Chapter 22

As soon as the manager finished speaking, Lin Sen said coldly from the side.

"Hey! Comrade manager, your ability to open your eyes and tell lies is not bad... You said she was not feeling well? How could it be possible? When she hit someone, she was very healthy, she didn't look sick at all!"

Lin Sen did not follow the manager's words. Instead, he sneered and continued to flirt with the horse in front of the customers who were watching him eat!

Damn, this kid is really nothing!The manager listened and complained in his heart! ...I have already given in, why are you still holding on to it!
Seeing Lin Sen's unstoppable appearance and the manager's big head, he hurried to Lin Sen's side and begged in a low voice.

"Comrade, it's my fault that this happened today, please bear with me... Okay, how about later, comrade, everything you buy counts as mine?"

As it was about his black hat, the manager naturally attached great importance to it. When he saw that he could not do it, he immediately changed his attitude.

Lin Sen gave the manager a blank look,'s as if I touched porcelain on purpose, making it seem like I can't afford it.

"No, I have money myself!..."

In the end, Lin Sen looked at the manager's humble appearance, and his heart softened after all!

"Hmph! Let's just leave it as it is today... But if you keep this service attitude in the future, there won't be a next time!"

Anyway, Lin Sen just wanted to teach the woman who looked at people with her nostrils a lesson. Now that she has learned a lesson, she might as well let it go!

After all, this rabbit is impatient, and it can bite people. We really can't make a stranger to death...

Lin Sen declined the manager's request for money, then bought a bunch of pastries and candies before leaving the supply and marketing cooperative.

This family's money is not blown by strong winds, even though he is the manager of a supply and marketing cooperative, but his living conditions are just a little better than ordinary people.

No one really thinks that just because he is a manager, he can keep watch and steal in the supply and marketing cooperative, right?

Don't be naive, there are a lot of things in this supply and marketing cooperative, and someone will come to the store to check the accounts every month. If there is something that is not on the account, then he, the manager, will be considered at the end of his job.

The only advantage of working in a supply and marketing cooperative is that you can digest it internally and buy some items with defects that, uh, cannot be "sold"...

Seeing Lin Sen and Dawu going out, Hou Dahua who was beside him suddenly remembered something, and she hurriedly grabbed the manager's clothes.

"Manager, stop him quickly... That man smashed the glass of our counter just now! We can't let him escape..."

The manager rolled his eyes when he heard the words, bah!This Hou Dahua, where did you have the face to say such a thing? ...and still not let him go?Believe it or not, call people back, you will be the first one to be fired!
The manager was a little tired, "Hou Dahua, you caused this problem, you can figure it out yourself! Hmph... If you dare not fix it, the glass money will be deducted from your salary next month!"

Hou Dahua, this woman, really healed her scar and forgot about the pain. When she heard that her salary was going to be deducted, she immediately refused, "Why should I pay for the glass? I didn't break it...!"

As the manager's eyes gazed, Hou Dahua's voice became smaller and smaller, until finally it became silent!
"Hmph...Hou Dahua, let me tell you, I'll take care of you today, but next time someone says you have a bad attitude, quarrels with others, and fights! Then pack up and get out!"

The manager snorted coldly, and after finally saying a harsh word, Moshen also left.


Lin Sen and Da Wu carried the things they bought and returned to Cao's house together to meet Da Wu's parents.

"Hello, Uncle, Auntie! My name is Lin Sen..."

The Cao family's parents were obviously no strangers to Lin Sen's name. After all, they were their son's savior, and they welcomed him very warmly.

Lin Sen chatted with Cao's parents for a while, and finally saw that it was almost time for dinner, so he said goodbye, "Uncle, aunt! I'm not being polite to you, and today, my sister came back from school early, I I have to go back and prepare dinner for her... Next time, next time, we must have a drink with you uncle! Do you think it's okay?"

In the end, Lin Sen finally got rid of the enthusiastic Cao parents, and Dawu sent him out of the house, "Brother Sen! Don't forget tomorrow morning, we should report to the security department of the factory!"

Lin Sen waved at Da Wu, "Don't worry, I know, I will never forget... You should go back too!"

Walking all the way home, when he was about to reach the gate of the courtyard, Lin Sen thought about it carefully, and then in a deserted alley, he slipped out a piece of beef brisket weighing almost two catties from the farm space. After getting it in his hand, he walked back in big strides.

These days, ordinary people can't even eat whole grains, let alone meat.

Lin Sen walked around the market while carrying the meat, greeting the neighbors in the alley, and then made everyone salivate over the piece of meat in his hand.

Lin Sen didn't do this to show his holiness in front of others, and he was not stupid, so he naturally knew the truth of not revealing wealth and wealth.

But he had to do it again!Because there is a farm space, his family will definitely not be like ordinary people, eating radishes and cabbage every day... This must eat meat more often than ordinary people!
So in order to find a good excuse for his family to eat meat, Lin Sen had to bring two yuan back from time to time for others to see, otherwise it was inevitable that the neighbors next to him would think wildly...

You want to!This neighbor has never seen your family buy meat, but your family can eat meat... When the time comes, I will ask, where did this meat come from!Did you steal it?

So, don't challenge people's bottom line easily!Especially in Qinmanli, these beasts that eat people without spitting out their bones, when they are cruel, they simply have no trace of humanity!

As expected, Lin Sen swaggered into the gate of the courtyard carrying the meat. The third man with four eyes came up to him after smelling the smell and said with a smile on his face.

"Hey, Dalin! What did you do in the afternoon?"

The old man seemed to be talking to Lin Sen, but his eyes had been welded to the piece of meat in his hand like nails.

"Yo! Third Master, you didn't go to work today?" Lin Sen replied with a half-smile.

"Third Grandpa is resting today... Hehe, Dalin, I don't think there is anyone in your house, how about eating at Third Grandpa's house tonight? Just let your Third Grandpa cook two delicious dishes, and we two will have a drink together! "

Ha ha, free it!Who doesn't know that the wine in your house is mixed with water... Bah!No, it's made by mixing wine into water. Is that thing for people to drink?Anyway, he is not blessed to suffer...

"No, third master! My sister gets out of school early tonight, I'll go back and prepare dinner for her!"

How could the third master Yan Pugui, who would have lost money if he went out without picking up money, let Lin Sen go so easily, so that shrewd little eyeball, after a quick turn, made a plan and then made another plan!
(End of this chapter)

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