Chapter 11

The little sisters Lin Bai and He Yushui, each holding a large bowl, gobbled up the vermicelli with clear soup and little water, and even drank the soup at the bottom of the bowl.

Tsk tsk... Seeing that these two little girls are really hungry!
Isn’t there an old saying, there is no hungry cook in lean years? Don’t forget that Silly Zhu is also a cook, but as his poor biological sister, He Yuyu didn’t get a single ounce of light!
Silly Zhu, in the original book, didn't he just eat himself full all day long, and the whole family is not hungry!He doesn't care about his sister's life or death at all!Just make sure you don't starve to death...

It can only be said that this Silly Zhu and his biological father He Daqing are the same kind of people. They are both selfish, cold-blooded animals who only care about their own pleasure!


After eating the noodles, He Yushui cleaned up the rice bowls on the table, and then thanked Lin Sen with some embarrassment!

"Lin, brother Lin... It's not early today, Ming, I have to go to class tomorrow! I, I'll go back first!"

Seeing He Yushui who was blushing and ran home shyly after finishing speaking, Lin Bai on the side said jokingly.

"Brother! Look at the way Yuyu looks at you... Tsk! That's an expression of affection... Anyway, brother, you're not married. Why don't we wait until Yuyu graduates? If not, let's marry her... I think Yuyu must I am very happy to marry you!"

Lin Sen reached out and rubbed his younger sister's hair into a chicken coop, and then let go of her, and at the same time said angrily: "Little girl, did I feed you too much and let you sit idle?" Is it okay to hold on?"

"Oh, brother...what are you doing! My hair is messed up by you!...I, I fight with you!"

High school graduating students like Lin Bai are at the age where they like to be beautiful. As the saying goes, the head can be cut off, but the hair style cannot be messed up. So after she broke free from Lin Sen's control, she held her head and mouthed Screams.

The siblings quarreled for a while, and Lin Sen sent her back to sleep, "Okay, it's getting late! You have to go to school tomorrow, go back to sleep!"

After Lin Bai went back, Lin Sen simply washed up and lay down on the bed, tossing and turning, unable to sleep.

Now that I have settled down, I have to plan for the future in advance!When he first came here, Lin Sen had already figured out everything. He couldn't go back anyway. Instead of complaining about everything and everyone, it's better to plan well and make his life more exciting every day. This is the right thing to do. Son!

Besides, I still have space on the farm to build a foundation... In the 60s when there was a lack of food and clothing, this was Tianhu's start!As long as he doesn't do anything serious!This kind of hand with double kings, four twos, and four tops, let me ask you, how can he lose?

And the 60s were not without opportunities. At that time, collecting some antiques or hoarding a few courtyard houses will be money in the future. At that time, even if I don’t do anything, it will be enough to achieve financial freedom!

As expected of me, what a fucking little clever ghost, well, that's it! simply a plan.

So, thinking about the happy life of living in the clubhouse every day in the future, Lin Sen fell into a dream in a daze.


In the early morning of the next day, Lin Sen woke up automatically due to the powerful biological clock he had been raised in the army. As soon as he opened his eyes and looked up at the alarm clock on the bedside, he was immediately speechless!Damn it, it’s not even 05:30 yet...

Lin Sen got up cursing, then put on his clothes and went for a morning run to vent all his energy.

ho ho!Most of these people who can go out for morning jogs are single dogs, you can't believe it... As long as there is a woman in the morning, she will press you with her thighs!I really don't believe it, there will be a man who can get up so early!

Lin Sen ran around the moat for a while and came back when he was steaming and sweating all over.

When we went out, the sky was dimly lit, and when Lin Sen arrived at the Xiaobei Lane of Qianda Street, an alley that specializes in selling breakfast, the sky was already fully lit.

"Selling steamed buns...freshly baked steamed stuffed buns! Steamed buns stuffed with pork and scallions!"

"They sell bean juice...authentic Laosijiucheng bean juice!"

"Pass by, don't miss it! Selling sesame balls, pancakes, fried liver..."

Standing at the entrance of the alley, before Lin Sen entered, he could feel the strong atmosphere of human beings inside, the hawkers hawking, and the bargaining and haggling sounds of pedestrians...

Oops!This damn thing... is three times more lively than those morning markets in Northeast China that will be seen in future generations’ acne marks!Just like his mother shopping in a big market!
After Lin Sen went in, he walked all the way, bought all the way, and then ate all the way!No way, who made him eat so much in his current body!

After a long while, Lin Sen left Xiaobei Alley after having eaten and drank enough. He had had enough of the fireworks in the world, and then he carried a large drawer of steamed buns and rented them temporarily for one yuan, filling a full pot. of soy milk.

Back at the gate of the courtyard, Lin Sen was stopped by the third master Yan Bugui who had always been guarding the gate.

"Yo! Lin Sen, why did you go there so early in the morning?"

The four-eyed old man narrowed his eyes slightly, and a gleam of light flickered on the lens. Needless to say, this old guy was thinking about the steamed stuffed bun and soy milk in Lin Sen's hand.

Although Lin Sen felt that Yan Bugui was half a good guy in the whole movie, it didn't stop him from hating the old man's shrewd philistine look.

After all, this Yan Pugui, who looks like a door god, is holding the door of the courtyard, and he wants to take advantage of it when he sees an advantage... This toad lies on its feet, it does not bite, but it is aggressive!

"I went to practice running early in the morning...Why, third master, do you want to run together too?"

Yan Bugui immediately shook his head, running?How can it be?What's the point of running? He's not that stupid!

Once this person exercises, he will get hungry quickly. If he gets hungry quickly, he will eat more. If he eats more, he will waste more food!
He would rather lie down like a turtle every day so as to save one more meal!
"I won't tell you anymore, Mr. Third, it's probably time for my sister to get up. She needs to eat the breakfast I bought while it's hot, otherwise it won't be good when it gets cold!"

When Lin Sen saw Yan Bugui shaking his head, he passed him by and walked quickly towards the middle courtyard without giving him a chance to reply!

Ouch!Why is this kid walking so fast... Let me smell the big meat buns a little more!But... Hey, this Lin Sen will not be able to live a life at first sight!Who here eats steamed buns early in the morning?

...what a waste

(End of this chapter)

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