Siheyuan: I really won

Chapter 15 A big mouthful of food

Chapter 15 A big mouthful of food
After hearing Lin Sen's words, Aunt Wang was silent for a moment. She said in a sad tone: "Xiao Sen, you don't have to blame yourself! Your Aunt Wang is not that pedantic person. Even though I am a woman, she understands this." Loyalty and filial piety cannot have the best of both worlds since ancient times..."

Why!It’s really a dilemma of loyalty and filial piety since ancient times!

After following Aunt Wang and feeling sad together for a while, Lin Sen slapped his forehead and remembered his business, so he hurriedly spoke to her.

"Auntie! I have already applied to the army for a change of job. I came to you this time to get my account back!"

With that said, Lin Sen took out his personal file bag from his military bag and handed it to Aunt Wang!
Aunt Wang didn't say much, and after taking the portfolio, she took Lin Sen to the Sub-district Household Registration Office.

There was someone in the court who was easy to do. The street director personally led Lin Sen to go through the registration procedures. The household registration clerk down the street was very quick. In less than half an hour, Lin Sen got a This is a brand new, freshly made handwritten household registration book!

After sealing Lin Sen's file, Aunt Wang issued him a letter of certification with the official seal of the street, and asked him to go to the Grain Management Office to handle changes in the food supply relationship, "Xiao Sen, you have registered as a registered permanent resident today. There are a lot of things to do, and my aunt won’t leave you alone... Wait for this Sunday, bring your sister and come to your aunt’s house for a meal together!”

"Well! I understand, Auntie... Then I'll be busy first!"

After Lin Sen took the letter from the street and said goodbye to Aunt Wang, he started running errands under the scorching sun!
In the 60s, registering for residence was not an easy task. It could not be done by simply going to the street to register.

After getting the household registration, Lin Sen still had to go to the grain management office to apply for a new supply book, and the housing management bureau also had to re-register the information. Anyway, Lin Lin had to do a piecemeal job. I guess Lin Sen, he had to It takes a whole day of running back and forth!

Sure enough, when the sun set and a flame seemed to light up in the sky, Lin Sen returned to the courtyard after dragging his body after a hard day's work.

Hey... the sunset is infinitely beautiful, but it's almost dusk!What a pity!No one can appreciate such a large and beautiful Huoshaoyun!

Ho!Stop being a literary youth!These days, everyone can’t even fill their stomachs. Who is like you? How can you have so much free time to watch the sunset? No one is used to your bad habits!
After running for a whole day, after finally confirming his household registration and relationship, Lin Sen returned home and started to prepare for dinner!
First turn on the fire on the stove, and then Lin Sen started to boil the water. He didn't even know how to cook, so he boiled the water just as a show for the neighbors to see!
Then he took out a plate of braised pork from the automatic processing plant from the farm.

Good guy, as soon as the braised pork was taken out, the meaty aroma wafted out through the cracks in the window and door, and was smelled by the Jia family next door.

"Meat... this smell is the smell of braised pork! Grandma, grandma... I want to eat meat, I want to eat braised pork!"

Originally, he was playing with his two younger sisters at the door of the house. As soon as he smelled this smell, he quickly sniffed hard, wishing to inhale all the fascinating smell into his nose.

Sniffing and sniffing the stick, the more he smelled, the hungrier he became, and then he growled like thunder, and finally couldn't help swallowing anymore, and then rushed into the house, pulling His grandma's hand yelled loudly.

In fact, Jia Zhang's family has also smelled it. Every family's life is extremely difficult these days. If ordinary people can eat one meal of meat a month, it's like celebrating the new year!
If other people in the yard were making braised pork, Jia Zhang would have to take a bowl and put a few pieces back...

But the smell of braised pork came from the Lin family, and Jia Zhang hesitated immediately!Damn it, what should Lin Sen do if he doesn't want to rely on his old age and act recklessly?

Ever since she got a big sinus attack yesterday, Jia Zhang found that whenever she thought of Lin Sen's full of evil spirit, she couldn't help but tremble all over. This is a conditioned reflex of human instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages...

In the end, Jia Zhang still didn't dare to go, she was afraid that if she went, she would have to touch Lin Sen's big sinus again.Yo!Not bad... This Jia Zhang actually has a long memory!

Hehe, when you are reasoning with a person but he is playing a hooligan, then you can only restrain him if you are more hooligan than him... Tsk, this villain still needs to be tortured by villains!

"My dear grandson! We don't eat the Lin family's meat... His family's meat is all dead meat and bad meat. If you eat it, your intestines will rot!..."

Jia Zhang, who was as bloated as a white wild boar, first cursed in a low voice with raised eyebrows, and then comforted her sweet grandson, "Hey, sweetie, don't worry, wait until your mother gets off work in the evening." When she comes back, I'll ask her to go to Silly Zhu and Yi Zhonghai's place and get some meat back for you to eat!"

Otherwise, this famous double standard also depends on Jia and Zhang’s family!Now that she wants to eat meat, she doesn't care whether her daughter-in-law wears a hat for her son!
Not to mention the Jia family, Lin Sen was eating fragrant braised pork. When he took a bite, his whole mouth was oily, and he paired it with a mouthful of rice... Oops!This was the most delicious meal Lin Sen had ever eaten since time travel.

Lin Sen gorged on food and meat, and Lin Sen also devoured it. With his appetite, it was fortunate that he had the farm space to back it up. Otherwise, with his monthly ration of 32 catties of grain, I really don’t know how many meals he would be able to eat!

This grain ration is distributed per head, which is what rural people often dream of eating.

Lin Sen and his younger sister, Lin Bai, are both grown-ups. According to the grain ration, an adult only has 25 catties of coarse grains such as sorghum rice or corn noodles, and 2 catties of rice and 5 catties of fine grains!
Lin Sen's meal just now consisted of 2 kilograms less rice and [-] kilogram less braised pork. If he didn't have a farm, he would probably be hungry in a few days!

Don't think that Lin Sen's appetite is exaggerated. People in this era are hungry for food. There are many people who can't even eat 5.6 big steamed buns in one meal...

After dinner, it was rare for Lin Sen to wash the dishes. He just threw the dishes and chopsticks into the basin and ignored them. Then he set the stove on fire, warmed the pot, and then brought Xiaomei Lin out for food. Put donkey meat on fire and rotten meat noodles, put them in the pot and cover them, wait for the little girl and He Yushui, two little girls, to bring them out to eat after school, and then call it a day!

Although Lin Sen is not very tired due to his strong physical condition... it is still quite pleasant to pour a basin of scalding hot water, scald his feet and relax before going to bed!

(End of this chapter)

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