Chapter 97 Spy!

Miyamoto Tokuei took the information provided by Sapporo, but he was not in the slightest mood when facing the table of dishes in front of him.

On the contrary, everyone else ate happily, especially Mitsuri.

"Xiao, this fish is delicious! And this beef! The desserts are also very good!"

"You can eat more if it's delicious."


Except for Miyamoto Tokage himself, no one else seems to have any feelings about the information in his hands.

Only Tokui Miyamoto felt that the information in his hand was as heavy as a thousand pounds, because it represented living lives.

"You guys..." Miyamoto Tokui looked around at everyone. Not to mention the others, even Qin Xiao looked indifferent, which made Miyamoto Tokui feel incredible.

After all, Qin Xiao is a pillar, the pillar of the Demon Slayer Squad!
As a pillar, his mental state should be higher than that of the so-called first swordsman when it comes to the sufferings of the common people. Why does he seem so indifferent and completely addicted to love?

The member of the Demon Slayer Corps named Murata next to him had a greater reaction than him. He put down the sushi in his hand and began to hold his head and cry.

"Murata, what's wrong with you?" Qin Xiao asked with a frown, looking at Murata who was holding his head and crying.

"Mustard... too much."


Miyamoto Tokking: "………………"

If someone else had led the team here, Miyamoto Tokui would probably have seen what he wanted to see, but it was a pity that Qin Xiao was leading the team this time.

For Qin Xiao, it doesn't matter how many people he has nothing to do with or who he doesn't care about die.

After all, this is not his home, his home is on the other side of the sea...

Moreover, Qin Xiao's original intention of killing ghosts was just for the system's rewards, so that he could become stronger.

Those who join the Demon Slayer Squad have only two purposes, to kill ghosts more efficiently and to kidnap a wife.

After Kibutsuji Mukai is killed, Qin Xiao will execute his second step plan...

Therefore, it is a waste of emotion to expect Qin Xiao to resonate with Miyamoto Tokage.


"Lord Akatsuki, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government has sent people over. They are all famous swordsmen, including Miyamoto Tokage, a contemporary swordsman."

A Sapporo official lay prone on the ground, not daring to raise his head to look at the young man in front of him. He only dared to look at the man's toes.

If Qin Xiao and Miyamoto Tokage were here, they would recognize the official who received them during the day.

"A sword master? In front of us advanced beings, they are just stronger ants. No matter how many they come, it will be useless." A lazy voice came from the dark night.

"But I heard that the leader of the team this time is not Miyamoto Tokki, but a special government force. It seems to be called something: Demon Slayer Squad. The leader is a young man."

"Demon Slayer!" A pair of eyes as red as a blood moon opened in the dark room, making it impossible to look away.

In those red eyes, there are three words engraved, namely: "Shangxian" and "Qi"!
"I thought they weren't coming! After waiting for so long, things got interesting at noon." The lazy voice became active for the first time.

"How many people are here from the Demon Slayer Squad? What's the name of the leader?"

"There are only three people here, and the leader is called..."

The official was about to answer, but when he heard that only three people came this time, he lost interest in thinking about the voice in front of him.

"There are only three of us, are you looking down on ghosts so much? Okay, I'm fine. You should step aside first."

"It's Master Chiyue, that blood you..."

"Don't worry, you gave all of Sapporo. It's a great contribution. That adult will never be stingy in rewarding you with blood." "Yes, yes! I'm too impatient, it's just my illness..."

As he spoke, the official coughed several times, and the room suddenly smelled of blood.

"It seems like you won't live much longer."

"That's why I hope to become an advanced creature like Master Chiyue, so I don't have to suffer from diseases anymore."

"In that case, let's speed up the progress of the plan. After we deal with those people tomorrow, we can start the plan to seize the city directly."



After the banquet, Qin Xiao took Mitili for a walk around Sapporo, while Murata returned to his room early to rest.

"Master Feng Mo, they are separated, should we take action now?" Tian Guanglong asked.

"Don't do anything here, it will easily arouse suspicion. Our goal is not to deal with the Demon Slayer Squad, but to find out their details."

"Wait until tomorrow. Once we separate, you will take action immediately."

"Yes!" Tian Guanglong agreed excitedly.

On the other hand, Hara Yamazaki and Murasame did not respond to Fuma Kojiro. They didn't know whether they didn't hear it or pretended not to hear it.

The four of them were all recruited by the Tokugawa family. Although it is true that Fuma Kojiro is the main one, in the final analysis, the four of them have no clear affiliation.

The reason why Tian Guanglong follows Fuma Kojiro is indeed because Fuma Kojiro's name is the loudest among the four.

Seeing that Hara Yamazaki and Murasame were so disrespectful, Fuma Kojiro's eyes flashed with a cold light.

But soon he returned to his usual smiling face, and he made another note for the two of them in his heart.

On the other side, Qin Xiao had already understood that the four Fengma Kojiro had bad intentions towards him and others.

Even without Miyamoto Tokage's reminder, Qin Xiao could feel the hostility emanating from Fuma Kojiro and the others.

But as the saying goes, a biting dog never barks, and the Fengma Kojiro and Tian Guanglong who are most hostile to them are precisely the ones Qin Xiao needs to care about the least.

On the contrary, Hara Yamazaki and Murasame, who had little or no hostility, needed Qin Xiao's extra attention.

Although Sapporo at this time was home to the vast majority of Hokkaido's population, due to the situation in Akiba County and the fact that ghosts were known to many people, the night here was not very prosperous, and could even be said to be a bit lonely.

Compared to vendors and citizens, Qin Xiao and Mili saw more police officers on constant patrol.

Because of this, the two of them returned to the hotel without much shopping and went to their room to rest.

The next day, everyone got up at dawn.

Since this mission does not require rescuing people, it is mainly about clearing out ghosts.After breakfast, Qin Xiao led the team out to Qiuye County early.

As soon as he arrived, Qin Xiao planned to chop down and burn the entire Qiuye County. Anyway, there was no one...

He came to Hokkaido just to collect mission rewards, otherwise why would you think he would go so far?

This is an undeveloped Baoxue area for Qin Xiao, and Qin Xiao can eat enough at once!
Seeing Qin Xiao humming a tune and being in a good mood along the way, Miyamoto Tokage couldn't help but ask: "Are you happy today?"

"If you can kill ghosts, you will naturally be happy."

Hearing this, Tokui Miyamoto was almost moved to tears. This was the "pillar" in his mind.

"I'll let you try the newly learned breathing method later. You've never killed a ghost before, right?" The generous Qin Xiao decided to let a ghost out.

(End of this chapter)

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