Chapter 13

After returning from Jia's house, the younger sister Lin Bai and He Yushui had finished their breakfast.

"Brother! Yushui and I went to school, um... Also, brother, I want to eat Chengdongtou, Lao Zhangji's donkey meat fire at night, remember to buy two for me!"

After Lin Bai finished speaking, he pushed the bicycle and was about to leave after fighting with He Yushui.

As the saying goes, a child with a mother is like a treasure, but a child without a mother is like a piece of grass!

After Lin Bai experienced the pain of losing her mother, her tense nerves under the oppression of the birds finally relaxed after her elder brother Lin Sen returned.

"I got it! Are you going to eat Lao Zhangji's donkey meat on fire? No need to order anything else?"

After Lin Bai heard the words, he immediately stretched out his voice "um..." and then stopped his fight with He Yushui, "Then have another bowl of old Baipu's rotten meat noodles!"

Ho!This girl's mouth is really tricky!A donkey meat fire in the east of the city, and a rotten meat noodle in the west of the city are all alley snacks that only children who grew up in the Forty-Nine City know!

Lin Sen rolled his eyes at the snack guy, and then didn't say no, after all, his sister was in pain, "Ride slowly on the way to school!"

After Lin Sen watched Lin Bai go, he went back to the house and brought out a basin. He didn't avoid suspicion, so he wore a pair of big underpants, shirtless, and went straight to the pool in the middle of the yard to take a shower!
"Wow..." A basin of cold water was poured down from head to toe. Lin Sen's originally scorched heart instantly felt like drinking a glass of ice cream in the dog days. His tail was so cool that his tail was numb... It was so satisfying. !

When Lin Sen was taking a shower in the yard, Qin Huairu, the Jia family closest to the pool, was holding a small wooden basin, planning to wash the dirty clothes at home!
result!Good guy, even Qin Huairu, who is used to seeing men's bodies, is the first time she has seen a figure comparable to the Western David sculpture!

Well-defined muscles, iron-hard eight-pack abs, perfect waistcoat lines, and a face comparable to Pan An's, dripping water from her hair...

Gudu... I am obedient!This temptation is full of male hormones, let alone Qin Huairu, who has no knowledge at all!Even the senior fujoshi in later generations would scream like wolves when they saw it.

Don't say that only men are lustful in this world, in fact, if women become lustful, there is no such thing as a man at all! ...It means that you have never seen a female satyr, so it's really fucking crazy!

If this scene of Lin Sen taking a shower is shown on the big screen of future generations, it will definitely attract millions of girls to lick the screen!Tsk tsk... This picture, just thinking about it, is scary enough!
Qin Huairu's face was flushed, and after watching Lin Sen's back disappear, she let out a long breath, and rubbed her thighs against each other for a while.

On the dining table in Jia’s house, Jia Zhang, a white wild boar who was drinking feces and yellow stick noodle porridge with a bowl, looked at the daughter-in-law who suddenly stood at the door in confusion, and then expressed dissatisfaction. Said the tone.

"What are you doing! If you don't wash clothes early in the morning, why are you making a fuss here? I tell you Qin Huairu, as long as I am here in this family, you must not do anything to regret my son Dongxu... …”

Qin Huairu, who was fantasizing that she had a little friction with Lin Sen, was secretly enjoying herself... But she was suddenly interrupted by her mother-in-law.

He couldn't help but groaned in his heart, how could such a bastard have the face to say such a thing!Every bite of meat you eat, every white flour steamed bun, which one was not exchanged for the prairie-colored hat on your son's head?

However, Qin Huairu didn't quarrel with Jia Zhang. She silently picked up the wooden basin and went out. If she had this time to quarrel with her, she might as well think more about how to hook up with Lin Sen!

The big nose and the waist of a male dog can actually grow on the same person, darling!That is simply God's gift to women...

Lin Sen didn't know that Qin Huairu had already made up his mind, but even if he knew, he didn't care!

hehe!As long as he doesn't want to sleep with her, no matter how winds blow from east to west, north and south, he won't be able to shake even the slightest bit of him! ... I still don't believe it, Qin Huairu, a little widow, does she still dare to use force on herself?

Tsk!Sure enough, if this boy looks too outstanding, he must learn to protect himself when he goes out... After all, people's hearts are not ancient!

After taking a shower, his whole body was immediately refreshed. After Lin Sen went back to the room and wiped off the water droplets on his body, he changed into a clean and neat old green military uniform.

Although he has returned from a different career, he has not faded since he was discharged from the army. No matter when, he must maintain his image as a soldier wherever he goes...

Putting the green military satchel on his back, Lin Sen stuffed his file bag into it, sorted out his personal conduct in front of the mirror, and after cleaning himself up, he turned around and went out the door in a full of energy.

Today, he had to go to the street office to go through the settlement procedures. Lin Sen had just returned and didn’t have a bicycle, so he had to walk on his legs.

Walking along the way, Lin Sen looked at the pedestrians on the street. Although they looked good, their clothes were a bit plain and full of patches... But unlike later generations, their mental state was very good. They are plump, with their heads held high and their chests held high, and they are breathing in the wind when they walk, giving people a feeling of full confidence!
It's not like the bow-headed people of the later generations, they all hold their mobile phones to watch, and they don't have any energy... Hey!Although technology has advanced, but purely in terms of inner spirit, the people of later generations are really not as good as the people of the 60s. At least they are not empty in their hearts...

Lin Sen walked and watched all the way, and soon walked to the gate of the street office.

At this time, the subdistrict office had not yet opened for work, so Lin Sen arrived a little early, but he did not wait outside, but rushed into the concierge next to the main entrance of the subdistrict office.

The neighborhood office is located in a courtyard with two entrances, and the concierge is a small wing.

When Lin Sen broke in, the porter was sitting on a bench drinking water from an enamel cup. He didn't make a fuss when he saw a handsome young man enter the door. Instead, he looked up. After glancing at Lin Sen, he asked directly.

"Grandpa, what's the matter?"

Lin Sen didn't answer first when he heard the words, but took out a pack of tower cigarettes, and then popped one out and handed it to the uncle, "Master! Hello... I'm here on business in the street, so it's too early. I just want to let you rest here..."

The concierge took the cigarette, and he was not polite, he put it in his mouth, then took out a match and lit it, "You are welcome, young man! You can sit wherever you want..."

"Thank you! Master..." Lin Sen was not polite. He sat down on another bench next to him, then he also took a cigarette, lit it, and started bragging to the old man!
"Master, what's your surname?..."

(End of this chapter)

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