Siheyuan: I really won

Chapter 14 The Concierge

Chapter 14 The Concierge
The concierge took a puff of cigarette and then replied: "Your surname is Qin!"

Hmm... surnamed Qin?Isn't that the legendary hidden boss of the concierge?Damn it, there are really crouching tigers, hidden dragons in this Sijiu City!
Lin Sen: ... can't be provoked, really can't be provoked!
Relying on his thick skin and self-acquaintance, Lin Sen quickly got acquainted with the concierge, Uncle Qin.

"Xiao Lin! Did you just come back from the army?"

"Yeah! XX Army, just returned from changing jobs!" Lin Sen saw that the old man's cigarette butt was almost exhausted, and refilled another one for him.

"XX army!" Hearing Lin Sen's words, the old man's eyes flashed a light, but it soon dimmed again.

Although the gloom in Uncle Qin's eyes was only fleeting, Lin Sen keenly caught it, so he asked curiously.

"Why, Uncle Qin, do you also know about the XX Army?"

"Oh!" Uncle Qin immediately shook his head when he heard the words, "How can you not know? The xx division of the xx army is my old army!"

Hearing Uncle Qin's words, Lin Sen's face immediately lit up with a smile, "Hey! Uncle Qin, we really didn't realize that you are still my senior, the old squad leader! I am also a xx teacher..."

"That's right! Then we are really destined to be together!"

Uncle Qin blew out a smoke ring, and then asked Lin Sen about things in the army, "Xiao Lin... is the current commander of the xx division still Feng Dapao?"

Uh, when Uncle Qin mentioned Feng Dapao's name, Lin Sen was startled immediately, and then asked in a low voice: "Uncle Qin, may I ask, which year did you change your job?"

Lin Sen's tone was full of caution, my mother!Who is Feng Dapao that Uncle Qin is talking about, Lin Sen naturally knows it clearly!
The commander of the XX Army, General Feng Shifeng, has a hot temper and is like a cannon, exploding at a moment's notice!That's why they are called cannons...and when they were still division commanders, this is all in the old almanac of that year!

"What year did I change my job?" Uncle Qin murmured, and then fell into the memories of the past, and was stunned for a moment.

Seeing Uncle Qin lost in thought, Lin Sen didn't dare to disturb him, he could only stare blankly at the old man...

After a long while, Uncle Qin came back to his senses. He shook his head in embarrassment, and then muttered a few words, "Old man, old man! It's no use... this recalling thing, I can’t help but feel dazed!”

"Sir, I came back 50 years ago... In the blink of an eye, more than ten years have passed in a blink of an eye!"

"Fifty years? uncle Qin...I never thought that you were still a hero who participated in the war to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea!...Disrespect, disrespect!" With that, Lin Sen stood up from the bench. , respectfully gave him a military salute!
50 years, and the senior of the xx division, Lin Sen casually pushed the time forward, and he knew that the unattractive concierge, Uncle Qin, had made such great military exploits!

When Uncle Qin heard Lin Sen's compliment, he waved his hand casually, "Xiao Lin, sit down quickly, sit down quickly! What kind of fighting hero am I? ... I'm just a bad old man, but I can't deserve your gift!"

"No! Uncle Qin, you deserve this military salute from me... When I first joined the army as a new soldier, I heard the veterans of the division say that more than 1 people in our division crossed the Yalu River, but only a few came back alive. Less than [-]%... Every surviving veteran is a combat hero in our hearts!"

Lin Sen's words are extremely sincere... Now the whole flower grower can prosper, and the years are quiet and beautiful!That's all because of the unsung heroes and ancestors like Uncle Qin, who are silently carrying the burden in the dark!

After the ceremony, the atmosphere between Lin Sen and Uncle Qin became more familiar and lively!
Lin Sen once again respectfully handed Uncle Qin a cigarette, "Uncle Qin, can you tell me no about the story of participating in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea?..."

"Heh! There's nothing you can't say! What does Kobayashi want to hear?"

"Uncle Qin, are you going to join Changjin Lake? I heard that our division fought extremely fiercely there!"

"That's right, Xiao Lin, you also know Changjin Lake..." Uncle Qin glanced at Lin Sen unexpectedly, and then started the memory killing!

"Changjin Lake... Our division is more than a horrific fight! At the beginning of the 185th Regiment's interspersed Ninth Company, except for one signal soldier who was still alive, the rest were all..."

Lin Sen listened to the personal descriptions of the survivors of the Changjin Lake battle, and only then did he know how bad the conditions of the volunteers were during the Changjin Lake battle...

The movies made in later generations are completely insignificant compared with the real ones...not to mention the lack of clothing and food, and even a serious shortage of weapons and ammunition. The volunteers were able to win the battle of Changjin Lake because they really used their own strength. In exchange for passion!
Listening to Uncle Qin's eloquent words, Lin Sen's heart was boiling with passion. He wished that he could immediately carry a gun and go to the battlefield to avenge the sacrifice of the heroes!
After Uncle Qin finished telling his story, his heart was full of nostalgia for the past, and his expression was a little sad. After a while, he patted Lin Sen on the shoulder, and then started to tell people to get out, "Okay, boy! Street!" The office is already at work, it’s time to go do your business!”

Lin Sen, who was fascinated by the old man's story, woke up after being slapped by him. Then he remembered that he still had things to do today, so he quickly got up and said, "Hey...Uncle Qin, we still have business to do! Wait for two days. Yes, I'll bring two bottles of good wine, and let's continue telling your story!"

"Okay, uncle is waiting for you!" Uncle Qin watched Lin Sen run out of the porter's room, and then looked down at his limping feet!
Uncle Qin didn't tell Lin Sen that his feet were forcibly transferred back from another job because his nerves were damaged by freezing in Changjin Lake, and half of his feet were amputated!


After Lin Sen left the gatehouse on the street, he went straight through the front yard and found the office of the director of the street office in the backyard!
Lifting the curtain hanging at the door, Lin Sen walked in without any signs of confusion.

"Aunt Wang!"

Sitting in the office was a middle-aged woman about 45 or six years old, with a slightly fat body and a hulan head. She heard Lin Sen's cry, and when she looked up, she immediately stood up with a face of surprise, and walked quickly. Walking up to Lin Sen, he grabbed him tightly and said in disbelief.

"Komori, is that really you?"

"Well, Aunt Wang! Isn't it me! I'm back..."

Lin Sen was also smiling all over his face, and stood in front of Aunt Wang generously.

"I'm sorry, Aunt Wang! I came back late... My mother's funeral has caused you to worry so much!"

(End of this chapter)

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