Siheyuan: I really won

Chapter 2 Chapter Family

Chapter 2
Dawu's real name is Cao Yong. Because he has four sisters in his family, people who know him like to call him Dawu...

This guy's character is a bit hard to describe. Normally, he is a little out of touch and smiles when talking to everyone, but this guy is very arrogant secretly. He has been in the army for three years, and the entire company should not In the whole group, few people can catch his eye.

Of course, Lin Sen was an exception. This boy was assigned to him as a recruit. After being trained for three years, he directly became his little fan!
Lin Sen, a man at the top of the food chain!Whether it's tactics, fighting or shooting!Take it alone, not to mention the entire army, not to mention a few opponents.

Just such a big soldier at the level of a soldier king, his luck is really not good... When he was saving the reckless Da Wu, he was blown away by the explosion of a shell not far from him.

Then, he disappeared and then... After he died, Lin Sen took over his body!
Everyone, don't look at the chubby Big Five who looks like Mira Buddha when he smiles, but the enemies he killed on the battlefield in the past two years, if not a hundred, there will be seventy or eighty... Big Five, take care! Sure enough, it is a smiling tiger!

"It depends on the situation... If the assigned job is not good, my parents still have two job quotas!"

Da Wu did not force Lin Sen to work with him in the security department of the Red Star Rolling Mill. "Okay, squad leader! You take care of it yourself, I won't say anything more... But squad leader, when I am a soldier, you take care of me..." But this is the place, if you need anything, you must come to me! ...I’m not bragging, my four brothers-in-law are here, such trivial matters, let’s just say a word, just lie down!”

Lin Sen smiled, "Da Wu, do you know why cows fly in the sky?"

"Ah? Then... let me see!"

Big Wuyi didn't react to this at the moment, he poked his head out of the train window to look, and then said to Lin Sen: "Squad leader, there are no cows flying in the sky here?"

Ho! "If you brag more, the cow will go to heaven!"


As Lin Sen and Da Wu were bragging about the mountains, the train soon entered the East Station of Sijiu City. As the train came to a slow stop, a middle-aged man wearing a flight attendant uniform was seen, holding a big bag in his hand. The tin speaker was walking in the carriage, shouting, "We have arrived at Sijiucheng East Station, hurry up if you want to get off... Also, keep an eye on your valuables and beware of pickpockets!"

After Lin Sen and Dawu packed up their personal belongings, they got out of the car together with the crowd. Lin Sen was 1.8 meters 60 in height. Quite a bit stands out from the crowd.

The Sijucheng East Station is crowded with people, just like the endless river, people are like a tide!
After Lin Sen and Dawu got out of the car, they didn't rush to leave, they just slowly carried their luggage and moved towards the exit with the flow of people...

When there are too many people, it is inevitable that there will be some physical contact, and there are bursts of cursing one after another in the station.

Grass, a plant!
"Whoever touches my butt, be careful that I will chop it up for you!..."

"Mom! Labor and management are fucking men!..."

Well, there are fireworks everywhere in the world!This sometimes handsome man has to be careful when he goes out!
Lin Sen kept his composure away from the hand of the female pervert who stretched out his hand from time to time, hey... This man was handsome at times, his mother is also a sin...

This scene happened to be seen by Dawu, and this guy was overjoyed immediately,...Haha, your name is Zhang Deshuai! ... You deserve it!

But soon, Da Wu stopped laughing because he discovered that Lin Sen was surrounded by some pretty girls and wives. They were like guerrillas. When Lin Sen retreated, they would move in. When Lin Sen entered, they moved even further. No matter what, they had to rub against him twice.

Hey... people's hearts are not ancient!This handsome boy is going out, so be careful!Uh, real name envy!Jealousy... Big Five really wants to take his place and suffer this crime for the old squad leader!

After much effort, Lin Sen squeezed out of the crowd, and before he could breathe a sigh of relief, Da Wu became angry.

"Squad leader, you really don't know your blessings! There are so many big girls all around you..."



This Lin Sen is really handsome. According to the ceiling of human masculinity, except for Xiao Lizi and Gu Zai when he was young, who can be compared with him in a battle, the rest are like Yanzu, Dehua, Ji Brother and the like, it's more or less meaningless...

Uh, it seems that something strange has been mixed in!

You are really enough, little black boy!My brother Ji offended you, and I need you to play tricks on him like this. Do you know how hard Kunkun works every day? ...

Lin Sen took out a pack of cigarettes, and flicked one to Da Wu, "Da Wu, let's stop here. After I settle down, we brothers will get together again!"

"Okay, monitor... No, Brother Sen! See you later!"

After smoking a cigarette, Lin Sen and Da Wu waved to each other, and then got on two buses, one heading east and one heading west.

Lin Sen got on the bus and just put down his luggage when an auntie from the conductor came over and shouted: "I've bought a ticket! If you have a monthly pass, show your monthly pass, and if you don't have a monthly pass, pay five cents..."

Naturally, Lin Sen didn't have a monthly pass, so he took out a five-cent coin from his pocket, then handed it to the conductor, and got a five-cent ticket voucher.

The buses in the 60s are simply beyond words!Not to mention the various mixed smells in the car, and the speed of this bus, which is only a little faster than a bicycle, and then it is wobbly, like a fucking boat Shaking, shaking, shaking all the way to Grandma Bridge...

"Nanluoguxiang is here, has anyone got off?"

Following the conductor's yell, Lin Sen hurriedly shouted, "Yes! There are people getting off the bus!"

Carrying the luggage, Lin Sen couldn't help retching twice when he got out of the bus. Damn it, this bus is really disgusting. .

Damn it, if you kill Lin Sen from now on, he won't take this bus anymore... Damn, it's killing people!
After resting for a while, Lin Sen picked up his luggage, and strode into the alley in his memory.

"Hey! Isn't this the boss of the Lin family? Why did you come back as a soldier?"

At this time, countless memories flooded Lin Sen's mind. He looked at the old man in front of him, "Grandma Tao, you are lucky... Yes, I just came back from serving in the army. No, the train just got off..."

(End of this chapter)

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