sword!"

"Flying sword?" Li Yi was overjoyed - the boy Lin Feng's flying sword made him feel ashamed before. If Taoist Zizhu was not too enthusiastic at that time, he was embarrassed to ask for it, and he would have asked for it long ago.And Zhang Xuan's status is so high, how can the one who took out his hand be worse than Lin Feng's?

"It's not a flying sword." Zhang Xuan shook his head, and with a light move of his right hand, a black wooden box about three feet long suddenly appeared out of thin air.

Seeing the disappointed expression on Li Yi's face, he couldn't help but shook his head helplessly, and explained: "You are too weak now, even if you are given a flying sword, you will not be able to exert your power, not to mention, you are right now When you need to sharpen. Otherwise, in the future, how will you go to the immortal..."

When he said this, he paused hastily and stopped the topic.

"Go to immortal?" Li Yi became interested and asked, rolling his eyes.

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