()Prince Bo's Mansion, in the backyard of the inner mansion, a small two-story building stands quietly beside the lotus pond. The moon is full, and there is no cloud to cover it. The full moon is like a round jade pendant with a light yellow halo. .

At this moment, the moonlight is like flowing water, quietly falling on the pond, sparkling, and the lotus leaves stand quietly on the wave, like a fairy who has just come out of the dust, and this small building also stands quietly , like a cowherd ready to steal incense and jade.

At this moment, a certain fellow Cowherd is lying in this small building.

Feeling the smoothness of his fingertips, Li Yi couldn't help but tremble in his heart - it's only been a month since he saw her, and he's plumped up a lot!

The little brother on his crotch had already been furious, pointing his sword forward.

"Hmm—" The person in front of him seemed to be aware of something in his sleep, he hummed softly, and then leaned back instead.

Li Yi was caught off guard, and was crushed upright. The little brother pushed his buttocks straight up, and a soft and charming feeling spread all over his body in an instant...

This guy felt like getting an electric shock, his whole body trembled, and then he felt some moisture in his nose, he subconsciously stretched out his hand to wipe it, and actually felt a bright red hand!

I am no longer the first brother, no matter how I hug a wife, I can be so excited...

Li Yi only felt that his old face was hot, coughing, probably caused by drinking and eating meat with Lao Tu and the others in the past few days, coupled with the hot weather, getting angry!

At this time, he can't dawdle anymore, if he dawdled a few more times, I'm afraid even Hun'er would be blown away, so it's still important to get down to business.

"Hello—" Li Yi called out in a low voice, but there was no response on the other side, apparently in a deep sleep.

"Yu'er, wake up—" Li Yi raised his right hand, gently pressed on the opponent's fragrant shoulder, forced to endure the evil fire in his heart, and lowered his voice.

However, the other party was still sleeping soundly. He was obviously very tired, so that there were more people around him, and there was no reaction at all when his shoulders were gently pushed. It was just breathing between noses, which seemed a little hurried and a little impatient.

Li Yi was helpless, his eyeballs rolled around, and the corners of his mouth twitched, so he didn't wake up?

Very human, doing extraordinary things.

Li Yi is very human, so he decided to wake up his daughter-in-law in an extraordinary way.

This guy stretched out his hand along the other's shoulder and moved forward. The hand was soft and soft, and the palm was as smooth as satin. After groping for a long time, he finally found a protruding grape grain. Li Yi stretched out his hand and squeezed it gently. Then twist...

With such a twist, his heart suddenly felt cold, and a chill ran down his spine from bottom to top to the back of his head, because he felt something was wrong!

Where is Yu'er's body so plump!It's over, this—could it be some concubine of Prince Bo?

Yes, until now, he has not seen the face of the person in front of him!

Damn sao maid, dare to lie to me!

"Hmm--" The person on the opposite side let out a murmur after being pinched like this, and then seemed to have been greatly frightened, his body tensed up suddenly, and he woke up instantly.

"Ah!" She was about to shout, but someone behind her covered her mouth.

Only now did she notice that the man's hand was already in front of her, and when she covered her mouth, she just moved it slightly upwards.

"Ugh—" The woman in front of her began to struggle violently, making a whining sound, as if she was terrified in the face of a flower picker.

"Don't call..." Li Yi said anxiously: "I, I'm not a flower picker, I, I went to the wrong door!"

The more he explained, the more violently the other party struggled, and the whole embroidered couch began to shake slightly. Li Yi tightly covered the other party's mouth, feeling a sense of loss in his heart - even if my whole body is covered with mouths now, I can't I can't explain clearly...

"Woooo——" The other party obviously didn't believe Li Yi's words, and he was still twisting his body non-stop. Feng Yun's body, like a beautiful snake, kept rubbing on Li Yi's body, but it's a pity that Li Yi didn't have it at this time. At this thought, his face always turned red—although I am so beautiful, I don't even bother to do obscene things like rape!

"Calm down!" Li Yi seemed to appease the other party's emotions, but the effect was minimal, and it seemed to be counterproductive.

Normal comfort was not enough, Li Yi was extremely helpless, and his heart was filled with unknown anger. He barely lifted his left hand that was under his body, slapped the opponent's buttocks, and at the same time said sharply: "Stop screaming!"

This slap was loud enough even in the quilt, and the slap on the bouncy buttocks seemed to be able to vaguely feel the shaking, and then there was a crisp sound coming from the brocade quilt.

However, at any rate, it played a little role, and the other party actually stopped twisting!

"Listen to me!" Seeing that the other party had calmed down anyway, Li Yi explained: "I came to visit a good friend, um, and then I caught a maid and asked, but she told me that I was here... "

What he said was incoherent, such a mess of friends, arresting a maid, and so on, it was really muddled and unclear.Fortunately, the woman in front of me seemed to have listened a little bit, and she didn't move, she seemed to be listening quietly.

"Well, then..." Li Yi saw that the other party was not struggling, and his heart fell to the ground anyway. He was about to continue talking, but suddenly his scalp went numb - did the maid not lie to me?

At that time, I was in a hurry, so I just asked her where the lady was, but, hell - there are three princesses in Prince Bo's family!

Originally, there was only one princess at home, but according to the maid, the lady just came back... Which lady just came back?

Thinking of this, Li Yi only felt his scalp tingling, not to mention what he would do after his obscenity with the princess was exposed, but just to let Princess Yu, his future daughter-in-law, know that he actually went to steal her sister...

The consequences are too serious!

After thinking about this, his mind became even more confused, and he said incoherently: "Anyway, that is, I thought you were my friend, but you were not my friend. In the end, I regarded you as my friend, and then I wanted to be my friend..."

Li Yi said a lot of messy words, then paused, and asked cautiously: "I said so, do you understand?"

The woman in her arms seemed to be slightly nodded.

"Uh, now I realize it was a misunderstanding. Although I took advantage of you, I took advantage of you because of a misunderstanding..." Li Yi carefully moved his palm away, ready to use force again at any time, or the other party would scream .

But the other party just didn't bark, instead he nodded cooperatively. He settled down and continued: "And, think about it, if I didn't really have something to do, how dare I come to the palace to molest a strange woman?"

After finishing speaking, he saw that the other party wanted to turn his head, and hurriedly said: "Don't turn your head, and don't call me... I, I'll leave right away. Tonight's matter..." When he said this, he thought for a while, and just now Said: "You, you just treat it as a spring dream..."

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