My law is immortal

Chapter 88 Entering the Building

() Cold sweat broke out on Li Yi's forehead——to what extent must Prince Bo's mansion be so aggrieved that even the maids are mad?

In fact, many high-ranking officials and dignitaries' families are extremely strict with the maids of the inner mansion. In the whole capital, I am afraid that only Li's mansion is more enlightened. The inner courtyard of the Li Mansion was a mess.

At this moment, facing this ruthless maid, Li Yi was at a loss for a while. After a long while, he remembered the purpose of his visit, and opened his mouth to ask: "Where is your lady?"

"Miss?" The maid was taken aback for a moment, then lowered her voice and said, "Which miss?" While speaking, she actually reached out to touch Li Yi again.

The meat ticket on the opposite side is pretending to be crazy and molesting Mr. Li. Mr. Li, who is upright, upright, and has an aesthetic vision several times higher than ordinary people, naturally became impatient!

Li Yi was too lazy to entangle with her at the moment, so he slapped his thigh immediately and said coldly: "Don't pretend to be confused! Take me to find her!"

Seeing Li Yi's serious expression, the servant girl didn't dare to do it again. She squinted at the sharp claws in the opponent's palm, and became afraid again, so she stood up quietly and said cautiously: "Miss just came back the day before yesterday, and she is just in front of you." The Xiulou, I, I will take you to..."

"Yeah!" Li Yi nodded in satisfaction, and followed the maid to stand up.

The two walked along the path by the garden, passed through the moon cave and the promenade, and saw a two-story embroidered building standing quietly beside a pond. The lotus pond was full of moonlight, and the cornices and pavilions were quiet and elegant. It really was my daughter-in-law. style of.

"It's in the embroidered building in front! Miss likes to be quiet, so she lives on the second floor of the last small building!" The maid led Li Yi to the back of the building, lowered her voice, and whispered.

"Hmm!" Li Yi responded casually, looking up and down the elegant small building, looking for a way to go upstairs.

"Then..." The servant girl took two steps back cautiously, and then asked timidly, "Strong man, can I, can I go?"

"Let's go!" Li Yi chuckled, with a flash of his body, he suddenly raised his right hand and struck the maidservant's neck with a knife, and the maidservant lay limp on the ground in response.

"When I'm stupid, how could I just let you go back and call someone?" The fellow cursed and stuffed the unconscious girl into the grass. As for how many mosquitoes will this girl be bitten by?He didn't think much of it.

Rubbing his hands together, the sharp climbing hook gleamed coldly in the moonlight—since the daughter-in-law lives on the second floor, let's go over the wall and give her a surprise!

Li Yi put his body on the small wooden building, and his whole body was like a gecko, lightly and deftly attached to the wall, and then quietly climbed up along the back of the embroidered building.

Climb to the second floor, and in front of you is a balcony with wooden railings. Each railing is carefully tied with pink ribbons. These ribbons flutter gently with the wind under the moonlight, as if— ——The little girl's seductive hand.

Li Yi stepped into the middle of the terrace, but saw several pots of unnamed flowers and plants in front of him, and couldn't help teasing in his heart: "This little girl is so heartless, she still has thoughts on the railing when she can't see me!" A ribbon on the list, and flowers on the balcony?"

There is a small window in front of Huashou, and the window pane is pasted with bright yellow paper. There is no light in the room, and it is obvious that the people in the room are already fast asleep.

He walked through these flowers and plants, dipped his fingers in saliva, poked a small hole in the window paper, and then lightly pasted it on the pane to look in—but he saw that the room was pitch black, except for a lamp in the corner. Small lamp, the fire core is pinched very short, and the flame is pitifully small.

Li Yi pushed open the wooden door stealthily. Although there was only one small light in the room, it did not prevent Li Yi, who had reached the late stage of foundation establishment and "greatly increased his skill", to easily see the furnishings in the room. This is a small room. In the small study room, there is a quaint bookshelf on the east wall of the room, and next to the bookshelf is a flower stand with a pot of newly bloomed flowers with bones.

There was no one in the study, Li Yi shook his head, and then walked towards the door of the study with seven points of evil and three points of darkness.

After leaving the study room, I heard the slight breathing sound in my ears. Next to me was the small lamp I saw outside the window just now. The light was dim and swaying with the wind. On one side of the embroidered couch, a thin veil hangs down, blocking the people in the couch indistinctly and indistinctly.

Li Yi walked over quietly, and through the thin veil, he saw the person inside, with his back facing him, sleeping on a reclining position, with his black hair loosely spread out, posing between the pillows A beautiful shape.

It is summer now, and the weather has gradually become hotter, so there is an ice basin in the house. Of course, the ice basin is not the theme we want to talk about. The theme is that the person in front of me is covered with a thin embroidered couch, with exposed fragrant shoulders. The breath is slight, coupled with the windy and moonlit night at this moment, it is very tempting!

Li Yi's eyes were like a torch, and he caught a glimpse of this little girl's naked shoulders and back, and couldn't help but feel agitated, cough cough, anyway, he touched and kissed her...

He quietly lifted up the veil, quietly sat on the couch, and then quietly lay down beside the woman.

After lying down, the guilty person didn't move for a while, closed his eyes and pretended to be dead, his heart was pounding.After waiting so quietly for a while, seeing no response from the other party, the guy quietly lifted the brocade quilt and crept into the quilt.

As soon as he lifted the quilt, he cast a slanted glance at the back of the other party, and saw that the back was clean and unmarked, and most importantly—there was no rope on the white back that should be in the bellyband, and this guy's heart suddenly darkened Cool—tsk tsk, this little girl likes to sleep naked?

The people around seemed to feel some heat coming from the side, twisted their bodies slightly, murmured a few inaudible words, then leaned inward, and fell asleep again on their stomachs .

Sometimes, the feeling of being ignored is really the best feeling in the world.Well, the beautiful woman is by your side, if you take the initiative to throw yourself into her arms, it will not be as exciting as the feeling of stealing fragrance and jade in front of you...

Taking advantage of the opponent's chance to turn over, Li Yi's reaction speed was as fast as yesterday's stabbing the wolf with a sword, and almost without thinking, he took the opportunity to reach out and gently put his hand on the opponent's buttocks.

His hands are as smooth as jade, and his skin is tender. With his eyes closed, he quietly feels refreshed, tsk tsk—it seems that water can be squeezed out with a light pinch...

After all, this guy is not a professional flower picker, so his rich experience can't be compared, but fortunately, it's just midnight, and it's still a long time. Well, he has enough patience... After a pause like this, seeing that the other party didn't respond, then Start to move the salty pig's hand slowly.

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