Siheyuan: I really won

Chapter 4 The house is occupied?

Chapter 4 The house is occupied?
After Lin Sen arrived at the middle courtyard, he took a quick look and found that the layout was very different from the one he remembered.

There was a large courtyard and a public pool in the middle, with seven or eight rooms scattered around it. Lin Sen looked a little excited. He had returned to this place where he had lived for more than ten years.

Along the bluestone road, Lin Sen came to the door of his house. At this time, the door was slightly closed, and there were voices in the house from time to time, coming from inside.

Lin Sen didn't listen carefully either, he thought it was his sister in the room, so he immediately opened the door and walked in.

"Little sister...Brother, come back to L." Before he could say the word, Lin Sen was stunned. This, this...who the hell is this white wild boar?Why in your own home.

"Hey, what! Who are you? Just open the door and enter the house at will?"

Not knowing why Lin Sen asked why the white boar was at home, unexpectedly, he was beaten up and asked by the white boar first.

"Hey!" It's really fucking strange that when I go home by myself, I'm still being questioned by someone...

"Who are you? Why are you at my house?" Lin Sen asked with a frown.

"What is your house... This is my house!" The white wild boar immediately jumped up from the bench when she heard Lin Sen's words. She pointed at Lin Sen arrogantly, with a vicious voice on her face.

"You family!...Fuck your mother! I have lived in this house for more than ten or twenty years. When will this house belong to your family!"

Hearing Lin Sen's words, the white wild boar in the house stopped for a while, and she looked at Lin Sen carefully before she recognized who he was!
"You are Lin Sen? Didn't you say that you fell off yourself? Why did you jump out from the crack of the rock again?" White Wild Boar Jia Zhang muttered a few words in her mouth, and then continued to say confidently: "Lin Sen Sen, this was originally your house, but now it's not... This house has been allocated to our Jia family by the elder in the courtyard, and the house will have nothing to do with your Lin family..."

Oh, what a guy!Lin Sen laughed angrily at these words!The house was allocated to the Jia family by the first uncle?What kind of legal illiteracy is this to say these words with confidence?

Damn, this uncle is a fart!He still divides the house?This old man has a feather right to distribute his house?Nima, this old thing is so awesome, why can't it go to the sky...

"Hey! Mrs. Jia Zhang, you said that this house was allocated to you by the elder Yi Zhonghai?"

Jia Zhang raised her head high, "That's right... who made your Lin family a bunch of short-lived ghosts, and now you and that little girl are the only ones left to die! How can you two brothers and sisters live in such a spacious house... "

Grass!a plant…

When Lin Sen heard the insult, his heart burned with anger. What does it mean to be furious? This is it!

Lin Sen's short hair on the top of his head stood up angrily. He strode forward suddenly, and a crisp "slap" slap rang out in the room.

Jia Zhang, who was originally looking very proud, was instantly stunned by Lin Sen's big sinus. She looked blankly at Lin Sen, who was exuding a strong evil spirit...

Unforgivable!Jia Zhang covered her face, recovered from her daze, and was about to get angry when she suddenly saw Lin Sen's eyes emitting a cold light that seemed to freeze her soul.

Tsk tsk... What kind of eyes are those eyes... Empty, dull, without a trace of emotion in them, looking at her is like looking at a dead person.

The voice that was scolding to the throat was suppressed by Jia Zhang, I am so good!This, this, can scare a pig to death!

"you you……"

Jia Zhang didn't dare to scold or say anything. She could only point at Chu Heng and keep saying,, your endless...

"Next time, if I hear you insulting my parents, Mrs. Jia Zhang...I will make your life worse than death!...Get out of my house right now, or...huh!"

Following Chu Heng's cold snort, Mrs. Jia and Zhang ran away as if they were impressed... She didn't even care about the things that belonged to her in the house, she was so frightened that she peed her shit!
Lin Sen is a soldier who has experienced the rain of swords, guns and swords on the battlefield, mountains of corpses and seas of blood. A hellish ghost like him can be said to have crawled out of the dead. He is full of that kind of indifference and disregard for life. It's simply not something an ordinary housewife who doesn't even know a whole lot of characters can afford!

After Jiazhang ran out of the house, the sun in the sky immediately dispelled the cold feeling all over her body, and then the white wild boar felt that he could do it again!
"Damn it! Lin, you wait... When Yi Zhonghai gets off work, I will make you look good!"

She swears viciously in her heart that Jia Zhang's fleshy face is twisted together, and then the two remaining girls of the Jia family, Xiaodang and Huaihua, seem to be too nervous...for fear that their grandma will Anger was vented on them.

After Lin Sen kicked Jia Zhang away, he sat on the bench and fell into deep thought while looking at the beams on the roof.

To be honest, Lin Sen started to apply for changing jobs as soon as he received the news that his mother was critically ill. Last leg!

These days, transportation is not as developed as in later generations. As long as you have money, you can be a 24-hour tourist special force at any time. You are still in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province during the day... As a result, you can fly from Lu Province to Mount Tai at night...

But it is impossible to drop now!It was really not easy to travel far away in the 60s!Not only do you need a letter of introduction and a letter of certification, but without these two things, you can't even buy a train ticket.

The key is the means of transportation, the slow train, not only is it slow, but it also stops at every stop, and after a journey, it can drive people crazy!
Why!I don't know how my little sister has been treated unfairly during the period of her mother's death. Damn, even my own house dares to make plans, I don't know what else, it's these beasts Don't dare to do things!

Lin Sen's sitting lasted all afternoon!It wasn't until Yi Zhonghai came home from get off work that Jia Zhang couldn't bear the anger in her heart. She rushed out and grabbed his sleeves, and then started her daily routine...

"Master, you have to be the master of our Jia family... We orphans and widows can't live anymore... We dare not speak up after being bullied!"

Uh, Yi Zhonghai's face turned dark when he watched Jia Zhang wipe the snot all over his face.

"Jia Zhang, don't make trouble for no reason. The Lin family's house has been allocated to you. What else do you want..."

Before Yi Zhonghai could say the words, Lin Sen had already opened the door and walked out... Under the setting sun that year!With his hands in his pockets right now, he doesn't even know what an opponent is...

(End of this chapter)

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