Chapter 98 Night Attack!

Of course, even if a ghost is allowed to train for Miyamoto Tokkei, it would be impossible for Miyamoto Tokkei to kill the ghost without the Nichirin Sword.

In the end, it will still fall on Qin Xiao himself...

It's less than a day's journey from Sapporo to Akiba County. The eight people took a carriage and set off early in the morning. They could reach Akiba County before dark.

Even after leaving Sapporo, Qin Xiao did not encounter the surprise attack he imagined because it was daytime.

At dusk, everyone arrived outside Akiye County smoothly.

"Ahead is Akiba County. Before it gets dark, let's quickly return to the village we passed before." Miyamoto Tokage suggested.

After getting a lot of information about ghosts from the Demon Slayer Corps, Miyamoto Tokkyo would become extremely cautious about anything related to ghosts.

Just like now, even if I beat him to death, it would be impossible for him to spend the night in this ghost den in Akiye County!
"Night is when ghosts are active. Mr. Miyamoto doesn't want to go hunting with me at night?" Qin Xiao said with a smile.

"If you want to go crazy, I won't stop you, but don't take me with you either. There are at least hundreds of ghosts in Akiye County, and you still hunt at night?!"

"I'm afraid it's not ghosts hunting us!" Miyamoto Tokage looked at Qin Xiao with a "playful smile" and was speechless.

Seeking death is not the way to go!

"You want to go by yourself, I won't accompany you!"

"It's just a joke." Qin Xiao narrowed his eyes and looked at Qiuye County.

I touched it myself at night, and if I turned on the Flowing Blade Ruohuo, I set it on fire. It should be able to brush a wave of fat...

"This is the best." Miyamoto Tokage looked at Qin Xiao's appearance and always felt that this boy would give him some trouble.

Although Qin Xiao, the "Icicle" of the Demon Slayer Team, is the actual leader of this team, it has always been Miyamoto Tokki who made the arrangements, and Qin Xiao is too lazy to get involved.

After all, only Mitsuri and Murata would listen to him here. He couldn't call the others, and he didn't want to deal with them.

While it was still dark, everyone retreated to a village twenty or thirty miles away from Akiye County.

This village has long been deserted, which is perfect for Qin Xiao to rest for the night.

The eight people did not go too far into the village, but stayed temporarily with a family at the entrance of the village.

A bonfire was lit and everyone sat together.

The carriage they were riding in carried a lot of food, so they didn't need to hunt anymore. They could just eat it by roasting it on the fire.

This place is less than twenty or thirty miles away from a ghost den like Akiye County. If you go out casually, who knows whether you will be so unlucky and encounter a ghost.

Therefore, for the safety of everyone, Miyamoto Tokage does not allow anyone to go out, not even Qin Xiao.

After all, Tokki Miyamoto is responsible for everyone's safety, including himself.

Qin Xiao is the strongest in this team. There is no doubt that how could Miyamoto Tokki let him out and run around...

However, if they don't go out to provoke the ghosts, the ghosts will automatically come to provoke them.

When night completely enveloped the sky, the originally dilapidated village completely turned into a "ghost village", with the night wind howling and the firelight dancing.

The bonfire roared from time to time, and little flames exploded.Everyone was holding branches, wearing dried meat and roasting it, and no one said anything.

At this moment, Qin Xiao glanced towards the depths of the village, and the corners of his mouth began to rise slightly unconsciously.

After a while, there will be a good show!

"Who is there?!" Miyamoto Tokking's ears seemed to catch some slight noises, and his eyes immediately looked into the dark depths of the village.

Immediately afterwards, the long-haired young man named Murasame and Fuma Kojiro looked at the place where Miyamoto Tokage was looking at almost at the same time.

When the three of them looked at each other, the long sword at their waists had already been unsheathed.

"Meat! I smell meat again!" "I'm so hungry! I haven't eaten meat for a long time!"

Two voices came out of the darkness.

"Refugee?" Miyamoto Tokage frowned.

Due to the appearance of ghosts, many villages in Hokkaido were abandoned and a large number of refugees appeared.

If all these refugees flow into Sapporo, no matter how prosperous Sapporo is, it will be brought down.

If the ghost appears again at this time, Sapporo will almost be meat on the chopping board, free to manipulate.

In order to preserve Hokkaido's last barrier, Sapporo only took in a portion of the refugees.

The refugees who were taken in were said to be refugees, but in fact they were small landowners.

Probably they are the only ones who can bring some visible benefits to Sapporo.

As for the vast majority of other refugees, they can only be resettled outside the city.

Although the government will provide them with relief, it is only to keep them from starving to death.

The fishery industry in Hokkaido is booming, and even allowing the refugees to eat fish will not starve them to death...

As for the refugees, they saw a lot of them along the way.

What Miyamoto Tokage didn't expect was that there were refugees so close to a ghost den like Akiba County.

"Those are not refugees." As soon as Qin Xiao finished speaking, two black figures emerged from the night and rushed towards the nearest Fuma Kojiro and Murasame.

"court death!"

Fuma Kojiro roared angrily, and slashed away at the two black shadows coming toward them.

However, Murasame was faster than him and had already directly met a black shadow.

Both of them are swordsmen with extremely rich combat experience, and they can react extremely quickly to sudden attacks.

The firelight shone, two cold lights flashed, and two heads fell.

Before Fuma Kojiro and Murasame could put away their swords, the headless body continued to rush towards them, and the severed head was also grabbed and put back on the neck.

"What a fast knife! But..."

"It's of no use to us!"×2
The two ghosts continued to attack, but Fuma Kojiro and Murasame turned around in time to avoid the attacks of the two ghosts.

"What kind of monster is this?!" Fuma Kojiro's eyes widened with disbelief on his face.

He was still alive even after his head was cut off. This was the first time he encountered such a situation!
"Is this... a ghost?" Murasame looked at the ordinary "figure" in front of him. He obviously knew more than Fuma Kojiro.

"Ghost? Is this a ghost?!" After being pointed out by Murasame, Fuma Kojiro immediately reacted.

"Miyamoto Deok...Miyamoto-sama!" Fuma Kojiro glanced at Miyamoto Deokage from the corner of his eyes.

"Qin Xiao." Miyamoto Tokage also looked at Qin Xiao. It was obvious that he couldn't make up his mind when facing a ghost, and he still had to look at Qin Xiao, the "icicle".

"This is the first time for several of them to meet ghosts. We will deal with ghosts many times in the future."

"This kind of good opportunity may not come across many times in the future. If we don't take the opportunity to become more familiar with the various characteristics of ghosts, it would be a waste."

"What do you mean?!" Fuma Kojiro felt something was wrong.

"It's not interesting, I just want you to practice more. You will be more calm when you encounter ghosts in the future." Qin Xiao said sincerely.

"Mr. Miyamoto, please don't take action. Let the four of them practice more. It will be beneficial."

(End of this chapter)

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