Siheyuan: I really won

Chapter 3 Lively

Chapter 3 Lively
From the alley entrance of Nanluogu Lane to Lin Sen's original home, it took him only a few minutes to walk for about [-] minutes. There was no way. The neighbors who recognized him along the way were all enthusiastic. Come up to say hello like a fire, and then chat casually.

"Hey... Isn't this Dalinzi? You have been a soldier for many years, and I almost don't recognize you, sir!"

"Uncle Zhao, you are in good health!"

"Da Linzi, it's me...why don't you recognize me? I, the fourth of the Han family..."

"Little Four? Hey, hey... I really didn't recognize this... Hey. It's said that this girl has changed eighteen times. I didn't expect that you, a boy, can change so much!"

In front of him is a bald man with a full face and blinking eyes. If Lin Sen hadn't heard his introduction, he would not have recognized him. This is the guy who followed his ass all the time when he was a child, with a runny nose. Pretty little boy...

It's just that Lin Sen has been away from home for too long, and now everything in his memory feels like things are different.

"Da Linzi, you won't go out again when you go home this time?"

"Aunt Yang, I am changing jobs this time, and I won't go out after I come back."

At the corner of her face, a middle-aged woman with a big black mole heard this and immediately slapped her thigh, "Oh...Da Linzi, do you want to marry a wife after changing jobs? If you want, Yang Auntie will give you an introduction?...Hey! Why are you running away, brat? You come back, come back and auntie tells you the truth! I know a girl who looks very handsome, and she works in a ministry of machinery..."

When Aunt Yang spoke, Lin Sen immediately picked up the bucket... Bah!He ran away with his luggage, not even daring to say a word to her.

This Aunt Yang is a well-known matchmaker in the alley near his house. She was nicknamed Yang Tiezui!That mouth of hers is really talking to people, talking nonsense to hell!Can call death alive...

This is true. Once in their alley, there was a girl who lost a hand due to a work-related accident. The girl couldn't get married right away!However, in the end, after Yang Tiezui's words, the man was limped directly... Taking the girl with the severed hand as an excuse, she successfully married him off.

Ho ho, that's a good saying!A matchmaker's mouth, a deceitful ghost... Just Yang Tiezui's words about introducing blind dates to others, if this is left in later generations, Lin Sen reckons that it would be enough to file a fraud case if he just took out one of them alone!

Lin Sen spent a lot of energy before he successfully broke free from the hands of the enthusiastic neighbors. Then, carrying his bag, Lin Sen came to the middle of the alley, in front of the gate of a three-entry courtyard.

"Huh..." Lin Sen was a little excited in his heart. Inheriting the memory of the original body is equivalent to accepting the emotions of the original body. Therefore, Lin Sen suddenly felt a little hesitant when he was at the door!
Why!I don't know, his sister, do you still remember this brother who has been away from home for many years?

Speaking of which, Lin Sen, the elder brother, is indeed a bit inadequate. After serving in the army for many years, in addition to sending money to his family on time every month, he really has a dark eye on the current situation at home!

Why!Extending the head is a knife, and shrinking the head is also a knife!This is what you should face, and you still have to face it after all...

So Lin Sen took two deep breaths at the gate, and strode forward with a bag in his hand.

"Hey, hey... young man, what are you doing? Why don't you even say a word and just rush in!"

Lin Sen had mustered up all his courage and had the heroic spirit of a warrior who would never return, but it was instantly destroyed by the sudden appearance of the four-eyed old man.

As soon as Lin Sen entered the compound gate, he was stopped by the four-eyed old man guarding the gate, "Young man, who are you looking for?"

I am Nima!Lin Sen looked at the old man who looked vaguely familiar but couldn't think of a name, and was wondering...who is this man!
I was thinking about something in my heart, but my mouth was bald first, "Mr. Yan, it's me, Lin Sen who lives in the intermediate hospital..."

Teacher Yan?A gleam of light suddenly flashed in Lin Sen's mind, and he immediately remembered why the old man looked familiar to him.

Nima!This four-eyed old man is actually the third uncle, Yan Bugui, from a TV series called "Love in the Courtyard" that I watched when I was bored with acne scars in my later life!

Grass is a plant...

No wonder he heard the name of the Red Star Rolling Mill that Dawu said at the beginning was very familiar!Feelings have come through this TV series that ruins the three views... It's just, I'm a big fool!
"Love Man Courtyard" is actually more suitable to be called Qin Man, because none of the people living in this courtyard is a damn good person, and the courtyard is full of beasts... It's not right, there are still people in this courtyard. There are not many good people, only one and a half of them!

This one is Xu Damao's daughter-in-law in the yard, a daughter-in-law from a wealthy family, Lou Xiao'e!
There's still half... that's the four-eyed old man in front of him, Yan Pugui who claims to be a penny-pinching iron worker!

In this whole play, don't look at Yan Pugui, he is calculating and calculating, but to be honest, this old man still has some moral bottom line for the first uncle Yi Zhonghai and the second uncle Liu Haizhong... …

What the old man said every day, "You can't eat poorly, you can wear endlessly, and you will be poor if you can't figure it out", but it is also because of the current environment of the era.

This Yan Bugui is an ordinary teacher in a small red star courtyard, and his monthly salary is not enough for a family of old snacks. If he lives carefully, there are seven or eight people in his family, so he can only open his mouth to drink Northwest wind pipe to fill his stomach. up!

"Intermediary...Lin Sen? Hey, are Da Linzi!"

After hearing Lin Sen's words, Yan Bugui took a closer look at the young man in front of him. Not to mention, it overlapped with a face that was particularly deep in his memory.

"Yeah! Third uncle, are you thinking of me?"

"I remember, I remember..." Yan Bugui looked at Lin Sen with a complex expression and nodded. Then he hesitated for a while and then said, "Da Lin! Are you here specifically for a funeral?"

Lin Sen shook his head, his tone full of depression, "No, third master, this time I came back from a job change, and I won't go out in the future... Now I want to watch over my sister to live a life so that I can raise her up!"

"That's it! Then go home quickly, the third uncle won't keep you..." Yan Bugui's tone was full of unknown meaning, which made Lin Sen look at him with some doubts.

"Well... Third uncle, I'll go back first! Let's talk when we have time!" Lin Sen picked up his luggage and strode forward.

It wasn't until Lin Sen's figure disappeared behind the moon arch in the courtyard, with Yan Bugui standing at the gate behind him, that he raised the corners of his mouth with a hint of ridicule.

Whoa!The yard is going to be lively now, let you Yi Zhonghai turn your ass, and give the Lin family's house to the Jia family. Now that the former alley bully is back, I see you old man, how should you deal with it!

(End of this chapter)

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