Siheyuan: I really won

Chapter 23 The Means of the White Lotus

Chapter 23 The Means of the White Lotus
Lin Sen was about to leave, but Yan Bugui stopped him with his hand, "Da Lin, Dalin... don't go!"

"What, is there anything else, Mr. Third?" Lin Sen looked irritated. This old thing is like a piece of brown sugar. If you don't take advantage of it after sticking to it, you can't get rid of it. Who can't help it if you meet him? Feeling uneasy?

This old guy is just a toad, lying on your feet. He doesn't bite, but he can kill you with his diaphragm!
"Da Lin... You see, you don't know how to cook. Aren't you wasting this good piece of meat by cooking?... Otherwise, give me the meat and I'll ask your third aunt to cook it and send it to you. how?"

When Lin Sen heard the old man's shameless words, he suddenly rolled his eyes... Damn it!You four-eyed toad, you really dare to say that!

Do I waste food when I cook?Does your home-cooked food taste delicious? ...Tch, old thing!Don’t think I don’t know. These three aunts are so stingy when it comes to cooking. They can’t even put the oil and salt for normal cooking!

When the dish is cooked, apart from ensuring that it is cooked, the rest of the dish has no taste at all, just like it was boiled in water...

"Third Master, you don't need to worry about my family's affairs. I can cook by myself. Although this skill is not very good, at least I am willing to pour oil! After all, too much oil does not spoil the dishes..."

Lin Sen secretly taunted the old man with words, and then turned around and left without giving him a chance to continue talking.

"Hey, hey... Dalin, don't leave! Bring the meat, and I'll ask your third aunt to add more oil when frying it. Do you think so? Dalin, big...!"

The old man chased after him and shouted, but Lin Sen quickly disappeared behind the moon gate in the front yard without even turning his head.

Seeing Lin Sen's back disappearing, Yanbu Guicai took a sip and whispered, "Who is this guy? He's so petty, and I wasted so much time drooling!"

As a result, when the third master turned his head, he saw Sha Zhu again, carrying two lunch boxes with his hands behind his back, staggering, and walked in with splayed steps.

"Hey! Zhuzi, are you off work?..." Good guy, the old man's goalkeeping job continues to be open for business!
"Yeah! Third Master, you got off work early enough today!"

"Hi! The third master is off work today and didn't go to work...Zhu Zi, I see you brought a lunch box back, do you want to have a drink with the third master?" Tsk tsk, this old man is really a fucking talent, what he said Yes, that's called a skilled person who doesn't miss a single word.

Don't look at the silly character in his name, but whoever really treats him as a fool is really stupid!
As far as Yan Bugui's water is mixed with wine, how could Sha Zhu agree?

He immediately refused, "Goodbye, Third Uncle, today my sister gets off school early, and I have to prepare a good meal for her. Let's drink it next time, the next time we have a chance!" After saying that, Silly Zhu ran away.

"Hey, these two! Who are they..." Yan Bugui stomped his feet angrily at the back. These two fat sheep passed by him, but they didn't even pull off a hair, but let this old guy It hurts so bad.

When Silly Zhu entered the middle courtyard, he heard Jia Zhang cursing in a low voice, "This little bastard surnamed Lin is really nothing, he bought such a big piece of meat, even an old man like me doesn't know how to show respect! Bah, the little bastard who can't be bothered by his parents, he's not afraid that his stomach will be rotten if he eats this meat..."

Jia Zhang didn't dare to scold Lin Sen in front of her, so she only dared to hide behind her and beep quietly. However, when she turned around and saw the lunch box in Silly Zhu's hand, her eyes immediately lit up.

"Si Zhu, what are you carrying in your hand? Is it for my family to eat?" After Jia Zhang finished speaking, she stepped forward and arrogantly tried to snatch the lunch box from Si Zhu's hand.

As a result, Silly Zhu frowned, and then dodged to avoid the fat pig's trotter stretched out by Jia Zhang.

"Aunt Jia, this lunch box is not for your family today... My sister will be back from school later, so I won't tell you now!"

When Silly Zhu returned home, he heard Mrs. Jia Zhang banging the door while cursing, "Bah, your sister is just a little girl who loses money. Why can she eat my lunch box? Silly Zhu quickly bring me the lunch box... "

The farce continued until Jia Zhang's daughter-in-law, Qin Huairu, came back from get off work.

When Qin Huairu knew that Sha Zhu had brought back two lunch boxes, she immediately asked Jia Zhang to go home first, and then brought a plate of peanuts and a small half bottle of wine, and knocked on the door.

"Pillar, open the door! It's me..."

"Yo! Sister Qin, why are you here?" As expected of the eldest brother on the dog licking list, Sha Zhu immediately opened the door when he heard Qin Huairu's voice, and then asked with a smile on his face.

"Zhuzi, it's been a long time since I came to clean your house for you. I happen to be free today, so I'll help you clean it up..."

Qin Huairu put the peanuts and wine on the table, and then skillfully took out a small wooden basin from under Shazhu's bed.

Qin Huairu said that she was cleaning up the house, but in fact, she was just helping Sha Zhu wash his clothes, and this woman was quite a thug, when she cleaned up Sha Zhu's clothes, she deliberately took the clothes of Sha Zhu. The red underpants, which had been worn on both sides for a few days, were placed on the most conspicuous top of the tub.

Silly Zhu was originally sitting on the table in an old spirit, put a peanut into his mouth with his chopsticks, then picked up the wine glass to sip lightly, and smacked it, not to mention, he actually felt a sense of satisfaction in his heart.

Well!This wife and children are hot on the bed, although he doesn't have any, but now Qin Huairu is helping him clean up the house and doing housework, and himself... just like her, sitting on the table drinking wine and chatting about household chores... …

Tsk, Shazhu is feeling beautiful in his heart!Then when she turned her head, she saw Qin Huairu's unusually bright red underpants in the laundry tub in her arms.

"Ouch! My sister, why did you take out your underwear..."

Silly Zhu hurriedly got up and snatched the wooden basin from Qin Huairu's hand, "Sister Qin, I really don't need you to wash these clothes, I can do it myself!"

And Qin Huairu didn't want to help Shazhu wash his clothes, otherwise he wouldn't have put the red underpants on top of the wooden basin that would cause misunderstanding.

So, taking advantage of the situation, she let go of her hand, her eyes turned red, and she was about to cry, "Zhuzi, why do you think I am so miserable... Woo, woo..."

"Sister Qin, please don't cry... What happened in this family?"

Qin Huairu is worthy of being the white lotus of the king rank, she is crying like pear blossoms with rain, making Shazhu feel heartbroken when she sees it.

"Zhuzi, my sister's life is miserable! This man left early, and he raised three children alone... This life was already very tight. Today, Banggeng saw the Lin family eating meat and kept crying. , my sister said a few words to him, and my mother-in-law started making a fuss...Zhuzhu, tell me, how can I make this kid like Bangge eat meat?"

(End of this chapter)

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