Chapter 96 Akiye County

"Master Fuma, those three imps from the Demon Slayer Squad are really hard to get in touch with."

The four people brought by Tokui Miyamoto were all famous swordsmen in the Taisho era, led by Fuma Kojiro from the Fuma family.

You heard it right, as the first swordsman Miyamoto Tokage brought, the main one was Fuma Kojiro, and the deep meaning was unknown to others.

"No matter what, they are just a few brats. If they are too soft, then they will be tough."

Fuma Kojiro is a tall and thin man with a mustache. When he was young, he competed with Miyamoto Tokki for the title of No. [-] Swordsman. As for the final result, you can imagine.

"I remember Miyamoto Swordsman mentioned that the Demon Slayer's pillars are very powerful..."

"Hara Yamazaki, you are also a famous swordsman in Kyushu after all. You are not afraid of bringing shame to your family by saying this. He is just a brat. Even if he started practicing swordsmanship in his mother's womb, his attainments in swordsmanship can still surpass those of us seniors. ?”

"Not to mention Mr. Feng Mo, you and I both started practicing swordsmanship when we were six or seven years old. It has been more than 30 years now, and yet you are still afraid of a kid. It's really ridiculous!"

It can be said that Tian Guanglong seizes the opportunity to suppress and belittle his opponents, just to occupy a higher status in Fuma Kojiro's heart.

"Okay Takashi, Saki-kun is doing it for everyone's good, there is no need to be harsh." Fuma Kojiro seized the opportunity to come out to smooth things over.

However, this seemed to be an attempt to smooth things over, but the butt was obviously facing Tian Guanglong.

"Do you have any opinions, Murasame-kun? You can speak up and discuss it together." Fuma Kojiro looked at a long-haired man in the corner of the carriage.

The Changfa man ignored Fuma Kojiro's words. Seeing this, Fuma Kojiro's expression remained normal, as if he was used to it.

"Since everyone has no objections, let's attack the kid named Murata first. He seems to be the weakest and should be the easiest to control."

"Then when will we take action?" Tian Guanglong asked.

"We'll wait until we get to Akiye County. It's too obvious to start on the road. Aren't there a lot of ghosts in Akiye County? It won't be a big deal if one or two people disappear by then." Fuma Kojiro sneered.

"Master Fuma, what a plan!" Tian Guanglong didn't care what Fuma Kojiro said, he always found every opportunity to flatter him, just for the sake of patting him.

However, Fuma Kojiro is still very useful, but the one who flatters him is also a famous swordsman.

In another carriage, Miyamoto Tokking and Murata sat together, opposite Qin Xiao and Mi Li.

Since only two carriages were arranged, which happened to be eight people, Miyamoto Tokkyo was "sent" to Qin Xiao.

Miyamoto Tokage was stared at by Qin Xiao, and his face looked a little ugly.

"If you have something to say, just say it. Why are you staring at me?"

"I was thinking, Mr. Miyamoto is also a descendant of the sword master Miyamoto Musashi, and he is also the contemporary sword master and the number one swordsman of Taisho. How come he can't even control a few of his subordinates?"

"Humph, I don't have such subordinates. Also, don't pretend to be confused here. Can't you see that they are not from the government, but from the family?"

"I can certainly tell that they are not from the government. As for the family... who is behind them?" Qin Xiao asked curiously.

"Tokugawa!" Miyamoto Tokage uttered two words with great solemnity.

Even Qin Xiao, who didn't know much about the history of this country, knew that these two words had a great origin.

"It turns out to be the Tokugawa family. So Mr. Miyamoto is completely on the government side?"

"No, I stand on my own side. The government is the government, Tokugawa is Tokugawa, and I am only me! Don't forget, this is what you said to me." "If your words are spread, the government I'm afraid they won't pull you down right away." Qin Xiao said with a smile.

"I've got what I want, and this role of representing the government no longer matters to me."

He said so, but only he knew what he was thinking in his heart.

"So, Mr. Miyamoto has started practicing breathing techniques?"

"The Breath of the Wind is very suitable for my Two Heavens First Class."

"Wind Breathing, if you choose Water Breathing, maybe I can help. But if it is Wind Breathing, then you have to go to Feng Zhu, he is not as easy to deal with as me."

"Forget it. I've just started practicing. There's no need for a pillar to guide me, a newcomer."

Even though he had just started to practice the breathing method, Miyamoto Tokki, as a sword master, could feel the power of the breathing method, which was far beyond the so-called swordsmanship and mental skills they had practiced in the past. It was not at the same level at all.

From this, it was even more difficult for him to imagine how powerful Qin Xiao and others who had practiced breathing techniques and become pillars must be.

"Such a power, even if I am one of them, I still feel scared." Miyamoto Tokui said in his heart.

In the past, these so-called swordsmen and swordsmen could only die in despair when faced with the siege of three or four gunmen.

But since Tokui Miyamoto started to practice breathing techniques, he has become confident that he can still fight his way out of the siege of so-called gunmen.

Of course, there can't be too many people, otherwise he still won't be able to stop him.

However, Miyamoto Tokui is not depressed, after all, he has only started practicing breathing techniques not long ago.

Being able to get started quickly is all thanks to my rich experience in the past.But if he wanted to reach the level of Zhu, he felt that he had to start from an apprentice again...

A true master always has the heart of a disciple... he should be talking about himself.

The eight rode the carriage for several days, then changed to a ferry at the dock.

After docking, the eight people took the carriage to Sapporo again.

According to Miyamoto Tokkei, this is probably the only large-scale population gathering place in Hokkaido.

Outside of Sapporo, life safety is basically not guaranteed.

In order to prevent the ghosts from taking the ferry to Honshu, the police cut off the route from Sapporo to the dock, and the government directly used Sapporo as a gateway to station the army to prevent the ghosts from spreading further.

Miyamoto Tokkyo's identity represents the government. When their group arrived in Sapporo, they received the highest treatment, especially after hearing that they were here to eliminate ghosts.

A group of eight people were directly arranged into the best hotel in Sapporo, and all their food, clothing, accommodation and transportation were arranged by dedicated personnel.

"Akiba County is the place where ghosts first broke out. It has been almost two months since now. According to statistics from the police force, they found no less than a hundred ghosts there."

"Akiba County is an empty dead city during the day, but at night it is full of ghosts. The police force did not know this in advance, so they suffered a big loss there."

"Based on the information you provided, there should be no living people in Akiba County at this time." Miyamoto Tokage said with a heavy face.

(End of this chapter)

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