Siheyuan: I really won

Chapter 16 Borrowed meat is here

Chapter 16 Borrowed meat is here
Sitting on the edge of the bed, Lin Sen was soaking his feet in hot water. After running for a day, the fatigue on his body was instantly wiped away, and his whole body was revived with full blood...

When Lin Sen was soaking his feet and feeling comfortable, suddenly there was a knock on his door, "Bang, bang bang..."

"Come, come! Who..."

Reluctantly, Lin Sen took his feet out of the basin, and after drying them with a foot towel, he pulled his shoes and went to the door to open it.

As soon as the door opened, Lin Sen's beautiful eyebrows knitted together after seeing the person... Your mother is actually the little widow Qin Huairu!

"Is something wrong?"

Looking up at Qin Huairu, who has a pretty face and is hard to conceal her plump figure even if she is wearing fat clothes, Lin Sen asked in a flat tone.

After Qin Huairu was glanced at by Lin Sen, she unconsciously puffed up her chest, highlighting her heavy love, and then said: "Lin Sen, can we enter the house and say no..."

As a result, Lin Sen refused on the spot, "No! Qin Huairu... If someone sees us living alone in the same room, it will be unexplainable... If you have anything to say, just say it at this door!"

There was originally a feud between Lin Sen and Jia Zhang. If she found out that she and Qin Huairu were in the same room, she would have to chew her tongue behind his back to ruin his reputation...

"Haha..." Qin Huairu obviously thought of this, so after Lin Sen disagreed, she stopped forcing him.

"Well, Lin's like this. My son, Bangge, has been making noises at home about wanting to eat meat! Hey, it's all because of my incompetence as a mother..."

Listening to Qin Huairu's self-pity and self-pity, he couldn't help but let out a sneer in his heart.

This Qin Huairu really can't put hot cakes under his mouth... He just came back the second day, and this woman can't wait to come and pua herself.

Your second uncle is a bratty guy. Do you look like Mr. Big Grudge? ...I'm just speechless!

"Qin Huairu, you know you're incapable! Don't dream about eating meat for your son all day... If you really want to, then let your son think about it before going to bed. There are everything in the dream... ..."

After finishing the argument, Lin Sen didn't give Qin Huairu a chance to say another word, and immediately turned around and rejected her!
Grandma, it’s so outrageous that his mother opened the door to Libia, it’s so outrageous... These days, everyone doesn’t even have enough to eat, but this little widow Qin Huairu actually wants her son to eat meat!

Damn it, you're such a bug, why don't you fly into the sky like a fool!
grass, a plant......

Lin Sen ignored Qin Huairu's knock on the door, returned to the room, and was about to wash up and go to bed!

Qin Huairu was standing at the door of Lin's house. She almost hit the door panel with the tip of her nose. Then she knocked on the door relentlessly for a while. After confirming that Lin Sen really didn't open the door, she cursed in her heart and went to the next door to lick the dog. The eldest brother on the list belongs to Shazhu’s family.

Damn it, isn’t I beautiful?Or not in good enough shape?Lin Sen, that bastard, actually rejected me, it really blinded him...

However, when Qin Huairu came to the door of Shazhu's house, she suddenly thought of a possibility... Could this Lin Sen still be a baby?You don’t know anything about women, right?
The more she thought about Qin Huairu, the more likely it became. Otherwise, with her appearance, figure and charm, would that man who had eaten meat be willing to refuse?

The more Qin Huairu thought about it, the more excited she became. She wished she could go back and throw herself into Lin Sen's arms right away, and then the two of them would have a love that was earth-shattering and thunderous.

Tsk tsk….According to the old man, this chicken, which has never been eaten as meat, tastes great...

"Hey! Sister Qin...are you looking for me for something?"

Hearing the sound of footsteps outside the house, but waiting left and right, he didn't see Qin Huairu's Sha Zhu coming in for a long time, so he opened the door and took the initiative to attack... Besides, Sha Zhu is the big brother of the dog licking list!Look at other people, there is no difficulty, even if he creates difficulties himself, he will insist on it...

"Ah?...Ah! Zhuzi, this idiot is making trouble at home and wants to eat meat. I really can't resist it. Look, can I borrow some meat from my sister's house?"

As soon as Qin Huairu finished speaking, Silly Zhu slapped her chest, "Ouch! Is this what Sister Qin is doing? How big of a deal do I think it is! Just wait, I'll get you some meat right now." go……"

In the end, Shazhu brought her a piece of bacon weighing half a kilogram, and Qin Huairu touched him twice with her little hands without leaving any trace, which made Shazhu feel very happy!
After Qin Huairu left, Silly Zhu, the grandson, was still immersed in the soft feeling when their hands touched each other just now, which made him feel itchy in his heart...

I have to say that Qin Huairu, the master beast tamer, can handle Silly Zhu so easily that she will die!

But this has nothing to do with Lin Sen. Silly Zhu is willing to be trained like a dog by Qin Huairu, and it is not something Lin Sen can control if he wants to. After all, when Zhou Yu wants to fight Huang Gai, one is willing to beat him, and the other is willing to suffer!
Lin Sen waited for Qin Huairu to leave the door of his house before going out to pour water for washing his feet, brushing his teeth and washing his face, then went back to the house and lay down on the bed to sleep.


After a dreamless night of sleep until dawn, Lin Sen's damn biological clock woke up on time. He lay in bed with his eyes open for a long time before Lin Sen got up reluctantly!Hey, no woman is pressing her thighs against you, which is really annoying!
Winter is coming soon. It seems that it is imperative to find a wife to come back to warm the bed...

Well, after your work is completed, you can ask Aunt Wang to introduce you to the blind date!Lin Sen believed that with Aunt Wang's perspective as a street director for many years, the wife he chose would definitely not be that bad!

After waking up, Lin Sen didn't go out to exercise. He went to the kitchen first and found that the bowls and chopsticks he had piled up in the basin last night had been washed, and then he lifted the lid of the pot. It is said that it was completely wiped out.

Lin Bai and He Yuyu were quite sensible girls. When they came back from school, they saw that the lights in their room were out, but they didn't bother them...

Putting the pot on the fire, Lin Sen cooked a pot full of white rice porridge, and then took out several large white steamed buns from the farm. After placing them all on the table, he went to call his sister to get up...

When we arrived at Lin Bai's room, Lin Sen went up and knocked on the door, "Get up quickly, what time is it?"

"! Just let me sleep for a while! Why don't I skip breakfast?"

Lin Bai, who was soon woken up, let out a wail. Both brothers and sisters had the same virtue. Except when they woke up naturally, they would have serious trouble getting up at any other time...

"Hurry up, don't force me to kick the door!" After all, my sister is older, and Lin Sen can't just break into her room, so he can only kick the door twice and warn her to get up!
(End of this chapter)

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