Chapter 95 The first step of cooperation!
Hearing this, Qin Xiao shook his head: "The government is the government, Mr. Miyamoto is Mr. Miyamoto, and the Demon Slayer Squad is also the Demon Slayer Squad."

"It will definitely be more difficult for Mr. Miyamoto to get our things from the government than from us."

"Although our Demon Slayer Corps is willing to cooperate with the government, we are in the upper hand now, and the government is the one that needs help."

After listening to Qin Xiao's words, Miyamoto Tokking's brows furrowed even more tightly. It was indeed what Qin Xiao said...

"What do you want?" Miyamoto Tokking asked.

He is not stupid. Qin Xiaoneng comes to him naturally because he wants to get the "thing" he needs from him.

"Mr. Miyamoto is a swordsman, so he naturally knows what kind of power the Demon Slayer Corps represents. The enemies of the Demon Slayer Corps are ghosts, and they will always be ghosts."

"But if someone has evil intentions towards us, I don't know how other people will behave, but I don't mind pointing the knife at my own kind."

"Once your Demon Slayer Corps officially appears in front of the country, how long do you think you can hide? The government will not trust you to allow such a powerful force to be independent of their control."

"In the past, the government didn't know about it, so naturally everything was fine. But once the government finds out, it will definitely attack the Demon Slayer Squad. It will either surrender or die."

"They would rather destroy forces they cannot control than let them go."

"Of course I know this, so you don't need to worry. All you have to do is reduce the threat level of the Demon Slayer Squad in the government's mind. It won't take too long. After all, it won't be hidden for too long," Qin Xiao said.

This country is not just the government that has the final say, the big families are also the ones who have the say in this country.

"Mr. Miyamoto, please don't forget that the ban on swords was still enforced during the Taisho era. Only with us as samurai can we hope to return to our former status."

"Helping us is helping yourself, we are our own people."

For Miyamoto Tokage, Qin Xiao's effect of holding a big stick and a sweet date seems to be quite useful, at least on the surface.

It was the first time for the Demon Slayer Squad to formally negotiate with the government, but Qin Xiao expected that the official cooperation would not be so soon. After all, there were still many details to discuss.

While Qin Xiao was waiting to hold an impromptu meeting at the headquarters, a new task arrived first.

Qin Xiao met Miyamoto Tokage for the second time at Ubuyashiki Residence...


"I'm looking for you to come here this time, Akatsuki, because I have a task for you. The evil ghosts in Hokkaido are so raging that we need to send someone from the Demon Slayer Squad to deal with it."

When he met Miyamoto Tokage, Qin Xiao knew for sure that this was just the first step of cooperation with the government. Now that he saw it, it was indeed the case.

The Demon Slayer Squad in Hokkaido had actually wanted to send someone over to deal with it for a long time, but the manpower has been really tight recently, so they had no manpower available to deal with it.

Now that the government has sent Miyamoto Tokkei over, taking this as the first step in cooperation between the two parties, it has to arrange manpower to deal with it now.

Qin Xiao, who originally had other tasks planned recently, was directly pulled into this task.

"You bring four more team members to form a five-person team, plus a five-person team led by Mr. Miyamoto, and that's all the manpower for this mission."

Good guy, I’ve never done such a rich task before!
Before they went to Tokyo, there were only a few people, but now there are ten!

Although Miyamoto Tokage's half didn't know what the goods were, the government wouldn't send some people there to die.

Even if the government wants to send people to die, Miyamoto Tokkyo still has to consider his own life.

"Yes, Lord." Qin Xiao accepted the task without hesitation.

"Can I choose the manpower myself?" Qin Xiao asked.

"Okay." "Then I'm fine."

"Then you go down and prepare first."

Not long after Qin Xiao left, Miyamoto Tokage also came out.This time Qin Xiao didn't need to invite him, he came to the door himself.

"How many days has it been since the government was so anxious?" Qin Xiao asked.

He squats in the headquarters every day and does not go out. If he wants to know the external situation, especially the internal situation of the government, he can only rely on inquiring.

"The situation in Hokkaido is worse than the government expected. Those evil spirits have begun to spread to the surrounding areas and have begun to affect the surrounding areas of Hokkaido."

"In order to reduce the impact and prevent Hokkaido from completely turning into a desperate situation, the government has to speed up the cooperation with the Demon Slayer Squad."

"If this mission can be successfully completed, cooperation between the two parties can officially begin." Miyamoto Tokking said.

"It turns out that the government cannot withstand the pressure, but it seems that the situation in Hokkaido is not optimistic."

"How about your manpower over there?" Qin Xiao asked again.

"They are all masters of swordsmanship, second only to me in strength. This time, the government asked me to bring them here. In addition to wanting to see if swordsmen have an advantage over ordinary soldiers in dealing with ghosts, I also wanted them to witness ghosts. The strength of the killing team.”


This time Miyamoto Tokage directly brought all the people, so Qin Xiao could set off directly to Hokkaido with all the people on his side.

Qin Xiao has four vacancies besides himself, and Mi Li has to take them with him, so it's a bit more reassuring to have them by his side.

Secondly, there is Murata, the hidden "Ou Zhu", who Qin Xiao is also planning to bring along.

Murata happened to be at the headquarters, otherwise Qin Xiao would have to waste a lot of effort to find him back.

With this right-hand man, Qin Xiao feels like there is no need for anything else.

When the team set off, they saw that Qin Xiao only brought two people. Miyamoto Tokage wanted to ask, but he didn't know what he thought of, so he still didn't speak.

Miyamoto Tokking didn't speak, the people he brought wouldn't think so much.

"Didn't you say there are ten people in total? Why are there only eight? Are there two more?"

"Do the Demon Slayers look down on people that much? Or do they look down on the government? They agreed to have five people from each side, but how come you only have three here?"

"When the mission fails, we won't speak for you. You can explain it to your lord yourself."

"Master Miyamoto, these little brats are really..."

"Shut up!" Although Miyamoto Tokui is from the government, he also does not want to offend Qin Xiao.

The man was scolded by Miyamoto Tokkei and didn't react for a while. Although he didn't know what he did wrong, he didn't dare to say anything in front of Miyamoto Tokkei and could only hold it in.

Although they were sent by the government, in fact, they had long been feuding with various big families in private.

On the surface, he seems to be following government orders, but in fact he does serve those big families.

After the Demon Slayer Corps surfaced, it attracted many other forces besides the government...

Many people have become curious about the Demon Slayer Squad, especially after the situation in Hokkaido exceeded their expectations...

(End of this chapter)

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