Siheyuan: I really won

Chapter 5 Pig Teammates!

Chapter 5 Pig Teammates!
At this time, in the center of the yard, many neighbors had gathered to watch the excitement because of Jia Zhang's behavior.

In the 60s, there were not many entertainment activities, so every time Jia Zhang and her daughter behaved, the courtyard would be very lively. They were all smiling and pointing at Jia Zhang and Yi Zhonghai. , guessing to each other which family should be unlucky in the courtyard today... Jia Zhang's crying, fussing and hanging herself seems to have become a common thing in the courtyard.

Lin Sen came out of the house with his hands in his pockets, looked at Yi Zhonghai who was surrounded by the crowd, then pushed aside the crowd and walked straight to him.

"Yi Zhonghai, I heard that you gave my house to the Jia family to live in?"

As soon as Lin Sen finished speaking, Yi Zhonghai suddenly raised his head. He looked at Lin Sen, with a hint of disbelief flashing deep in his eyes, "You are?"

Lin Sen stared at Yi Zhonghai and said coldly: "What? Yi Zhonghai, you have already guessed it!... That's right, I, Lin Sen, am back!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Sen sneered, "Also, Yi Zhonghai, you are so old-fashioned, you are really a piece of shit, it is a shame that the steward in this yard asked you to do it, now even my house can Assign them at will, or you don’t want to be your eighth-level worker at the Red Star Rolling Mill, and go directly to the street to work, and there is still a lack of a director..."

Lin Sen's sarcasm made Yi Zhonghai's complexion change drastically. Ever since he was promoted to the eighth-level worker in the Red Star Rolling Mill, he would always be greeted with compliments wherever he went. Master Yi.

Now being bullied by a young man like Lin Sen with such shameless and eccentric vibes, he is so angry...

But the difference between Yi Zhonghai and Mr. Jia Zhang is that he knows a lot and has more knowledge... Unlike Mr. Jia Zhang, the white wild boar, who has long hair and short knowledge, only knows about the three-thirds of an acre of land at home!
Seeing Lin Sen's menacing look, Yi Zhonghai knew that this matter would definitely not be easy to resolve today, so he cheered up and dealt with it carefully.

"Lin Sen, don't talk nonsense... When did I assign your house to the Jia family?... Before your parents passed away, Lin Bai was the only girl left in the house. I only let her be lonely and pitiful. The Jia family, which has a large family, went to stay temporarily! Don't wrong the good man..."

Tsk tsk, he is worthy of being a moral god in Qinmanli. His speaking skills are extraordinary, and he speaks with awe-inspiring righteousness. It is obvious that he allowed the Jia family to occupy his own house, but when this old man said, "I am doing this for your own good!"You have to be sensible and accept this favor from me... So, I have to thank her for occupying my house with Jia Zhang?
Lin Sen laughed angrily at Yi Zhonghai's shameless face, but before Lin Sen could speak, the Jia Zhang family on the side became fussy.

"Fart! Yi Zhonghai, that's not what you said before... You forgot how you promised me! You said you would let me live here for two years and wait until the news is over before you can find a way to transfer the house to my home!" Why did I end up staying temporarily?..."

Damn, this shameless old thing, if it weren't for this house, how could I easily let my daughter-in-law accompany you to the cellar!

"Let me tell you, Yi Zhonghai! If you don't get the house back to me today, our affairs will never be over..."

This Jia Zhang is really worthy of being a famous pig teammate!Her output like a self-destruct truck stunned everyone present.

No, no!Is there such a werewolf in this world who is so cruel that he even kills himself? ... Damn it, this guy is more than a ruthless person!
Yi Zhonghai never expected that Jia Zhang would actually undermine him. For a moment, with his knowledge, he didn't know how to fill this hole!
Just when Yi Zhonghai was too embarrassed to come down from the stage, a voice full of hustle and bustle sounded from behind the crowd.

"What are you doing, why are you doing this! Let it go, let it go, don't block my way home!"

Hearing this voice, Yi Zhonghai's brows were filled with joy. His number one thug, Silly Zhu, was here, and he was saved!
Sure enough, when Silly Zhu squeezed through the crowd and saw Yi Zhonghai with a look on his face, "As long as I am not embarrassed, the only one who will be embarrassed is everyone else," he immediately became excited...

"Oh, sir! What are you doing?"

Lin Sen frowned and looked at the sloppy male protagonist Silly Zhu, who was in his early thirties, covered in oil stains, and a not-so-good memory suddenly came to his mind.

Lin Sen was five or six years younger than Sha Zhu. When he was young, he was bullied by him. Later, when he grew up, he completely punished Sha Zhu until he was subdued.

"Zhuzi, you came just in time..." Yi Zhonghai was thinking about how to provoke Silly Zhu to deal with Lin Sen, but before he could finish speaking, he saw Lin Sen rushing towards him like a gust of wind, and then As soon as he raised his leg, he kicked him in the middle of Silly Zhu's crotch.

Just like when he kicked Xu Damao before, Shazhu immediately felt a huge pain in his crotch. As soon as his thighs were clamped on the spot, he collapsed on the ground limply, "Ouch! Ouch..." Calling non-stop.

This is as good as the stupid Zhu learned, and it really lives up to its reputation!One move made him taste what it means to be heartbroken!

"How about Silly Zhu? We haven't seen each other for five or six years. How about this greeting gift from grandpa?" Lin Sen stood aside with a smile, and then said to Silly Zhu who was arching like a maggot on the ground.

"Who are you!..."

Damn, Yi Zhonghai who was standing by was dumbfounded, why didn't Lin Sen play his cards according to the routine!He hasn't provoked yet, why did these two people start fighting!

However, this is fine!I can take the opportunity to catch Lin Sen for beating people...

"Lin Sen, how can you hit someone casually!" Yi Zhonghai quickly bent down to help Si Zhu up, then wiped his face and scolded Lin Sen.

"Beating? Grandpa, you are not mistaken! You didn't say it yourself, but you just got kicked. How could he count it as beating!"

Before Lin Sen could say anything, he was unhappy when he looked at the lively Xu Damao. When he was kicked, Yi Zhonghai was fighting for his life!
Now that it was Silly Zhu who was being cleaned up, Xu Damao stood up immediately, and then used Yi Zhonghai's original words to slap him back. In his heart, let alone how happy he is...

When Yi Zhonghai saw Xu Damao, he immediately felt a pang of regret for throwing a stone at his foot. Damn it...I must have gone out today and didn't read the almanac, otherwise everything would be wrong!
"Xu Damao, it's none of your business! Don't make yourself uncomfortable! Our account will be settled in the future..."

"You're the boss!" Before Silly Zhu could finish his words, Xu Damao rushed up and slapped his sinuses, and then hid behind Lin Sen. "Silly Zhu, don't settle our accounts later, settle them now. Get over it!"

Hehe... Now that Lin Sen is back, Xu Damao has found a backer.

(End of this chapter)

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