Siheyuan: I really won

Chapter 24 A Promising Man

Chapter 24 A Promising Man
When Qin Huairu cried, Silly Zhu panicked. He watched Qin Huairu's big tears dripping down on the ground, and in his heart, he had already forgotten about his sister.

"Hey, Sister Qin! What am I doing? I just want to eat meat! There's nothing to cry about. Come on, take these two lunch boxes. Inside are the leftovers I brought back from the cafeteria. Take them back. Give stick to eat..."

Ho!The leftovers in Silly Zhu's mouth are different from the leftovers in ordinary people's mouths.

Silly Zhu is the master chef of the small stove in the third canteen of Hongxing Steel Rolling Plant. He takes advantage of his position. Every time the factory leaders entertain guests in the third canteen, every dish on the table has to be deducted by his hands. a little down.

What is the old saying about it, that if cooks don’t steal, there won’t be enough grains, what the leaders of this factory eat, what is in this silly lunch box.

"Zhuzi, this, this is not good... Today is the day when Yushui leaves school early, I took away the lunch box, what does Yushui eat?"

Qin Huairu is a woman who is really standing up and down, saying that she is embarrassed, but she is holding the lunch box tightly in her hand, and she has no intention of letting go.

"Hey! Yushui hasn't eaten anything delicious before? It's not bad for one or two meals... There are some radishes and vegetables in the house. I can fry them casually, just deal with them!"

Silly Zhu waved his hand nonchalantly, signaling Qin Huairu to go back quickly. He sat down on the table again, picked up the wine glass and took a sip.

"Okay, Zhuzi, that sister is leaving!" Qin Huairu said, then nimbly snatched the wine glass from Sha Zhu's hand, put the cap on the bottle, and left with the bottle .

"Hey, Sister Qin, give me another drink... I can drink this wine if I have one!"

Qin Huairu didn't even look back, "Zhuzi, let's keep this wine for you, let's drink it next time! ... Then eat the peanut rice quickly, otherwise it won't taste good if it's soft!"

Shit, Qin Huairu is a woman who has really plucked her hair like a wild goose and left her skin like a beast. It is estimated that mosquitoes flying past her will have to be scraped off a little bit!

Silly Zhu looked at Qin Huairu's twisting buttocks, then laughed at himself, reached out and grabbed a peanut and threw it into his mouth, "Hey, what do you mean by this! You don't even give me more wine Take a sip..." However, as long as the goddess is happy!

Not to mention the story of Shazhu, Lin Sen, when he got home, he lit the fire and boiled the water. This is a full-fledged act... If the fire is not turned on at home, how can he serve vegetables from the farm processing factory? ?

At around six o'clock in the evening, Lin Sen estimated the time when Lin Bai would be out of school, and a few minutes in advance, he brought out two or three plates of vegetables from the farm and put them on the dining table.

Sure enough, not long after Lin Sen put the dishes on the table, the familiar sound of bicycle bells rang from far to near.

"Xiaobai, come to my house to eat tonight, my brother should have cooked a meal!" This was He Yushui's voice inviting Lin Bai to her house for dinner.

"No rain, my brother promised me that he will cook me a big meal tonight!" Lin Bai refused without thinking.

"Okay! Xiaobai, I'll go back first. See you tomorrow..."

As He Yuyu left, Lin Bai parked the car and dove into the kitchen, "Brother, what delicious food did you make today?... Wow! Brother, this is too rich! Tomato beef brisket , braised lion head, and what is this? My favorite, big elbow in sauce!"

Lin Bai was startled and stretched out his hand to grab the big elbow, but was hit by Lin Sen with a chopstick, "There are no rules, wash your hands quickly!"

In front of the delicious food, Lin Bai's fighting capacity was immediately full. After washing his hands, he grabbed the big elbow and was about to enjoy it when he suddenly heard a fierce quarrel next door.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuntnniuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuntupuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu !”

He Yushui's cries ended, and then Sha Zhu said in a louder voice: "What's the matter! Isn't this radish and greens food? Others can eat them, so why can't you eat them? Yushui, you are just used to it." The problem... Huh! You will be hungry for two meals, but whatever you eat will be delicious!"

Then there was a loud slamming of the door, and He Yushui ran out from Shazhu's house crying "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo".

Hearing her little sister's cry, Lin Bai grabbed her elbow and lost her appetite for a moment. She raised her head and glanced at Lin Sen, her eyes slightly pleading, "Brother!"

Lin Sen and Lin Bai have a perfect tacit understanding between brothers and sisters. When they call each other brother, they will know what each other means!

Lin Sen continued to cook without even raising his head, "If you want to go, go, anyway, He Yushui doesn't need a pair of chopsticks at home!"

"Hey! Thank you, brother...Brother, you are the best brother in the world!"

Lin Bai smiled and sent a rainbow fart, and then ran out of the house and went to He Yuyu's small room.

After a while, Lin Bai took He Yushui, whose eyes were swollen from crying, back to the kitchen.

Lin Bai continued to shout flatteringly, "Brother!"

"Sit down, Yushui! When you come to me, it's like your own home, don't be polite!"

Lin Sen smiled at Yu Yu, and then asked her to sit down. Lin Bai also went to the kitchen to get a pair of bowls and chopsticks.

"Yu Shui, come!" Lin Bai handed the bowl and chopsticks to He Yu Shui, and then grabbed the big elbow and divided it in two, "I can't eat all of this big elbow, we are just half of each other!"

He Yuyu lowered her head. She didn't dare to look up at Lin Sen, so she could only say thank you to Lin Bai in a low voice.

"Okay, I'm full...Little girl, eat slowly with Yushui! I'm going back to the house first!"

After seeing He Yuyu plowing the rice carefully without even daring to pick up the vegetables, Lin Sen stood up and said.

After Lin Sen returned to the house, He Yushui let her go slowly, "Thank you Xiaobai, if it weren't for you, I..."

Saying that, He Yushui's eyes turned red again!
"It's okay Yu Yu, we are good sisters! From now on, if you are wronged at home, come to my house. My brother said that you will not be short of a pair of chopsticks at home!"

"Well, thank you too, Brother Lin!..."

"Okay, don't thank me anymore, let's eat quickly! I've been hungry for a long time."

Like a gust of wind, the two little girls swept away all the food on the table.

Finally, when Lin Bai and He Yuyu carried the dishes to the sink to wash them, they saw Silly Zhu, whose face was as dark as a pot helmet.

Lin Bai immediately snorted at him, "Yu Yu, if Silly Zhu dares to bully you again next time, tell me and I will ask my brother to beat him up... Bah, you are a worthless man. My own sister is bullying me!"

The last sentence, Lin Bai obviously said to Sha Zhu, he was so angry that he fell on his back!
It's a pity that Shazhu didn't dare to offend Lin Bai no matter how angry he was. After all, where is his brother's force value?
(End of this chapter)

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