Chapter 25
After a dreamless night, when the first ray of light shined through the glass on the window into the room the next morning, Lin Sen had already woken up.

He got up and put on clothes, brushed his teeth and washed his face, then started to light the fire and cook. There was a "sting" sound, and then a smell of burnt eggs spread far away through the cracks in the kitchen window and door.

The second boy of the Zhao family, who lives next door to the Lin family's kitchen, was still in bed and refused to get up. He sniffed his nose hard at the smell, and his saliva immediately flowed down three thousand feet. Well... this is for fried eggs. smell!
The second kid from the Zhao family started yelling without even looking away, "Mom! Mom!...Does our family have fried eggs this morning?"

Aunt Zhao, who also smelled the smell of burnt eggs, cast an annoyed look at the restless second boy, "Eat eggs? I think you look like eggs?"

After saying that, Aunt Zhao slapped the second son of her family on the buttocks fiercely, "Get up quickly!" Then she secretly swallowed her saliva, cursed and went to the kitchen to cook stick noodle porridge.

"This Dalin! It's obvious from the first glance that he doesn't know how to live as a master. He only eats fried eggs in the morning... I don't want to live like this anymore!"

Ho!As I said, of course we have to live this life...and we have to get better and better and become more and more prosperous!
Lin Sen, who doted on his sister every day, had fried a plate of poached eggs and cooked a pot of noodles before knocking on the door to wake someone up.

"Bang...bang bang...bang bang bang!" Lin Sen knocked on the door panel hard, "Xiaobai, get up quickly. I'm going to eat noodles today. If you don't get up, the noodles will become lumpy!"

"I got it, brother...I'll get up right now!" After Lin Bai's feeble voice when he just woke up came from the room, Lin Sen returned to the kitchen and helped to put out the cooked noodles.

Then he sat at the dining table and waited for a long time. When the noodles were all lumpy, Lin Bai, the little girl, still didn't go out.

Your uncle, needless to say, this little girl must have gone back to sleep again...

"Bang... bang bang bang!" As a last resort, Lin Sen could only continue to knock on the door, "Lin Bai, don't force me to kick the door in and lift the quilt, get up quickly..."

After all, Lin Bai is now a big girl. Although the two are brothers and sisters, there is a difference between men and women... Lin Sen can no longer be the same as when he was a child, he can enter and leave his sister's room at will.

It seems that I have to speed up my plan to find a sister-in-law for my younger sister, otherwise I will be bored to death by knocking on the door endlessly all day long.

"Wake up, wake up..." After a while, Lin Bai, who had hair like a chicken coop, opened the door with sleepy eyes, her face full of wake-up anger.

"Oh, brother, you are so annoyed! I have a rare day off today, so you can't let me sleep in..."

Lin Sen glanced at his idiot and stupid sister, and then said with disgust: "Hurry up, brush your teeth, wash your face, and clean up your personal hygiene... You're an eighteen-year-old girl, why don't you want any face!... Go quickly, otherwise your face will be lumpy!"

After Lin Bai heard this, he bared his teeth in dissatisfaction and wanted to bite him. How could anyone say that about his sister?

After Lin Sen finished speaking, he turned and left. He returned to the kitchen, looked at the lumpy noodles, and stretched out his hand. In the blink of an eye, the noodles on the table were replaced with a new bowl!
After waiting for a while, Lin Bai tidied up and walked in, and the two brothers and sisters began to eat...

The Lin family has a rule of saying nothing during food and sleep since they were young, so after Lin Sen and Lin Bai finished eating, Lin Sen said: "Little sister, my eldest brother is going to report to the factory today... For lunch, there is still some beef at home, you Feel free to eat whatever you want! In the evening, my eldest brother will take you to Aunt Wang’s house for a good meal..."

Lin Bai nodded, indicating that he understood, "Yes, I understand... But, brother! When we go to Aunt Wang's house, do you need me to buy gifts in advance?"

Lin Sen waved his hand, "You don't have to worry about this, brother, I have my own arrangements! Just don't worry about being hungry at noon!... By the way, little girl, you have a rest today, so you shouldn't go out, right? I'll wait for the bike Ride away..."

This bicycle of the Lin family was bought when Lin's mother was alive. If the plot of the original novel is followed and Lin Sen did not change his job and go home, but took his sister to the army station to live with the army, there must be no such big item as a bicycle. There is a way to bring it on the train.

So based on Lin Bai's character, she would most likely give the bicycle to her little sister He Yuyu. This would explain why she could still afford He Yuyu when Silly Zhu didn't pay much attention to He Yuyu at all. There's a reason for having a bike.

As for those who say that Shazhu is good to his sister and bought her a car, we can only say that you did not read the plot carefully. According to the original plot, after He Yueyue got married, she saw it from the perspective of the completion of the courtyard house.

If this silly pillar was even remotely reliable, He Yuyu wouldn't be stupid enough to break up with his parents' family and never have any contact with each other forever.Cutting off contact with her mother's family is just like an ancient martial arts master who abandoned his martial arts. It's incredible.

When getting married these days, after a woman gets married, her status and treatment in her husband's family are completely different, whether she has the support of her mother-in-law's family or not!There's no comparison at all...

With the support of her natal family, if the woman's life in her in-law's house is not going well, she has the confidence to yell, "I can't make it through this day, let's go back to my natal family!" Men can't be flattered... they're so high that they'll be caught and beaten by their brother-in-law or brother-in-law.

But, if there is no natal family, that woman will be miserable!Have you ever seen those daughter-in-laws who married far away and had an unsatisfactory life in later generations?Rejected by her husband and manipulated by her mother-in-law, she didn't even have a place to cry.

It's okay for future generations, this woman really can't live anymore, the worst is to buy a ticket and leave, but in the 60s, this woman without a natal family dared not even mention divorce, so she could only swallow her anger live a lifetime.Tsk tsk, it's miserable just thinking about it!

Why!There is no way to describe it in one word...

After Lin Sen made arrangements for his younger sister, he went back to the house and changed into clean clothes, then pushed his bicycle and strode out of the courtyard.

"Hey! Dalin, what are you going to do so early in the morning? You are still pushing the cart. Are you going on a long trip?..."

As soon as Lin Sen came out of the middle courtyard, he saw Xu Damao standing at the door of the front courtyard and a dignified-looking woman beside him.

When Xu Damao saw Lin Sen, he waved to him with a smile on his face.

"Hey! Why are you going so far away? I just found a job, and now I'm going to report!..."

(End of this chapter)

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