Siheyuan: I really won

Chapter 12 Reality

Chapter 12 Reality
Not to mention Yan Bugui, who was very annoyed because Lin Sen walked so fast that he didn't smell the steamed stuffed buns, especially those stuffed with pork and green onions.

When Lin Sen returned to his home, his younger sister, Lin Bai, had already woken up. Speaking of her age, high school graduates were quite hard-working.

Today's high school is not as simple as studying in later generations, moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic and labor, have you heard of it? High school students in the 60s not only had heavy learning tasks, they also had to participate in various kinds of labor, and it was not enough to simply put on a show. They needed real labor... Otherwise, you Not even a chance to go to university!

This is the busy farming season, the school will organize them to go to the surrounding villages to help the commune harvest food, etc. Anyway, it’s just a word, girls are treated like men, and boys are not human beings, they are treated like livestock!How tired, how come!
"Xiaobai, go and get the rainwater to eat!"

He Yushui is the only transparent person in Qin Manli. In the original book, after she saw clearly the essence of Silly Zhu, she immediately changed her strategy and began to brainwash her own brother infinitely. What is good about Sister Qin, Sister Qin Wonderful!Sister Qin is so beautiful!

Let Shazhu and Qin Huairu, this pair of licking dogs and black-hearted white lotus, be locked together directly, so as to save them from going out to harm other people.

Although He Yuyu did this with the intention of killing a thousand enemies and damaging herself by eight hundred, the premise for her doing this was also the reason why Fuzhu didn't treat her like her own sister.

Let’s not talk about this far, let’s talk about the most classic white-eyed wolf in Qinmanli, the chicken-stealing incident. When Sha Zhu held the general meeting of the whole hospital, he took the chicken-stealing incident on behalf of the stick without even thinking about it. Son.

It's okay to lose money or something, but the key is that Shazhu's reputation was quite ordinary, but now with the addition of a chicken thief, the whole person will stink...

How important is the reputation in the 60s, even a three-year-old child knows that it is not a good boy who steals, how can he not understand it?But he still admitted it without even thinking about it, completely ignoring He Yushui...

You must know that He Yueyue had already dated a partner at that time. Now that this uncle is a chicken thief, how should He Yueyue's partner treat him?
That is to say, He Yushui's method of beheading the man was good. Not only did the two of them not break up, but he also successfully married herself. Otherwise, in this era when this person has a bad reputation and the whole family suffers, she is the one who is so ineffective every day. yes...

Uh, I'm going too far. The main thing I want to say is that what this guy did, silly Zhu, really can't stand up to scrutiny!The whole scum!


When Lin Bai heard Lin Sen's words, he immediately jumped up and down excitedly and went next door to ask He Yuyu to come have breakfast with him.

After a while, He Yushui blushed and walked over with Lin Bai. When she faced Lin Sen, she stuttered.

"Thank you, thank you...Brother Lin!"

Lin Sen waved his hand. As far as he could, he really didn't care about supporting He Yushui. After all, it's okay to let one end go, and it's not a problem to put two ends.

"Eat, you guys. I've already eaten outside... By the way, Xiaobai, here are your food stamps for a week!"

Lin Bai originally wanted to say that she had it, but when she saw Lin Sen's eyes, she immediately understood what her elder brother meant...

After all, they are brothers and sisters who have the same heart. They don’t need to say anything, they understand each other just by looking at each other!

Lin Bai took the food stamps, and complained in his heart, his eldest brother is really stubborn, so he dares to say that he has no idea about He Yushui...

But in the end, He Yushui was her good sister and best friend who had played with her since she was a child, so after Lin Bai secretly glanced at Lin Sen with her white eyes, she didn't say anything more, after all, He Yushui's self-esteem had to be taken care of!

The two little girls were eating in the house, Lin Sen went back to the house and picked up a big burden, then walked to Jia's house.

At this time, the Jia family had all gotten up. When Lin Sen came to the door, the woman Qin Huairu was cooking on the stove. Her mature waist, under the thin clothes, was exuding alluring charm!After all, he is the most famous Teacher Qin in the courtyard... This charm is really extraordinary!

Tsk!Lin Sen just glanced at it, and then looked away. This woman, if her private life was not so chaotic and she was entangled in blood-sucking, which caused him to be too risky in the future, she would really be a very good person. woman.

It's a pity, veterans don't die, they just wither away gradually!After all, I still have nothing to do with this cannon...

"Qin Huairu, this is your family's thing, I returned it..."

As soon as he threw away the things in his hands, Lin Sen glanced at her mother's body as mature as a peach again, and stopped paying attention.

"Come on, let's take a look at the things in your house, everything is missing!"

The moment Qin Huairu saw Lin Sen, her plump waist twisted even more!She walked to Lin Sen very skillfully, and without looking at the baggage on the ground, she said: "No need to order, no need to order... There aren't many things in the first place, Lin Sen. Thank you for sending it over in person!"

Looking at Qin Huairu, who was so enthusiastic and full of coquettish eyes, Lin Sen took a step back, "Since there are a lot of things, then we can settle it!"

Naturally, Lin Sen would not understand Qin Huairu's little calculation. She just wanted to show off her charm like a silly Zhu, and then give her some small favors, and treat her as a qualified blood bag!

pity!After all, she made a wrong calculation on this woman, not to mention that she didn't fall in love with her, even if she really fell in love with her, he wouldn't be dazzled by this little favor!Hmph, if that's the case, others can touch it!Could it be that he, Lin Zhengren Junzi Sen, can't touch it?It's just funny...

"I have other things to do, so I'll leave first, you can continue to work on your work!" Lin Sen turned around and left without thinking about it.

Looking at Lin Sen's leaving back, Qin Huairu also sighed secretly, it seems that he wants to fool Lin Sen into a blood bag, the road is long!

But she is not in a hurry, as long as the two families live in the same courtyard, this kid will not be able to escape her grasp sooner or later... Qin Huairu, who is very confident in her figure and beauty, she still doesn't believe it, and waits until she is eighteen After the martial arts are all in battle, hum!Are you afraid that you won't be able to take Lin Sen, the cucumber skin?
After a thought-provoking and meaningful smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, Qin Huairu couldn't help thinking that when she took down Lin Sen, their family would be able to live a prosperous life!

It's okay to be an orphan!Only an orphan, I can easily hold him...

Then Qin Huairu thought of Blood Bag No. [-] Stupid Zhu, and after comparing him with Lin Sen, her eyes were full of disgust.

Silly Zhu, who was slovenly, unkempt, and not half as good as Lin Sen in appearance and stature, fell to rock bottom in an instant in the eyes of the goddess he had been licking for several years.

hehe!This woman Qin Huairu is so realistic!

(End of this chapter)

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